Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Thanks for the info about next week :) At first, when the music was playing in the beginning and Eric turned his head to show his scar, I didnt even notice. I finally did notice when I was like, why are they showing the back of his head?? Oh...I see it now. It was so sad, poor Eric :( Im happy that they didnt leave him out for too long, he didnt even miss a full episode, Im glad they "healed" him as fast as they did. I would have missed him :)
No cane :(. What a waste of potential sexiness.

Am I the only one who noticed the light aphasia? Good choice by Adam if it was intentional.
:lol: that would have been very intesting if he did have a cane. He really should have had one-he was only shot a few weeks ago.
Whats aphasia?
(Sorry if thats a dumb question) :D
DragonflyDreamer said:
As expected, Eric was brought back into the field too soon. In a way, I'm glad he messed up. It's more realistic that way. But man did I want to give him a hug! Poor baby :(

I agree with you on that Megan. It was much more realistic that he made a mistake due to his impairment. If they had made him 100% better w/o any consequence, I'd be highly annoyed because that would too much of a stretch.

Oh and Caro, you weren't the only one. I doubt that it was anything less than intentional and imo, brilliant on Adam's part (assuming that it was his idea because let's face it, tptb aren't that smart, haha). :lol:
ILuvJonathanTogo said:

Whats aphasia?
(Sorry if thats a dumb question) :D

An impairment of the ability to produce and/or comprehend language, due to brain damage. If you noticed, Eric was speaking slower than usual, and he seemed to be having a bit of a hard time speaking. It wasn't very obvious, but it was definitely there. Some people with aphasia also experience some problems reading, which could explain why he messed up the DNA test.
Yeah that's why he backed out of questioning the kid near the end of the episode...right?

'A Grizzly Murder'... Let me take a WILD guess here. Maybe someone gets murdered by a bear. *fake gasp* Maybe...a grizzly! :rolleyes:
Oh...Thanks midnight_tiptoes! Just another reason to watch the episode over again :lol: I felt so bad for Eric. Calleigh was kind of hard on him for messing up. It was a big deal but she could have been more understanding, poor Eric :( I scrolled up the page and went back to the other page and it seems that most people dont like his new shaved head, I love it! He is definatly someone who can pull off a shaved head :lol:
...unlike Briteny Spears. :lol:
I felt really bad for him, I mean lets examine the facts here, Horatio's not the only one who needs a pity party here

-He gets busted for drugs
-IAB on his ass
-His sister dies
-He gets sued for $250,000
-He gets shot
-He comes back, everyone doubts him
-He makes a big mistake and nearly ruins their chances with the case

Eric needs some hugs. *huggles* Lets send a big, warm, virtual group hug to Eric *waits for huggers*
Count me in too... ;) :D :)

Could anything ELSE happen to this guy?! If the writers decide to heap more drama in Delko's life, I think I would be peeved.
cainesugar said:
-He gets busted for drugs
-IAB on his ass
-His sister dies
-He gets sued for $250,000
-He gets shot
-He comes back, everyone doubts him
-He makes a big mistake and nearly ruins their chances with the case

Don't forget the whole toothing bit, lost his badge while toothing, dated a psycho named Gloria and got his ass handed to him while checking on an ex-vic/stumbling across a chop shop.

Is there more??

Some people get hit with the ugly stick. Eric got hit with the crap hitting the fan stick. If things don't start turning up for him soon... *sigh* I don't know. I'm just starting to become agitated because in all seriousness, what else could do tptb do to him?

They tried to salve it by having him "crack" the case but that's just bull imo. Eric needs more than that. Perhaps they can have him win the lottery or something.

Oh and add me to the list of huggers. Eric needs some lovin' from us. ;) :D
Hair does grow fast (someone go tell Brit that, the poor girl :lol:) but I'll stay out of this one, Lora.
I agree. Eric's had the short end of the stick the whole way- ever since early on. I saw 'Hard Time' and he was already late on crime scenes, with some excuse (that was s2!) I think he really needs some TLC and support from the other CSIs- I know they were very sympathitc at his mistake but they should realize that H isn't the only one who's had shit happen to him, Eric's had a tough life as well. In fact, H is waay better at covering it up, so Eric should have just as much sympathy. *sends Eric huggles and chocolates*
*sigh* Poor Eric. Something bad should happen to someone else- Natalia, or Ryan, or Cal, even Tripp...Poor Horatio and Eric have had enough! *prays TPTB have heard us*
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