Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Rick looked up at Horatio, who was still lost in his own world; the redhead ran a stray hand through his silky locks as he continued to contemplate on the past.

"Horatio..." he remembered as Kathleen's first word to him after he sat down, "I need to say something to you that's very important... first," she continued, her voice matched the look on her face. "I want you to know that even if we were strangers to each other, I'd never try to hurt you by telling anyone what I saw... I meant what I said upstairs. What I saw is just between us, just us. I'll take it to the grave," she held out her two hands towards his, her cat-green eyes never leaving his own- those cobalt blue eyes that held a penetrating gaze in them. He took full measure of the solemnity of her words- he could tell it was if she were attempting to hold his well being and dignity in her hands and heart, as well as in her soul.

"Thank you...I believe you, truly," the ginger haired man said back to her and while doing so, his body language and look had changed. "Actually, I believed you back upstairs," he continued. "I could sense, that even if we were strangers, you were someone who would never betray someone in that way." He ducked his head and smiled rather shyly and by doing so, allowed her to see just how really emotionally vulnerable the whole situation had made him. Then gently, he took her two hands into his own and held them firmly across the very small, circular table that was located between the two of them.
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Rick's eyes were dazed from his memory of sitting with Horatio that first time...

It had been so perfect. He was sitting right across from the gorgeous red-haired fellow student. They were alone at the back of the room.

"My name is Horatio Caine," the redhead had said after Rick had settled into his chair. Horatio had extended his hand.

"I'm Rick Stetler," He shook Horatio's hand. Electricity. Immediate electricity.

Their eyes connected. A single stream of vision, like a power line. There was a strong mutual attraction.

Rick had an uncanny way of knowing where Horatio was going to be. Horatio would see him at the library, at the donut shop. They would smile at each other. A certain kind of smile. And that was what had caused a downfall for both of them. Horatio's brother had noticed. So had other students. Rumors had started to float around. Ray joked about it at the dinner table one night. The next day he warned Horatio that he had better stop being seen at places where the brunet was, because if he was seen as gay, it could end his opportunities career-wise. "You should be dating a nice girl, Horatio." And he had pointed out a slender, dark-haired girl with cat-green eyes. She was a friend of his girlfriend Barbara, and he offered to introduce Horatio to her.
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Horatio gazed at Rick's dark hair with fondness as his memories returned to that important meeting with the equally brunette haired Kathleen:

I have a question." the redhead asked. "Why were you not...frightened by what you saw?" "Frightened? I saw no need to be frightened," as Horatio gave her a questioning look, she continued. "When you grow up as a rough and tumble tomboy as I have, you learn a thing or two...about guys, what they feel, what they do. Besides, it's nature's way, to scratch an itch, you might say," her eyes held the mirth she was feeling. " You could call it a scratching of sorts, the way to take care of a certain kind of an *itch* when as a guy, you don't have a girlfriend..." Horatio's voice was a bare whisper as he looked down for a second or so and felt the deep blush come to his cheeks. "I don't feel that way now... about not having a girlfriend, I mean;" it was Kathleen's turn to blush and look down shyly at their hands.

"Seem to have found one AND on a nice vacation no less"...and what about YOU; do you like your new boyfriend?" he replied and smiled at her; he laced their fingers in a different way, one that was more intimate. He took the time to caress her fingers subsequently, she took a small gasp at the vital energy that seemed to flow between the two of them. "Yes, he suits me just fine!" her eyes sparkled back at him, a smile on her face made her seem to glow with delight.

"Would you like a drink?" Kathleen asked him after a time, unlacing their hands. "Yes, what would you like to have?" Horatio replied seeing the waiter, who was coming near them."Irish coffee is my choice, what about you, H?" she said softly. "Suits me. Shall we order when the waiter comes to our table?" he spoke in the same soft voice.

The redhead remembered how the rest of the evening went, they shared a lovely couple of Irish coffees and dined on appetizers, engaging in very simple small talk.
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Deep in his memories, Rick slowly combed a hand through his dark hair...

There had been a ski trip to the Canadian Rockies. Rick had been sure Horatio was going to go. He had seen the redhead go into the administration office earlier that day with papers in his hand, like the forms he had seen other students carrying who were signing up for the trip. Rick decided he would go to the library that afternoon at 4, which was the time Horatio was usually there, and ask him if he was going on the trip.

But when Rick had walked through the library door, and had caught sight of Horatio, he saw a sadness in the redhead's eyes. And the redhead gently, almost imperceptibly, shook his head, indicating that Rick shouldn't approach. It had devastated Rick, and he knew Horatio was acting this way because of the rumors that had been going around about them. But he had thought that they could weather the rumors, that people would eventually turn to other gossip. He just hadn't wanted to take what people had been saying seriously until he saw that sad look in Horatio's eyes. Feeling like all of his lifeforce had drained from him, Rick had turned around and walked out of the library. The next time he saw Horatio, the redhead was with a skinny girl with piercing cat-green eyes. She had dark hair just like his own. It was a good way for Horatio to throw people off from thinking he was gay, Rick reasoned, though it hurt him deeply. But Rick knew that he should do the same thing--better start playing the game, and following society's rules.
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It was as if Rick's pain had called out to him, so keenly did Horatio's sixth sense jolt him out of his sojourn into the past, right into the realm of the all too real and painful here and now.

