Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Horatio was in turn captivated by the brown eyes that shone down on him like polished wood as his lover slowly ran his fingers along his skin. It seemed as if every pore was responding in its own individual way to the soft brushing of the fingertips as they traversed their course. Horatio gripped the sheets, unable to keep still. His heart pounded in his ears.

Rick was beginning to realize that the timebomb under his hands was becoming a volcano. He knew he would need to do something to manage the lava that was building with every beat of his and Horatio's hearts. Rick reached for the bottle of red wine that he'd set on the nightstand before following Horatio into the kitchen earlier. Holding it away from Horatio's view, he got it open. Then holding it over the redhead's chest, he began to let it trickle onto the man's eager, awakening skin, while letting the fingers of his other hand trail in a slow caress. Rick got the reaction he wanted. The wine was still cold enough to produce a surprised, "Aaaah!" from Horatio.
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The brunet watched in fascination as the initial cry from his beloved in response to the cooling sensation of the wine did not, however, dampen the moist heat that came from air exhaled from his flared nostrils, nor from his lips, which were already swollen from kisses. Equally, Rick also felt the lean muscles of every part of his lover's body ripple and undulate beneath him like land shifting violently from a volcanically induced earthquake.

There was no time to think, only to act- instinctively, intuitively. Just as a demolition expert knew just the exact place to put an explosive in order to control a violent volcanic blast, so too did Rick take a similar action with his own body- searing heat now ran like a current from one person to the other until there was no longer two but rather the energy and heat of the *one,* a being that alternated between giving and receiving, the brunet captured his love securely, riding out the shock waves until the entity, unable to bear anymore reached a crescendo.

Love, just like magma from a primordial eruption, poured forth touching from the outer realms of the skin to deep within the very essence of the being. *The one* was beyond cries of joy, or pain or relief, such was the intensity as well as the intimacy of the joining and initial sense of loss at their departure from one another, a departure that was quickly abated by coaxing, loving words- Rick spoke them with great delicacy and concern, assuring Horatio that he would never leave him as he gently kissed the ginger haired man's tears away.

The crisis had passed and moments later with relaxation in every nerve, muscle and fiber easily felt within their bodies, the brunet went about doing what he intended to do from the very beginning. He began gently anew by pouring wine onto the now relaxed chest of his beloved and with a tongue as nimble as his long, graceful fingers, he began to lick and sip at the fruited beverage, causing new and more relaxed feelings of pleasure to course through the redhead's body.

Horatio responded in a relaxed fashion; the act of love was soothing, nurturing enriching- his very flesh sang out from pleasure. But the redhead was also a giver by nature, so he too returned the gentle love that had been so freely given to him and Rick soon toppled long into ecstasy's arms into the abyss of bliss- he was given the treat of seeing dawn's light, which crept stealthily through a small opening in the bedroom drapes, play and dance in the redhead's beautiful eyes, eyes that the brunet knew he'd long to see into and be seen by until the end of his days...
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The couple slept nestled in each other's arms for the next eight hours. The first sounds Rick became aware of as he slowly, peacefully stirred awake, were the beautiful singing of songbirds outside the bedroom window, and the faint growl of Horatio's stomach.
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As Horatio could see his lover's eyes open with concern, he gently smiled and put his warm hand onto a stirring shoulder in order to stop the movement. "I am not as hungry as I sound. It's easy to fix. You just stay put and I'll take of it; okay, my colt?"he said to Rick in a very gentle voice. As the brunet complied eagerly, he watched in delight as the other man rose from the bed, slipping on a robe while he walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Rick nodded off happily to the sounds of the shower being turned on; sometime later, next thing he knew, his nose alerted him to a delicious aroma. Horatio had returned to the bedroom and was sitting on a chair not too far way with a cup of steaming, imported Dutch chocolate mixed with hot milk as a delightful treat.

"MMMMM this is delicious, it really is, Rick" the ginger haired man crooned as he let his lips lick at the warm treat; the kitchen came not only with a great deal of imported goods, but also had a special steamer that made the milk hot and foamy. The little bubbles tickled Horatio's tongue and nose as he began to lick at the hot chocolate at first, then he decided to take generous sips from the very large blue and green cup that he was using. "This will sure satisfy my stomach for awhile," his azure eyes were shining brightly as he peered over his cup, innocently enjoying a treat that very few people knew that he rarely indulged in.

"Heavens, you remind me of a succulent chocolate and raspberry jam coated treat, H; a tempting treat indeed- I'm glad I've already sampled some of the delights," Rick's eyes sparkled with that boyish naughtiness that Horatio was coming to love more and more with each passing day.

"I can make enough for two...we can trade *chocolate kisses* if you really want to..." his lover responded in the most teasing of voices, a wanton smile gracing his features.

"Sounds good to me; I'll get myself nice and tidy..." Rick smiled as he walked like a model on the catwalk towards the bath, graced only in his birthday suit.
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When Rick emerged from the bathroom, Horatio was no longer in the bedroom. Rick walked out to the sitting room, where he found the redhead sitting on the sofa, getting ready to take another sip of his hot chocolate. Another large blue and green cup sat waiting next to a dispenser on the wooden coffee table in front of the sofa.

Rick sat down and started to pour the delicious smelling beverage into the cup. "I can't wait to taste this," he commented. He noticed that Horatio seemed a little distracted.

"While you were in the shower, Chief Sanderson called," the redhead said.

