Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

The whimpers and movements of his dark-haired lover were really turning Horatio on. He longed to give Rick another love bite; the man's neck was like a tender steak. But he never would betray his lover's trust in him. He would ask him first.

"Rick, would you trust me to give you a love bite on the neck if it was just a gentle one?"

Rick simply nodded, with a murmur of *yes* coming from kiss swollen lips. Then he leaned in such a way as to give his lover the most delectable spot on his neck.

Horatio's gentle nip at a most sensitive spot caused both men to feel suddenly weak in the knees, along with waves of intense feelings sweeping over and through them both.
Rick cried out from the intense feeling. "You can do it again, Horatio...please do it again."

Rick felt suction at that sensitive spot on his neck, then a wet tongue. "Aaaaaaah!" he cried. In response, he received another nip and then the soothing wet tongue treatment again. He murmured something incoherent, dizzy from pleasure.

He felt Horatio's hand gently encircle his waist and then heard his low, gravelly voice. "Come on, my sexy colt, let's adjourn to our bed."
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With a sense of awe, Rick walked slowly to the bed, following Horatio; already he could feel the sensual heat rising from the redhead's body, a heat that also gave a glow to his fair skin.

The act of love shared between the two men this time was one that was as sublime as it was gentle and simple, yet none of their usual intensity was diminished.

Basking in the afterglow, an image of horse and rider came to mind to the both of them. The rider was enthralled by the feeling of his steed beneath him- a steed of strength, with rolling muscles moving in perfect tandem, those muscles connected with the rider, making them akin to being a single being on a distant journey.

So it was with the two of them this time, the ginger haired man had taken great care with his "colt," who because of a renewal of trust and delicacy, took him on an adventure of heightened sensuality; one that left them both silent for a time; smiles and gentle touches became the language used in their exchange.
Horatio and Rick had fallen asleep for a couple of hours after their journey of the senses, and when Rick woke up, Horatio was out of bed and in the kitchen. The brunet sat up just as the redhead wheeled the food cart into their room.

"I felt bad about the accident you had with the cinnamon container earlier," Horatio said, bringing the cart up to the side of the bed. "So, I thought I'd make you something special."

"Thank you, Horatio," Rick said, watching as his lover lifted the cover off a bowl of steaming oatmeal with cinnamon and chopped apples on top.
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"MMMMM...thank you..." the brunet replied, as he took a whiff of the delightfully scented dish. "Not to worry. I won't be skittish this time," Rick continued smiling.

However, as he began to reach for his spoon, he noticed something amiss. "Hey, where's your meal? I know we had extra cream cheese in the refrigerator and you could reheat your bagels so..."Rick's tone became one of concern.

"Sorry, I was so ferociously hungry, after, after." Horatio simply smiled and spoke softly. " I decided to eat while I was preparing your meal." He could tell that something was just near the top of his upper lip and without thinking, his sensual pink tongue darted forth to lick up the remnants of some cream cheese that remained from the last bite of his bagel.

Rick's eyes followed that sweet tongue of his beloved like a moth that danced around a flame...
Horatio felt Rick's penetrating gaze fixed on him, and Rick watched as Horatio's skin became a darker and darker pink until his whole body was crimson.
Horatio felt Rick's penetrating gaze fixed on him, and Rick watched as Horatio's skin became a darker and darker pink until his whole body was crimson.

"I've never seen you look like this my angel- it warrants a closer inspection..." Rick's eyes were shining at the site, while at the same time, he got up and reached for the belt that tied the redhead's robe...
"No, no, sexy colt," Horatio said, smiling, his hand encircling the brunet's wrist, then taking his hand. "We sowed our oats just a little while ago, now I want you to sit down and eat yours. You'll need your strength."
Rick pulled his head back in a gesture, his face teasing with surprise. "I just love it when YOU play boss, Lieutenant..." he smirked while he obediently began to eat his meal.

"Well, you DO need a firm hand now and then.By the way, I forgot to ask, do want some cream with that?" Horatio's eyes taunted and teased at the same time as he offered to Rick a little pitcher filled with the rich liquid...
Horatio watched his dark-haired lover as the man enjoyed his oatmeal with the added cream and other toppings. He started to think about what his lover had told him about wanting him since their days at the Academy. At that time, Horatio had been trying to maintain a heterosexual lifestyle and had been dating Kathleen, a fellow student, throughout most of his time there. But he had noticed the way the brunet always seemed to be watching him with a certain look on his face--a hungry look. And there were many times when the then 20-something year old fellow student seemed to coincidentally show up at the same places as Horatio. And Horatio had tried not to like this kind of attention from another guy. But he had liked it.
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Although he had truly liked Kathleen and had enjoyed being with her, he remembered being pleasantly surprised, yet at the same time, perturbed when at certain moments in the midst of their intimacies, he would look at her dark hair and beautiful face, only to find it had suddenly changed to an image of Rick instead.
He was grateful that at that time, he had already developed a reputation for being a rather quiet and private person-so Kathleen had never asked him what he was thinking about... in any case, he would have never told her, or for that matter told anyone.
Rick's voice snapped Horatio out of his reverie. "A twenty for your thoughts, my angel," his lover said.

"I was thinking...I was just thinking..."

"Well, don't do it that hard, we're still on vacation." Rick grinned, licking at his spoon, finishing the last of his oatmeal.

"Do you want more oatmeal, Rick?" Horatio asked. "I can make you some more."
"No, no thank you; that was fine," Rick smiled back. "I think I'll make us some coffee too, I've got some with chicory in it if you would like some" Rick rose up to take the serving cart back into the kitchen. As Horatio got out of his way, Rick began to wonder if his partner was worried about his lab...
"Yes, that sounds good," Horatio said. But Rick noticed the distracted look had stayed on the redhead's face.

In the kitchen, Rick started to get everything together that he needed to make the coffee.
Suddenly, Rick recognized that look; he knew then that Horatio was not thinking about the lab, but rather about something else. That *something* was no doubt personal in nature as well.

I won't pry, Rick thought. I'll wait until he's ready to talk about it. He continued to prepare the coffee- they could have it in their small sitting room which had a nice view
of cultivated cacti and above them, a rich, deep blue sky.