Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Rick's nimble fingers stopped only for a moment- he touched a button to turn on a jazz radio station. "You know, H, gliding this creme onto you reminds me of sailing onto the ocean...and what do you know..." his eyes sparkled in delight. "You're tossing about like a storm at sea with a raging water spout just over the horizon.." Rick's salty tone made Horatio almost swoon with unbidden desire...

As a sigh of pleasure escaped from his lips in response, the ginger haired man had only one question, one that he stated breathlessly: "That's called *After the Dance* but what group is singing it?"

"That jazz group's name, my angel... is called..."Fourplay"..." the brunet breathed out the words and bent over to give Horatio a very deep, long and tender kiss...
**A Half Hour Later**

Both men lay stretched out on their bed, their breathing becoming relaxed and even again. Moonlight placed thin silver sheets across the men's bodies, reflecting in the creme on each man's skin.

"Yes, Horatio," Rick said in a sleepy voice. "Those full-body massages sure do work."
@@@@ About 4 days later@@@@

" Here are your two bagels, nice and hot with cream cheese on the side," Rick was smiling as he brought out their first meal on a serving cart to the breakfast nook.

"...and you're having cereal today, but it's plain; not your usual kind... Why?" Horatio noticed the shredded wheat in Rick's bowl.

"Well, you know when I eat cereal, I usually like to have something with cinnamon in it, considering its effect on you, I'm not taking any chances..." the brunet lobbied a teasing smile back to his partner.
"Awww, Rick," Horatio said, getting up. "I don't want you to have to eat something bland. I can control myself." Horatio was on the move toward the kitchen before Rick could stop him. He came back with a large container.

"This is a mixture of cinnamon and sugar, so I think it'll be safe--less powerful." Horatio said, handing the round container to his lover who looked at him with wary eyes. Rick looked at the cinnamon sugar mixture, licking his lips. "Well, OK..." he said.

When Horatio sat down in his chair and didn't seem dangerous, Rick unscrewed the cap. He carefully held it over his cereal, but he had forgotten to check the inner plastic part of the container to see what amount it was set for. So, when the brunet started to shake the container to get the spice to sprinkle over his meal, there was an almost audible *poof* as a ton of the mixture plopped onto his cereal. The impact caused a sweet dust cloud to boomerang back into Rick's face, and part of this dust cloud swirled right over to Horatio's nostrils. Horatio set his eyes on Rick. Rick jumped up from the table and ran, his full intention to make it into the bedroom and lock himself in...
"Rick, I promised you that I'd control myself; honestly, you can't stay hidden in there!" Horatio pleaded outside of the locked door.

"I do believe you H, but between this scent in my hair and man oh man, with these cacti decorated bed linens here to remind you... can I really trust the fact that it's a near perfect situation?" Rick replied laughing...
Horatio knocked on the door. "Let me in, and we can just read for awhile."

Rick thought Horatio's voice had a dangerous edge to it. Then he heard the redhead's footsteps leave the door. He heard him rummaging around for something. Then returning footsteps back to the outside of the door again.

There was a clicking sound at the doorknob. Rick watched helplessly as the knob turned. He took backward steps as Horatio opened the door.

The redhead chuckled as he held up a small tool. "The little screwdriver I use to adjust my sunglasses is just like a bedroom lock's emergency pass key."
"Very, very clever...let's see how long you'll keep your promise..." Rick said smiling timidly as he went over and sat down at their small table..."
"Aw, Rick, you're making me feel like the 'big bad wolf'" Horatio said. He walked slowly toward his lover, eyeing him tenderly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to have you nickering like a colt in no time."
Horatio took both of Rick's hands and kissed them tenderly, then gently gazed into brown eyes that were slowly but surely beginning to look calm and relaxed.

"It's been three days since we...hasn't it?" Rick began to card the ginger hair carefully with his hand.

"Yes, it has; but sometimes it's felt like an eternity, dear one..." the redhead replied quietly as he slowly wrapped his arms around Rick's waist.

"It may seem silly... I know it's not been that long, but well..." he sighed, "Sometimes this all seems like a dream to me and I'm afraid...that you'll wake up and be...tired of me..." Horatio lowered his head, his voice was near to a whisper...
"Horatio..." Rick said, gently touching under the redhead's chin, coaxing him into eye contact. "Ever since our days at the Academy I've wanted you. I waited for you a long time...for you to notice me, to respond to me...and now that I have you, I need you to possess me--to possess my heart as the song goes--and I need to possess yours. So, the possibilty of tiring of you...well, it just isn't in the equation, my angel." Rick wrapped his arms around Horatio, pulling him into a very deep, passionate kiss.
Only the mutual need to breathe caused them both to part from kissing for a moment. "Not only do I need to possess you... but... I want to kiss you on and on... like I heard another song say... One Thousand Kisses Deep..." with such words on his lips, Rick began another kiss and at the same time, rubbed his hand sensuously down his beloved's broad back...
"Mmmmm," the redhead sighed, and Rick felt the vibration of the sigh on his lips and tongue.

They parted to breathe again and Horatio said, "Rick, I'm starting to become really aware of the cinnamon scent on you."

"You mean, like really hyper-aware?" Rick pulled back slightly, fearing Horatio might not be able to control himself after all.

"No, don't worry, I'm not going to allow myself to get overcome to the point where you'll end up with another hard love bite on the neck. But I feel compelled to lick off the small amount of cinnamon that I see on your cheekbone." Horatio leaned forward, aiming his tongue. He put his hands on Rick's shoulders to keep him still.
The brunet stood still as his lover slowly allowed his tongue to lick up the spice and with the gentlest of movements, Horatio began a series of kisses down Rick's exposed neck, placing the most kisses at the hollow of his throat.

It made the brunet gasp; the ginger haired man's lips felt like hot coals and pure bliss at the same time; also, he began to shudder with abandon...
The whimpers and movements of his dark-haired lover were really turning Horatio on. He longed to give Rick another love bite; the man's neck was like a tender steak. But he never would betray his lover's trust in him. He would ask him first.

"Rick, would you trust me to give you a love bite on the neck if it was just a gentle one?"