Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

When the coffee was ready, Rick brought it into the sitting room. Then, he went back to their bedroom. Horatio was in the bathroom splashing his face with water. Rick felt a pang of worry for his lover. But Horatio quickly smiled as if to reassure him, when he saw Rick out the corner of his eye.

"The coffee is in the sitting room," Rick said.
After coming to the sitting room, the couple sat just a bit apart on different large chairs each with a a different view of the outside.

"Chicory flavored coffee is a Louisiana type of thing, I hope you enjoy it- try it with sugar and cream." Rick said as he poured Horatio a cup from the serving tray which he put in between the two of them.

"This has a chocolate type taste to it Rick," Horatio said after taking a sip of the steaming beverage.
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"It can be an acquired taste. Do you like it?" Rick asked. He reached for his own cup.

"Mmmm, yes. Yes, I do," said Horatio.



No, Rick thought, he really shouldn't pry. "The cactus...the blue's nice this time of year."

"Yes, it is," Horatio said. And both men stared out the window. But neither one of them were thinking about the scenery.
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As he looked out of his section of the window, a bit of green, from a scarf on a woman who was walking away in the distance caught his eye and it reminded him of the cat-green eyes of Kathleen, eyes that could be mischievous, eagle sharp on the shooting range or very, very *merry* in a very Irish sort of way.

The two had met at the library and found out that they were both going to the Academy at the same time. The normally, shy loner type that the redhead was took quickly to the vivacious girl who fascinated him with her outgoing personality.

Things quickly turned to friendship and soon the two of them began the casual group dating sort of thing for coffee with other students or even the occasional movie not only with a group but as friends as well. She respected his quiet, reserved ways and manners too; he liked that she never pushed anything beyond his zone of comfort.

However, it was when a group of students, around 16 of them, decided to go as a group to the Canadian Rockies for an 8 day ski trip that things turned in a decidedly different direction.
Rick watched Horatio from where he sat. Yes, he was definitely thinking of the past, Rick thought. Now was not the time to disturb him. Now was the time to be quiet and let Horatio think. But Rick had a hard time turning his gaze away from the redhead. Just like how he did when they were in the Academy together. The Academy... Rick finally turned his head and again looked at landscape in the distance. Rick remembered the first time he had laid eyes on Horatio Caine. He had been walking out of the library with a bunch of books in his arms. Horatio was standing outside with four other young men--one of whom he later found out was Horatio's brother--and when Rick saw the redhead, he had been so awestruck by him, that he had stumbled slightly and dropped a couple of his books.
Meanwhile, Horatio was lost in his own personal past. He remembered that due to a large number of guests staying at the nice hotel that doubled as a ski lodge; he was given one half of an adjoining suite, one that was clearly separated by a heavy wooden door.

The group had left very early from New York City that morning and finally arrived at Jasper, Alberta still with enough time to get settled in. Some of the group even managed to hit the slopes. However, the redhead was simply overawed by the sheer beauty of the land around him as well as the fact that it was one the few times that he didn't have to worry about his mother and brother. His father, he learned, was too preoccupied with something else to really cause trouble as it had been his habit to do. Therefore, Horatio was able to spend the first day and such adjusting to at least a temporary respite from the heavy burdens that dogged his life by walking about and observing things until he felt a need to come inside.
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Rick rubbed the corner of his eye, and tried not to glance at Horatio. Horatio hadn't seen him drop the books that day at the Academy. He was focused on his conversation with a blond guy standing across from him. It was the brother who had been looking in Rick's direction when he came out the library doors, who had seen Rick stumble and drop the books. And he had laughed at him.
This sense of freedom was exhilarating and heady to the quiet 20 something youth. So heady in fact, that a series of events, like a row of dominoes being tipped over began to occur. When he entered his room, he heard a knock on the door that separated his suite from the other part. After opening the door, he saw it was Kathleen, of all people, who greeted him. His reaction was one of complete surprise and shock. She, for her part, told him that because her part of the group had come in a bit late, subsequently, that by sheer luck- she had given him her usual happy-go-lucky smile as she spoke, that she was given the other part of the suite. "I knew that YOU would be on the other side, but you couldn't have known about me being here," she teased.

"Well Red," as she liked call him, to tease him when it was just the two of them together,"I'm going to take the lay of the land myself- see you later!"

Happy that it was her instead of some stranger on the other side of the door, the redhead did something that he would normally not do; that is, he forgot to lock the separating door when Kathleen closed it.

He could hear her closing her outer door to leave. Thus with a gentle yawn, it must have been all of this fresh open air, he mused, he decided to undress down to his undergarments and lie down right onto the bed. He had heated up the room in such a way that it was cozy warm. Therefore, he had no need for hardly a cover and with such comfort, he began to relax and drifted off to sleep right on top of the bed. A towel that he had used to dry off his face was there on the bed too, not too far away.
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Rick couldn't help it. He *had* to look over at Horatio. And when he did, he felt charged with electricity, just like when he had seen him that first time standing outside the library. It hadn't mattered that the brother, Ray, had laughed at him. Because he had cast his eyes upon someone who he had felt an instant connection with somehow. It wasn't just the gorgeous looks of the red-haired student. No, there was something else...

From where he sat, Horatio felt Rick's eyes on him and looked over. Rick blinked and swallowed. He could tell that Horatio was still needing to be far away in his own personal thoughts. Horatio's eyes then softened as he acknowledged Rick with a small nod before looking away and returning to those thoughts.
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As Horatio remembered it, sometime later, the thoughts of this new place, new faces and figures, the privacy as well as thoughts about familiar people seemed to stir up a bit of restlessness in him, one that soon compelled him to dealing with it by taking a hand at spending some pleasant moments taking his leisure, as it were.
So engrossed was he, even to the glorious ending, that how could he know that Kathleen had returned to her room and as she went to her closet, heard alarming noises, noises that sounded like he was injured that put her into her emergency action mode and without hesitation she opened the door.