Rick knew what was coming. "And he wants us to return to work."

Horatio nodded, eyeing his lover. "Yes, it seems the murder rate hasn't slowed down any since we left, and they need us back there."


"Well, he asked me how we were both feeling, and when I told him 'fine,' he asked if we could leave here tomorrow."

Rick groaned and set his coffee cup down.

"Yes, I know you can't wait to get back to IAB," Horatio said, smirking. "So, I told him we'd leave tonight."

"Nooo," Rick protested. "Horatio..."

"Don't worry," Horatio chuckled and moved closer to him on the sofa. "I'm just kidding. We don't have to leave tonight." Horatio put his arm around Rick and started to gently rub between his shoulder blades.

"Well, I knew our R&R couldn't last forever..." Rick said, stretching back into Horatio's hand. "But..."
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"Tomorrow? Tomorrow...." the brunet sighed, resigned to the state of things until he turned to look at Horatio's face. Despite the bantering from before, the brunet saw a very familiar look on the other man's face, one that he had seen before when the ginger haired man had decided that although he was extremely concerned or upset about a situation, that he was going take the burden of comforting not only himself, but also comforting anyone else that happened to be involved as well.

"Hey, you know one thing about partners, you don't have to carry any burdens all by yourself. Don't deny it Horatio, I know that look all too well, but..." Rick stopped for a moment as he put his arms on his lover's shoulders, " I don't want you to be the strong one all of the time, least of all, for me. It's an upset for sure, but we can deal with it, face it together. Please, for ME, my angel?" the amber golden brown in Rick's eyes glowed sympathetically in the light as he spoke.
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"Thank you," Horatio said, and gave his lover a grateful embrace.

Horatio's cell phone started to ring from where he'd left it in the bedroom. "Maybe I should get that," he said, reluctantly easing out of the hug.
Rick sat patiently as Horatio went to answer his cell phone. When his partner returned, he let the brunet know that the Las Vegas Chief of Police had been the caller on the phone.

"The Chief here spoke to our Chief in Miami and they agreed that not only will the Hummer be sent back on a secure cargo plane back to Miami, but that there are tickets waiting for us to fly back home on Sunday. We'll be due back in our offices on Tuesday. The Vegas Chief said that our service to his people here warranted us staying here as his guests at least until Sunday..." Horatio felt as if a small weight was taken off of his shoulders as he spoke.
"Oh, that was nice of him," Rick said. "I'm so glad we don't have to scramble to leave right away."

"Me too," Horatio sighed. "Me too."

"Please come back here and sit down next to me, Horatio."
As Horatio sat down, Rick began to card his fingers through his beloved's hair and look into those eyes that although showed relief, were still a bit sad about the upcoming journey.

"We've been together... so very together as one; I really don't want to think of us being separated, even for a little bit, " the redhead ducked his head a little, not wanting Rick to see too much of the pain that was still in his eyes.

"...And we have a lot to DO as well. How do we act, what do we say when we're around each other in front of others? People at home... I'm sure glad they think we're in separate places here, or they would probably think that we've been at each others' throats in private or something, to no end... fronting in front of others... in front of others-being so "professional" " Horatio spat out the word with an undisguised disgust...
"Hey," Rick gently took hold of the redhead's shoulder. "Everything's going to be OK. Yes, we'll have to be careful, that's just the way it is--and I hate it too, but we're going to be fine. We have something special now, and we're going to continue to nurture and cultivate it to our liking."

The words of his lover caught the redhead's attention, and he looked straight into his eyes. He wanted to become lost in those eyes. He wanted to never have to look away from those eyes.

Rick leaned in and kissed him, and the kisses grew more and more passionate.
As the kisses began to deepen, Rick remembered that they had not eaten anything yet, so he reluctantly gave his beloved a signal to stop. "I'm taking a cue from you...I need to cook a meal for us, if we're both going to keep up our strength..." the brunet smiled as he got up and went towards the kitchen....
Horatio watched as the tall, lean form of the one he loved headed toward the kitchen. His mouth started to water at the thought of what Rick might fix.

In the kitchen, Rick took the necessary items out of the refrigerator, the all-purpose flour from the cupboard, and the rest of what he would need to make them both some really delicious chicken crepes. He smiled at the vegetable--carrots--because they were the same color as Horatio's hair.
****About 30 minutes later****

"I'd normally say that since we're in the West and all, I should be saying 'Come and Get it,' but with you I'm not taking any chances on being misunderstood...." Rick called out to his partner from the kitchen, a smile turning into laughter. "Soooo, supper is on!" he kept laughing.

"So now I'm a *passionate beast?* Very funny, Rick" Horatio put on a mock pout as his lover waved him towards the small dining table that looked over the pool. "Not that I'm minding, mind you..." the brunet's voice held a suave tone as Horatio looked at him with smiling eyes and then the redhead broke softly into laughter.

"Crepes and a delightful table set out for two..." the ginger haired man began to nod in approval at the table spread out before the two of them...
"Very nice," said Horatio, settling into his chair. "Candles and everything." The redhead sighed contentedly.

Rick sat down across from him and watched his lover, waiting for him to take a bite of salad. When he did, Rick began eating as well. It wasn't too long before they finished their salads and moved on to the crepes.

"This is delicious, Rick. My compliments to the chef." Horatio looked at Rick with a devious grin. "Yes, I might just have to give the chef a special 'compliment' later."
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