Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

Question: With Eddie Cibrian joining the cast, how do you think Eric and Eddie's character will get along? Will there be any type of competition or ego problem?

I really hope they have great banter. I think that is one thing this show lacks after Speed left. Ryan and Eric's relationship always has that rough around the edges thing going on and I don't see them ever being really good lovey buddies. They've had their good moments but I think that underlying tension will always be there. So I hope that this new character will bring that good-buddies atmosphere and I have to say that I honestly want it with Eric. I think he deserves it after Speed dying ;).

Thanks for the pics!!!!!:thumbsup:
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VirGodess you are definitely my hero this week:thumbsup:. Thanks to you and your pictures it's though a bit better. Thank you again:). And again I'm sorry I cant reward you properly, but maybe one day;), as for now it's all I can offer you:beer: (I hope you like beer:lol:)

VirGodess1923 said:
Question: With Eddie Cibrian joining the cast, how do you think Eric and Eddie's character will get along? Will there be any type of competition or ego problem?
I hope they will be ok. Eric had enough trouble in his life, he doesn't need more. I guess that if the new guy won't hit on Calleigh they might get along quite well.:)
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I think the new guy will have an effect on the whole E/C thing. I mean if Calliegh dosen't find Eric and someone else does and while Eric is gone Calliegh is being wooed by the new guy then I think definatly it will have an effect. I actully looked up pictures of this Eddie guy and he looks like the type Calliegh could be swayed by.
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I think the new guy will have an effect on the whole E/C thing. I mean if Calliegh dosen't find Eric and someone else does and while Eric is gone Calliegh is being wooed by the new guy then I think definatly it will have an effect. I actully looked up pictures of this Eddie guy and he looks like the type Calliegh could be swayed by.

It is entirely possible that she will need a shoulder to cry on However.....I think it is entirely not possible for them to give her another love interest just because Delko is missing. That to me personally is a load of crap. Calleigh would never loose faith in her man that quickly.

It is also possible that this new cop could be an expert in Mob related cases and or kidnappings and if they choose to use his Cuban identity he could be a specialist in Russian/Cuban relations during the time of Eric's fathers undercover assignment in Cuba or maybe Eddie's father and Eric's father worked together for the FBI when this all went down?
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I think the new guy will have an effect on the whole E/C thing. I mean if Calliegh dosen't find Eric and someone else does and while Eric is gone Calliegh is being wooed by the new guy then I think definatly it will have an effect. I actully looked up pictures of this Eddie guy and he looks like the type Calliegh could be swayed by.

I really don't see the writers going down that road again. Especially with a police officer, again (ie Jake). I think the triangle thing is done with already. Also I just don't see Cal enjoying being wooed by someone while she is suffering so much because of Eric's disappearance. I think she would be more pissed off than impressed. Plus I don't see her crying on some unknown dude's shoulder. She doesn't open up to people she has known for a long time, much less to strangers.

I hope that they create a good relationship between him and Eric cause after Speed died we've had Ryan and Jake and neither of them has been Eric's bff :p. He has a good relationship with Frank and H but both of them are a lot older than Eric to be a good bud to hang out with and I think this guy could bring that to the show. Good banter like Danny and Flack or Nick and Warrick.
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I agree hiphugger17. I don't see Calleigh leaning on anyone else but Eric. Eric does deserve a good friend like how Speed was for him. It would be great to see this friendship come into play.

Not to get off topic, but if he's playing a Rex Linn leaving the show??

I see Megalyn E. got another recurring role on another show...she's probably gone...
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I agree hiphugger17. I don't see Calleigh leaning on anyone else but Eric. Eric does deserve a good friend like how Speed was for him. It would be great to see this friendship come into play.

Not to get off topic, but if he's playing a Rex Linn leaving the show??

I see Megalyn E. got another recurring role on another show...she's probably gone...

I don't know about Rex leaving but the article about Cibrian said this about the character:

Cibrian's character is an as-yet-unnamed officer from the Hollywood division of the Los Angeles Police Department who transfers to the Miami-Dade Police Department.

I love Frank and hope he sticks around :thumbsup:.

To be on topic, mmm... Adam rules yay!! :p
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I really don't see the writers going down that road again. Especially with a police officer, again (ie Jake). I think the triangle thing is done with already. Also I just don't see Cal enjoying being wooed by someone while she is suffering so much because of Eric's disappearance. I think she would be more pissed off than impressed. Plus I don't see her crying on some unknown dude's shoulder. She doesn't open up to people she has known for a long time, much less to strangers.

