Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Hunter, not everyone can roll their R's. My brother can't :lol: which I find amusing because people tell me I look like I'm Spanish all the time. I don't see it.

Off topic. Sorry.

Anyway. I am very disappointed with tonight's episode. I'm not going to go into details because I know some people haven't seen it yet. But grrr.

Anyone can go into the episode's discussion if they want to see my review... but I didn't add why I'm so mad. Oh well, it can wait :)

Eric definitely is sexy with a shaved head. I didn't like it at first, but yummy. I loved his whole getup this episode.
I hope I still have something to look forward to for this episode. So far Im hearing that its not that good. I think Ill be happy with it as long as they should atleast a few scenes of Eric. :)
Hunter, not everyone can roll their R's. My brother can't which I find amusing because people tell me I look like I'm Spanish all the time. I don't see it.

I know. When i was young, in the elementry, some of my classmates asked me to teach them to roll their R's. I'm not kidding! And how was i supposed to do that? It's like trying to teach them how to move your ears, or flare your nostrils. (Which i can do. :lol:)

Eric definitely is sexy with a shaved head.
I have to disagree! I miss his normal hair, however little the amount was. :lol:
Hunter, I like his old hairstyle too just because it wasn't so much of a bad boy look, but I think he's gifted enough to rock either look. He's a total stud.

Too bad I'll never venture close enough to meet him.

ILuvJonathanTogo, don't be too worried. It's not entirely horrible, just not something I really enjoyed. I just liked the eye candy, the storyline was blah. You'll see, but have no fear...

I really don't wanna go off topic but I have to! Jim Carey was on David Letterman tonight and he was mocking H's scenes where he says something cocky and walks away. I personally thought it was hilarious.

Okay. Done.

Oh and Hunter, have you seen the episode yet? If you did, you can't tell me that he doesn't look sexy with that shaved head. ;)
There's 5 mintues LEFT in it. I have seen it. :) He looks ok, better from a distance. Especially with his hands in his pockets! :lol: For some reason. :)
Hello everybody :)

I'm new to the CSi Files and i really really like this board..especially the Delko Threads :devil:

The thread name is really really funny :D :D

I'm from Bosnia(but i live in germany) so please don't be mad or something..if i don't spell an english word right or somethin

Hugs and Kisses :D

Welcome to the board, Melanie! :D Hopefully you'll enjoy your stay.

And as far as your English is concerned, I don't think you did a bad job at all.

On another note:
Does anyone have any stills from last night? I know there is that one site that has the promo pics but I was really hoping to get a shot of Derrick. He was there and you all know it! :lol:
Welcome to the board, Melly.

Okay, let me add my 2 cents from last night's episode (nothing too spoilerish). As you guys mentioned from the previews, Eric is, in fact, back on the job. Although I was glad to see him back, I do have to say that I was disappointed with the timeline b/c I thought he came back too soon. The writers merely explained it away as having been a few weeks already and how it's amazing that he's already back in just a few short weeks. :rolleyes:

Anyway, seeing him last night nearly broke my heart all over again. I think I'm still recovering from the drama in the last 2 episodes, so this one didn't help my mood either. :(

Poor guy! You can definitely see how defensive and hurt and frustrated he was, not to mention that his confidence was very much shaken by his mistake. I just wanted to reach out and hug him, you know?

Other than that, I kind of liked the shaved head. Anyone else think the music in the beginning after the credits was a bit too cheesy? But I liked the slow-motion kind of entrance he had, plus when he turned his head just so, so you can see where the scars are from the bullet and the surgery.
But i can roll my R's too, who can't?
*cough* I can't. And believe me, I have tried.

As expected, Eric was brought back into the field too soon. In a way, I'm glad he messed up. It's more realistic that way. But man did I want to give him a hug! Poor baby :(
Shadowfax said:
Other than that, I kind of liked the shaved head. Anyone else think the music in the beginning after the credits was a bit too cheesy? But I liked the slow-motion kind of entrance he had, plus when he turned his head just so, so you can see where the scars are from the bullet and the surgery.
I didn't mind the music too much, but I thought that the slow motion technique (though it wasn't really all that slow), was great. In an odd, sort of pathetic way, I was on my seat during the "slow motion" because I was waiting to see Eric. I kept wondering where he was the entire time and then bam... scar and all.
Yeah, I think they actually showed just his silver CSI kit first in the shot. That's when I knew it was him and that he was back. :D Then you see him and he turned his head, and like you said... BAM! There's the scar. I thought it was a nice touch.

ETA: I can't roll my R's either. My hubby and friends think I'm weird. They keep trying to teach me, but I've given up. I just can't do it! :lol:
Hi guys! Welcome Melanie!
Last night's episode was okay. I wish I would have seen more of Eric but I was satisfied. I loved his new haircut/shaved head. :lol: Poor Eric though, wanted to come back to work and then he messes up. I hope he doesnt like take a break and he isnt on the next episode-I missed the promo for my next week so can somebody post in a spoiler code box anything about the promo/Eric. Thanks :D
Great episode, cant wait until next week :)
I didn't see Eric in the promo, it looks like some's murder gets covered up by a bear attack...I didn't know there were bears in Miami :lol: I saw Ryan...he's getting more and more screentime...not that that's a bad thing :D
Yep. Eric looked great, was great...ah I said all this already. :D
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