Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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SincerelyInDenial said:
cainesugar said:
-He gets busted for drugs
-IAB on his ass
-His sister dies
-He gets sued for $250,000
-He gets shot
-He comes back, everyone doubts him
-He makes a big mistake and nearly ruins their chances with the case

Don't forget the whole toothing bit, lost his badge while toothing, dated a psycho named Gloria and got his ass handed to him while checking on an ex-vic/stumbling across a chop shop.

Is there more??

Some people get hit with the ugly stick. Eric got hit with the crap hitting the fan stick. If things don't start turning up for him soon... *sigh* I don't know. I'm just starting to become agitated because in all seriousness, what else could do tptb do to him?

They tried to salve it by having him "crack" the case but that's just bull imo. Eric needs more than that. Perhaps they can have him win the lottery or something.

Oh and add me to the list of huggers. Eric needs some lovin' from us. ;) :D

He also dated Natalia.......soo sad :( but then again, he prly doesn't remember their fling :)
cainesugar said:
Poor Eric. Something bad should happen to someone else- Natalia, or Ryan, or Cal, even Tripp...Poor Horatio and Eric have had enough! *prays TPTB have heard us*
They should give someone else a chance to have something bad happen. Just not Ryan-well they could, but I would be sad :( anyways, if you think about, most of them had something pretty bad happen to them...Natalia's ex-husband died-I know, thats not that sad to her, Ryan has already got shot, Calleigh's ex bf joined them then crossed them(I think...) and she got rammed of the road in the water. Nothing really happened to Tripp but anyways, this is the Eric thread so back to Eric...Poor baby :( Im definatly on that hug list. Things really have to start getting better for him, I dont know how much more he can take or how many more ideas TPBP can come up with.
--Oh and as for those Brittney jokes...nice ones :lol:
Eric needs a good woman, imo. Wasn't there some talk of the writers planning that? And I don't mean that whole Natalia bit. I seem to remember an interview where Adam mentioned a love interest in the future.
I thought I remembered reading somewhere that eventually Eric is going to have to make a choice between a woman and his career. Hmmm. Maybe I didn't. I don't know if that would ever happen, but I could have sworn I read it somewhere...

So maybe someday he will find a good woman :)
That was a storyline the writers were throwing out there but they decided to axe it. I don't know why they just decided to go with something else....I don't know if that was the "Man Down" storyline but I do know they axed the idea.
It would have probably been interesting if they kept that story and did the "Man Down" storyline too. Eric needs a good woman to take care of him now. He shouldnt be alone :( Poor Eric. Hope things are better for him on Monday's episode :)
I, for one, would like to see him alone for a while. A long while. A relationship right now would be the worst idea ever.

Plus, he really needs to give the peen a rest, before it falls off.
The writers(I hope!) are probably leading up to a big or imporant storyline that may involve Delko soon. Like I said in another thread, whatever the writers are doing they think is right. So if you were writing the show, what ever you were doing you'd think was right, too.
midnight_tiptoes said:
I, for one, would like to see him alone for a while. A long while. A relationship right now would be the worst idea ever.

Plus, he really needs to give the peen a rest, before it falls off.
Couldn't agree more.

And actually, xanessa, I'm not a writer in the television/big screen world... but I do write. And half of the time I think my ideas are all wrong and quite possibly as far from right as one could get. :lol: However, I do agree that the writers may have something very powerful for Eric in the future.

Experience has taught me to believe otherwise though, so we'll see!
midnight_tiptoes said:
Plus, he really needs to give the peen a rest, before it falls off.
:lol: :lol: I was like on the floor, very funny :lol:

And I want him to be with someone but I wouldnt be surprised if they just leave him alone for awhile, he already had a very big storyline about him. Ie: him getting shot and almost died
Avalia said:
midnight_tiptoes said:
I, for one, would like to see him alone for a while. A long while. A relationship right now would be the worst idea ever.

Plus, he really needs to give the peen a rest, before it falls off.
Couldn't agree more.

And actually, xanessa, I'm not a writer in the television/big screen world... but I do write. And half of the time I think my ideas are all wrong and quite possibly as far from right as one could get. :lol: However, I do agree that the writers may have something very powerful for Eric in the future.

Experience has taught me to believe otherwise though, so we'll see!
I don't know which way you are taking it but I haven't read any of the posts before me so I wouldn't know what you meant. :D
Plus, he really needs to give the peen a rest, before it falls off.

I love your humor.

Ok, so if not a good woman, how about a damn good friend? Since Speed was axed off, it seems as if there is no real conection with the team outside of work. You never hear about an 'midnight tiptoes' anymore. I figure after all he's been through, the poor guy needs someone's shoulder to lean on.
neo_genesis said:
Ok, so if not a good woman, how about a damn good friend? Since Speed was axed off, it seems as if there is no real conection with the team outside of work. You never hear about an 'midnight tiptoes' anymore. I figure after all he's been through, the poor guy needs someone's shoulder to lean on.

In light of what happened to Eric, I am not surprised that he and Calleigh are to become closer. Closer in the shippy sense? I don't know and this isn't the proper place for that discussion so I won't say any more. However, I will say that Calleigh & Eric have been BFF for such a long time and it wouldn't surprise me if they end up becoming each other's support system, if they already haven't have done so.

I agree that what Eric needs right now is a good shoulder to lean on. Like discussed earlier he's really had the most unfortunate luck. He needs to start carrying around a four leaf clover or go to a botanica asap to get blessed.

PS Uh I loved how tptb didn't show Horatio re-telling Eric that Marisol died. That would've been... well, added drama to say so at the least.
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