I can see what your saying here hiphugger17, but I do think now or later the new guy will take a told on the E/C relatonship. I don't think Calliegh will give up right away, but from the argument she had with Eric about his father and if Eric continues to still support his father after he is found I do think that the relationship will end.

To be on topic, mmm... Adam rules yay!! :p

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I really don't see the writers going down that road again. Especially with a police officer, again (ie Jake). I think the triangle thing is done with already. Also I just don't see Cal enjoying being wooed by someone while she is suffering so much because of Eric's disappearance. I think she would be more pissed off than impressed. Plus I don't see her crying on some unknown dude's shoulder. She doesn't open up to people she has known for a long time, much less to strangers.

I can see what your saying here HipHugger17, but I do think now or later the new guy will take a told on the E/C relatonship. I don't think Calliegh will give up right away, but from the argument she had with Eric about his father and if Eric continues to still support his father after he is found I do think that the relationship will end.

Since this is not an EC debate thread I'll try to keep this short. I don't see the writers bringing in a new guy as a reason to break up the relationship nor do I see them using him to create more drama between them. There are tons of stories that can be given to the guy that have nothing to do with the EC relationship. Or he could just be an officer like Frank who comes and goes and that's it. The story about an officer coming between Eric and Calleigh has been done and it served it's purpuse.

However since this is the Adam thread I want to say that I'm really glad that the article mentions that the new guy will not be replacing him. Even though we knew that he was coming back it's nice to have confirmation :thumbsup:.
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Question: With Eddie Cibrian joining the cast, how do you think Eric and Eddie's character will get along? Will there be any type of competition or ego problem?

I really hope they have great banter. I think that is one thing this show lacks after Speed left. Ryan and Eric's relationship always has that rough around the edges thing going on and I don't see them ever being really good lovey buddies. They've had their good moments but I think that underlying tension will always be there. So I hope that this new character will bring that good-buddies atmosphere and I have to say that I honestly want it with Eric. I think he deserves it after Speed dying ;).

Thanks for the pics!!!!!:thumbsup:

I completely agree with you. Eric needs to have a good friend he can talk to like he used to talk with Speedle. I'm always hoping Eric and Ryan become good friends but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening, so Eddie Cibrian's character would make a great friend for Eric. After everything Eric's been through I think it would be good for him to have a friend to talk to instead of a shrink or Calleigh. Maybe Eddie's character is what it's going to take to bring the team back together like they used to be.
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I completely agree with you. Eric needs to have a good friend he can talk to like he used to talk with Speedle. I'm always hoping Eric and Ryan become good friends but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening, so Eddie Cibrian's character would make a great friend for Eric. After everything Eric's been through I think it would be good for him to have a friend to talk to instead of a shrink or Calleigh. Maybe Eddie's character is what it's going to take to bring the team back together like they used to be.

That could be true..I don't know if it will happen instantly, though. This team has had a lot go on since Speed's death. Some grew closer, some apart. Even though the team is a little distant, they are all very much protective of each other.

Eric and Ryan's relationship didn't start off fine, but they eventually smoothed it over after Ryan got shot in the eye. Eric felt really guilty over this, but really it wasn't his fault because he was out being there for someone else very close to him - his sick sister. They aren't close, but they are friends (i.e. when Eric was shot, Ryan said to the shooter "You shot my friend"). Its a shame they really weren't able to get as close as he was with Speed, but its true that the animosity Eric had from the beginning has caused a little unsteadiness in their current relationship.

I honestly think that Eddie's character and Eric would have some things to relate to, if they keep him as a Cuban man or have him heavily interested in sports or diving, etc.. There could be so many directions to take this, but whatever nationality they make him or whatever interest they give him, it would be great to show Eric have someone to be able to click with outside the lab...besides Calleigh of course :)
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Just a small reminder: Remember those spoiler codes when discussing new details regarding season 8. :) I know there's an article on CSIFiles and other information elsewhere on the board, but for those who choose to steer clear from those, let's try to keep the spoilers relatively contained. Thanks!
Sorry :shifty: Guess we got carried away since its been a while we used the spoiler boxes....back to it. I guess this means that we're close to an actual spoiler for Season 8, Episode 1 - :)

The tragic news today of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett passing away today really hit me hard so I'd like to post pics of Adam to cheer us up. Its the bigger pics of the one of Adam looks so intense in. It cheers me up to see pics of him.


VirGodess1923 what are you trying to do kill me I've passed out twice from a sexyness overload. BTW he looks so intense because he's looking at me HA HA.:p:)

<Looks at picture again> :drool::devil::evil::drool: Damn he's hot! <Passes out>