"Rick..." Horatio called out to him softly in order to force Rick to look his way; at first he would not, but then, the brunet realized that he couldn't resist that alluring voice. Indeed, it held a magical lure for him now, just as it did those many years ago.

When Rick turned to look at him, Horatio recognized that pain in his eyes- it was a look that, although Rick didn't know it in those days had haunted the redhead as well; the pain was mutual and all the worse because they both had to bury it under the facade of society's norms, ones that in their own way, were still important even in the present.

"My colt... I'm sorry... for hurting you, hurting US. I'm sorry that I wasn't brave enough, strong enough... WE should have been together back then..." Horatio got up from his seat and went over to his lover, putting him in a warm embrace. "I may not have shown it back then... but it was painful for me too, for a very long time...Rick... I've got a lot to make up to you... and I INTEND TO..."

His eyes held a reflection of pain and newborn determination to make things right for his brunet. Thus, this first kiss, after both of them had gone down memory lane, was stained with tears and laced with heartfelt need, a need that would only be resolved by another gentle act of joining, renewing their bond, of becoming one, once again.
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The redhead and the brunet clung to each other. They were both shaking, their bodies needing to merge as were their souls.

"Come on," Horatio said gently. "Let's go to our bed."
"Our bed...yes, in a little while, my Angel. However for now, the sun's last rays are leaving the sky and we have a nice cushion outside on the ground right near the pool. I want to touch you all over, feel you, be with you...see the sun set in your hair, see your eyes look down onto mine... Let's do it till we see stars, shall we....?" Rick smiled and gently licked the ginger haired man's right ear lobe as an incentive....
Horatio's eyes flashed with excitement at the feel of Rick's tongue--and at his suggestion. In response, he took the brunet by the hand and pulled him toward the sliding glass door that led outside.

The sun simmered low on the horizon, casting tangerine and gold-hued streaks across the sky. Rick let his redhead lead him to the cushion by their pool, where he lay down and saw the first star in a small part of the sky that had been turned a dark indigo by the approaching evening.
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The dusk patterns of tangerine and gold of the sky crowned the ginger haired man's head of silken locks like a sensual halo, the light also danced through each strand giving him the look of an erotic firestorm. The heat of the desert winds caressed their birthday suits. The burning heat of that air matched their passion, the sense of each kiss, of each caress.

Horatio treated his lover's body as a master artist would treat a canvas-brushing it with deep, masterful strokes, with the brush dripping with paint that would seem to sink into the very fabric of the canvas with the intent of leaving an indelible mark onto the body of the work being created...

And Rick responded, soon, the only stars he would see for awhile were two sets, one in his bliss laden mind, the other set shining in the pair that belonged to his azure eyed beloved.
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Horatio's hair was an explosion of color as Rick wrapped himself around the lower part of his lover. They stargazed into each other's eyes, until the stars they watched went nova.
" I just heard your tummy growl and I'm ready to eat supper too," Rick laughed softly as he placed a a kiss on Horatio's stomach and sought to tickle him a little bit as well.

"Stop that!" Horatio laughed, "You know I'm ticklish!" but Rick continued for just a minute more; he loved hearing the merry laughter that came from his lover. After he stopped both of them agreed that a shower was in order since they had already relaxed for a couple of hours outside.

The two showered together in the spacious walk in shower with its hand held nozzles. Also, they used bathing mitts, ones laden with liquid soap consisting of a gentle chamomile and aloe vera base.

They decided that it would be fun for one partner to clean off the others' body sort of as a gentle continuation of their loveplay.

Afterwards, Horatio lovingly whispered in Rick's ear that he was now eager for more rare meat and Rick smirked- he knew that meant another delightful meal at the Argentine restaurant.

"Let's dress really casual again and now, I've got the name of the place- it's called Portenos. That's what they call true natives of Buenos Aires," Rick said as he was dressing. It wouldn't be long before Rick was calling on his cell phone to get the shuttle driver that had taken them to and forth from the restaurant the last time...
At the Argentine restaurant, Portenos, the two sat across from each other. It reminded Rick of that time at the Academy when he had walked into the cafeteria at the North end of the campus and found Horatio, and sat across from him that first time they had officially met. And now, here he sat across from him all these years later, and they were finally together.

"Horatio," Rick said in a quiet, serious voice. He raised his glass of red wine. "Here's to us."

"Yes..." the redhead said. "To us." Their glasses clinked together.

"Rick..." Horatio said in a gentle voice, his gaze reaching deep into Rick's sensitive brown eyes. "I love you."
The moisture that damped the shining brown eyes looking back at him told Horatio more than any words that the brunet could ever convey.
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When Rick managed to speak, his words were choked with emotion. "Thank you...for telling me...thank you for saying the words..." Rick blinked back tears. He looked down at the table and then up at Horatio. "And you know how I feel about you...I love you with all my heart, Horatio."
"...and I want us to be together this time, for as long as we have, for even longer than that if it's possible..."Horatio replied and put his hands into Rick's hands and entwined them, caressing them in a ritual of commitment, just as he knew he should have been brave enough to do with his beloved all those long years ago. His beloved shuddered at the vital touch and not caring who saw them, put his lips onto those precious hands in a gentle kiss...
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