Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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delkolover said:
Can't say that I have had one that I remember anyhow. What the hell did you eat before you went to bed last night? :D :lol:

hmmm, nothing...but I had a little Delko Fix, u know when u have to stare at his pix one last time b4 u go to bed?
lovedelko, please refrain from double posting. You have up to 24 hours to use the 'Edit' function if you would like to add more to your post. :) Thank you!
I know, we havent had posts in like a couple days!
Ill start a topic for us :)
If you saw Adam at a resturant, eating with people, would you go crazy and approach him, or stay calm and wait until he is done eating to ask for an auto. or say something to him?
I would want to think that I would stay calm but thats probably not likely:lol: :D
Well, I don't know about staying calm, but I'd wait until he was finished before approaching him. I think it would be incredably rude to do it while he was eating.
I would want to say I'd all smoothly approch him, tell him I love him, and sk for a picture and autograph, but I'd probably wet my pants and just die there. Or go hide in the bathroom until the janitor dug me out at the end of the night. :D
If I saw him in a restaurant I would probably faint! :lol: But if I did manage to stay conscious then I would totally go over drool, and then ask for his autograph and then drool some more!
Ah thanks everyone. it's still my b-day, the 7th, here in the US. Yes, I would drool a bit. And fall over. And stutter. :lol:
If I met Adam I would most likely die... okay, maybe that's a stretch. I would most like end up tripping over something or knocking something over. I tend to be klutzy. And then end up babbling like an idiot in an attempt to save face. Adam would look at me as if I had grown two heads.

Here's a pregunta for you all. How do you take your Delko? wet or dry? :devil:

ETA: My answer would be dry... because there's nothing like getting dirty... okay, I'll stop and keep my answer from getting too NC-17. ;)
xanessa said:
I like him all wet so I can dry him up myself! :devil:
ditto :lol: I couldnt have said a better answer.Oh and thanks to everyone who answered my-what would you do if you saw Adam in a resturant?-question :)
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