Like the last domino falling down in a row, Horatio found himself landing hard back from bliss to reality by hearing an astonished voice. "WHY HORATIO CAINE! OF ALL THINGS! ...and you certainly aren't injured are you, you naughty, naughty thing you! " Her green eyes went from shock to bawdy mirth, while she covered her hand over her mouth to keep from giggling out loud, he found himself running the gambit of emotions from bliss, to abrupt shock, to anger and then to plain embarrassment as he grabbed the towel and held it as shield over his exposed and vulnerable self. He could feel his whole body blush; he probably looked like a lobster by now, he mused.

"Easy...easy... now, it's okay, it's really okay- mum's the word as far as I am concerned... why don't you er.. umm tidy up... meet me in a bit down in the lounge...and we'll talk... okay?" her voice went from teasing to a concerned tone. She watched him nod in affirmation as she stepped backwards into her room and closed the door.

What a sight to SEE, more than meets the eye for sure! It's always the shy ones that are full of surprises, she thought and at the same time, repressed a girlish giggle as she took a very deep breath, one that made her head spin.
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Rick had his head at a slight angle as he looked out the window, so he could see Horatio at the corner of his vision. And he thought he saw him smiling and blushing. Rick turned his head very slowly so he could get a better look at his lover without looking directly at him and disturbing him. Horatio was blushing. He looks as red as a lobster or something, Rick thought. What could he be thinking about? And then, suppressing a grin, Rick slowly turned his head forward again and stared out the window.

He focused on a cactus plant that had a dark pink flower on it. Then his mind drifted back to that day in front of the library again. After Ray had laughed, Horatio had turned to see why his brother was so amused. The redhead had looked at the books on the ground, at the dark-haired student who seemed frozen in place, and he had smiled. But it wasn't a derisive smile; it was a reserved, sympathetic smile. And the redhead had started to blush.
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As Horatio continued looking out of the window, he felt the usual burning sensation all over his body that came with such a body blush. With such an occurrence, he remembered the reason that he could recall Kathleen's reaction to the event after she had closed her side of the door. It was because sometime later in their relationship, she had confided her initial reaction to him in private, whispering to him about *shy ones*. By then it was something that they could both look back at as a folly of sorts.

However, in the present time, the ginger haired man knew that he needed a distraction from these thoughts for a moment if he was to calm down and allow his coloring to return to normal. To that end, he looked over at his lover Rick, who looked back at him, but not with the intention of prying into his inner thoughts.

"Hey Rick, the coffee is cold now. I'd like to make us some more. Would you like some too? If so, which kind should I make; will it be Jamaican Blue or Kona? We have both kinds here," he asked, trying to regain his composure.
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"Oh, I like both, but I'll take the Jamaican this time." Rick looked at Horatio's skin, still brimming with pink, though not as intense as before. Horatio smiled a toothy smile and disappeared to the kitchen. Rick started to chuckle and clamped a hand over his mouth. He turned and looked out at the pink-flowered cactus plant again. That flower was very near the color of some of Horatio's blushes. His thinking started to drift again. The Academy. The Library. The red-haired student smiling at him sympathetically...After Rick had finally unlocked his gaze from the redhead and picked up his books that day, he had been aware that the redhead's eyes were on him as he had continued up the walkway that led to the dorms.

Rick became consumed with thoughts of the redhead. He fantasized about him. He wondered where he ate lunch. Maybe it was the small cafeteria at the Northern section of the Academy, the one that some of the students said was better than the main big one. The next day he went there to find out. And saw the redhead sitting at a table at the back of the room.

The strong smell of Jamaican coffee brought Rick back to the present. Horatio wheeled the cart with the coffee on it back into the sitting room.
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After returning to their sitting area, pouring Rick a fresh cup, as well as settling back down with fresh coffee for himself, Horatio went back to his thoughts of the Academy ski trip. He had come downstairs just under an hour later to find that Kathleen was sitting in a slightly isolated corner of the lounge that had a lovely view of some nearby trees that were covered with snow.

As he walked closer, he held his breath; he could see that she had a very serious look on her face. However, he didn't falter in his steps; indeed to the contrary, the closer he got to her seat, the more he held his head up with the innate dignity that always seemed to emerge during any adversity that he faced. "Katie," he said simply and quietly, expelling a breath, as he stood still in front of her, before her hand gesture towards him indicated that he could take his seat.
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Rick watched Horatio staring into his coffee cup. Rick knew that although his lover was physically in the room, his thoughts had gone back in time somewhere again, just as his own thoughts had. Rick took in the luxurious aroma of his coffee, and took a sip. In the cafeteria that day at the Academy, after finding the handsome red-haired fellow student sitting alone, Rick had quickly bought a sandwich with the intention of walking over to where the redhead sat and asking him if he could join him. Their eyes had met as Rick walked up to the table. The redhead then ran his eyes over him. And then smiled. Not a sympathetic smile this time, but a smile of approval.

When Rick had reached where the redhead sat, he found himself almost speechless. "Hi," he managed to say.

"Hi," the redhead said. "What do you have there, a tuna sandwich?"

Rick had just grabbed a sandwich. He hadn't cared what kind it was. "Uh, yeah," he said, hoping it really was tuna.

"The tuna sandwiches here are really favorite," the redhead said. "Please sit down if you want to."

"Thank you," Rick said, trying not to seem as awkward as he felt as he put his tray on the table and slid a chair out.
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