Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

And Horatio leaned down and kissed the top of his lover's head; into the soft, dark hair. They slowly looked up again, into each other's eyes. Their hands were still entwined when the waiter walked up to take their order.
"Gentlemen, would you like the skewers presented to your table now?" the server said after waiting a polite moment. "Yes", Rick said deciding not to let go of Horatio's hands. "We'll start with the rare meats..." he finished, in a teasing voice, knowing that Horatio would probably stifle his laughter...
"Yes, please," said the redhead, not having any luck holding back a snicker.

Rick was enamored by Horatio's eyes when the redhead laughed, and the way the subdued lighting from the chandelier above their booth reflected in his irises.
"Mmmmm" Rick couldn't help but murmur in satisfaction. "C'mere..." he spoke next in his most seductive Southern fashion, beckoning the ginger haired man to give him his ear. As he did so, his lover whispered to him and those few desire laden words, plus his warm breath on Horatio's ear, caused the redhead to begin to wiggle about, pleasantly agitated in his seat, while his face wore a blush that Rick only usually saw after they had been together...
"You're so naughty," the redhead told his lover. "Just wait till we get back to our room."

"That's right, Horatio. Just wait." Rick took a slow sip of his wine while eyeing the redhead.

The waiter was approaching with the skewers. Horatio and Rick both saw an unusually large cylindrically-shaped piece of meat on one of the metal holders. They both looked at each other and started laughing because the meat was shaped just like a...
Last edited: a huge, sizzling sausage. "It's the specialty of the house for today- we call it* carnota grandota*. See? This one is filled with jack cheese, right to the end here," the waiter tipped the top of the sausage towards them in order for the couple to get a better view of the filling.

"We have others, bland which is plain and one that is spicy, like a chorizo; do you have a preference, gentlemen?" The waiter said in a pleasing but puzzling voice, as he could not help but wonder why the redhead and the brunet were barely able to put fingers in a **shush sign** over their lips, before giving themselves over to rich, raucous laughter.
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Rick spoke. "We'd like it spicy," he said. He quickly clamped a hand over his mouth after he'd said it. But seeing Rick do this made Horatio start laughing even harder. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to excuse myself, gentlemen," the redhead said, getting up.

"But--but Horatio," Rick protested in a harsh whisper.

"Nature calls," Horatio said with a sneaky smirk. "I'll be back. Just finish ordering for us." He patted Rick on the back as he left the booth.

Rick sighed, but he was still smirking. He looked up at the waiter.

"You do know what this looks like, right?" Rick asked the man.

The waiter was barely able to suppress the grin that had started to curve the corners of his lips. "So, it will be the Carnota Grandota for the two of you, senor?"

"Yes," Rick chortled.
"I shall go and obtain the spicy ones, but here is one, compliments of the house," the waiter gave a subtle smile and left the kind that was filled with Jack cheese. Rick sought to wait until his partner came back to the table.

"*Nature...*that's a good one, sounds like a troublesome itch to me; glad to see that you took care of it though," Rick smirked and began to tease Horatio by scratching the table in a mock gesture as the redhead sat down a bit later.

"The waiter gave us this cheese one, compliments of the house, now; I'll try it," Rick continued to smile as he put a forkful into his mouth. "Ow! Ow OUCH!" Rick's mouth moved rapidly as he began to wave his hand in an attempt to cool off the still hot cheese until finally he had to use his napkin to take the heated meat out of his mouth.

"Just can't wait to take hot foods into your mouth can you?" Horatio said half sympathetically and smiling, his eyes held a teasing element in them as he began to pour his lover a half of glass of wine...
Rick took a big swig of the wine. "Ah!" Then he said, "What I really need to cool my mouth though, is some milk with cream. Some Half-n-Half would be good."

"OK," Horatio said, leaning forward and gently rubbing Rick's shoulder to try to console him. "I'll go find the waiter and get some for you."
Horatio promptly found the waiter, who happily complied with the urgent request. It did not take him long to place a generous pitcher of half and half onto the couple's table....
Rick poured the thick milk from the pitcher into one of the small glasses the waiter had brought. He took a gulp, and then said, "Thanks, Horatio. My mouth feels a lot better now." His thankful brown eyes met the caring gaze of his beloved. The azure eyes shimmered with concern.

"I'm OK now," Rick said. "I don't think I burned my mouth too badly. I'm ready for more hot meat." He smiled into Horatio's thoughtful eyes.
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" I'm glad you said that Rick, not only for supper here but think I'll keep that in mind as food for thought for later," Horatio spoke with his eyes simmering just slightly at the ribald thought.

Just then, another server came by with a small serving cup filled with sour cream. Horatio looked curiously at it for just a moment and then decided to take a spoon of the sour cream and then dip a portion of the spicy sausage into it.

He put a forkful of the sausage dipped with the cool sour cream right over his mouth and without thinking, sensually began to lick at the creamed end of the spicy treat, causing Rick to gasp while his eyes took on a glazed, hypnotic appearance.

"You are a totally *TEASING ROGUE*, Horatio Caine..." Rick said as his face began to flush to a red akin to the wine that they were drinking...
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"And you are loving every minute of it," Horatio said, in an especially deep, sensual tone.

With a bashful smile, Rick looked up at the redhead. "I need to go to the--I'll be right back."
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"Ok, itchy fingers, huh?" the redhead saluted his dire-in-need-of-relief lover with a toast of his glass of wine as well as giving him his patented *upward shades glance sans the shades look* for an added bit of playful teasing...
By the time Rick returned to the booth, the meat had arrived and was waiting on the table. It smelled smoky and delicious with spices.

"Don't say one word, Horatio," Rick said sliding into his seat. He eyed the steaming meat and licked his lips. "I just wanna eat."

"Oh, and you will. Now, and again later as well."

"And so will you, my angel," Rick chuckled and reached for a Carnota Grandota. The brunet inserted one end of the meat into his mouth very slowly because he wanted to make sure it wasn't hot enough to burn. He tested it by lightly touching around the end of the food with his tongue. He dipped the end into the sour cream.

"Rick..." Horatio said.
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