Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Well, I'm going to give the writers some benefit of doubt and assume that some time has passed since the shooting. Then again, assume does make an ass out of you and me, so they say. As long has there are some sort of after affects that Eric goes through in the next few episodes, I won't complain. Much.
Last night's episode was amazing! *cries* I feel so bad for Eric. And I was so troubled by what happened to him (even though I was glad he was still alive) that I had to get my hubby to comfort me after watching the episode. :( I was near tears when I saw him shed that tear, asking for Marisol and understanding without words that she's not there anymore. Poor guy! :( *buys more tissues*

They mentioned that Eric's going to be different from now on. I'm seriously hoping he wouldn't be sooo different, even though there will obviously be adjustments and changes in his life now.

How different do you guys think he's going to be from now on in terms of personality and interaction with his co-workers? :confused:
i know i hope is isn't all that different. he was perfect before. i hope he still is the same towards co workers. maybe he forgot about boa vista. sorry i just don't like her. i hope he never crys again on the show cuz i totally lost it and started crying. yeah, i know i'm pathetic.
No, you're not pathetic. I was nearly in tears too, and I couldn't sleep 'cause I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to him. :(

I'm sure there'll be challenges as he recovers. But I hope he's not so different from the Eric that everyone knows and loves... not that I'd like him less if he is. ;)
Yea, these changes are now playing into my fantasies...which are now all over the place, I just can't figure him out until next week's episode...sorry, I'm just wierd like that.
I was just thinking about the personality changes he might face and I'm thinking... what if he turns into a complete asshole? One we've never seen before?

Now that would be depressing, but with that shaved head and the look in his eyes when he gets pissed, it could definitely happen.
I could foresee him maybe being depressed and kind of quiet, maybe out of it for a while until he gets adjusted. I certainly hope he doesn't turn into a jerk. Don't get me wrong, I love his attitude, but too much like a jerk would be a turn-off for me. :(
Im so excited to see how he is now. Poor guy, just doing his job and gets shot :( But I got to admit, I could barely keep myself from running and attacking the t.v when they showed him being rushed into the hospital, shirtless!! I had to cover my eyes , though, for the heart injection, that was so miraculous!!(I cant spell-:lol:) The way he just take that breathe and sat up, so scary but so awesome! I was crying because , he was alive! The show wouldnt be the same without him. They might have brought on a new character-that new character might not be sexy(but the producers have done good so far with getting sexy guys) :) The new guy might be weird- you never know, so Im so happy that Eric is alive, he is too much of an awesome character to have him leave.
I hope he doesnt get back as a jerk, I hope he comes back to be the same character eventually. They probably wont let him have his full job back, he will probably just be in the lab for an episode or two, I dont know though.
And like many of you, that tear at the end broke my heart too :( The whole part about him not remembering Marisol's death, so very sad but Im so glad that he is going to be okay. Atleast Im pretty sure he is going to be okay.
Oh and the scenes with Eric and Calleigh, espiecally when Calleigh gave him the cross , that was so sweet and I cried. I cried at many parts of this episode, how about you guys?
Im not sure if he's going to different or not. But because of his memory loss, Alexx said that he is going to be different. -I think...Anyways, Who is Derrick?
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