This sense of freedom was exhilarating and heady to the quiet 20 something youth. So heady in fact, that a series of events, like a row of dominoes being tipped over began to occur. When he entered his room, he heard a knock on the door that separated his suite from the other part. After opening the door, he saw it was Kathleen, of all people, who greeted him. His reaction was one of complete surprise and shock. She, for her part, told him that because her part of the group had come in a bit late, subsequently, that by sheer luck- she had given him her usual happy-go-lucky smile as she spoke, that she was given the other part of the suite. "I knew that YOU would be on the other side, but you couldn't have known about me being here," she teased.
"Well Red," as she liked call him, to tease him when it was just the two of them together,"I'm going to take the lay of the land myself- see you later!"
Happy that it was her instead of some stranger on the other side of the door, the redhead did something that he would normally not do; that is, he forgot to lock the separating door when Kathleen closed it.
He could hear her closing her outer door to leave. Thus with a gentle yawn, it must have been all of this fresh open air, he mused, he decided to undress down to his undergarments and lie down right onto the bed. He had heated up the room in such a way that it was cozy warm. Therefore, he had no need for hardly a cover and with such comfort, he began to relax and drifted off to sleep right on top of the bed. A towel that he had used to dry off his face was there on the bed too, not too far away.