Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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I think it's my turn to have a dream about Eric. Although, I'm not a karate move typa person so I don't think I'd be saving his life. :lol:

On the other hand... kick in the Adam's Apple? Owwww.
That would hurt SO much! Just like kicking a guy in the crotch.

Can someone please explain this 'Evil Derrick' thing to me?
From what I've heard, Derrick is the evil Eric that appeared in s4. He's irrisistable, and he's the one who's responsible for everything Eric...or Derrick does wrong (the pot, losing the badge, the sex thing...ect ect)
Hope that clears it up Lora (or do you prefer Hunter? :D
cainesugar said:
From what I've heard, Derrick is the evil Eric that appeared in s4. He's irrisistable, and he's the one who's responsible for everything Eric...or Derrick does wrong (the pot, losing the badge, the sex thing...ect ect)
Hope that clears it up Lora (or do you prefer Hunter? :D

Don't forget how Derrick hooked up with Natalia, that was just horrible. I'm glad Eric finally found out and didn't consider her any different from a thief.
Avalia said:
I think it's my turn to have a dream about Eric. Although, I'm not a karate move typa person so I don't think I'd be saving his life. :lol:

On the other hand... kick in the Adam's Apple? Owwww.
Yeah, Im not much of a karate person either but, gotta go what you gotta do to save Eric :D
And yeah, I saw this show on tv that proves that if you kick a man with a lot of force right in the Adam's Apple-you could kill him, or atleast make him scream and run away like a baby because of the extreme-EXTREME pain, :lol:
---And as for Derrick, you guys explained mostly, I just head about "Derrick" myself like 2 weeks ago, but I think its Derrick we blame for doing all the bad things Eric as done because we love Eric, and hes not bad :)
Do u guys think it's too soon to put Eric back in the field or do u think he needs time off, atleast from the field. It's not that I mind him at the field. I was just curious cuz I'm bored and had nothing else to post about him.
Nice siggy lovedelko! Geiko and Delko...ok... (did I mispell Geico...or Geiko...??)
I also thought that. On many TV shows someone is injured, critical, all dramatic and sich, and then is back the next episode, good as new. I always thought this was corny- I mean they go through all that drama and then, act like nothing happened. He could at least be stuck in the lab.
I saw a promo pic and he was at the crime scene with ryan and Alexx (with a newly shaved head, may I add) and looked fine! It was almost hard to watch...what is it with the writers? They can kill a guy, bring him back, give him memory loss and put him in the field right away? They had better say like "3 weeks later" or something. :D
Anyways...can't wait for 'Broken Home!' And Delko!
My personal oppion? Unless a LOT of time has passed between the last episode and this one coming up, it's waaaay too soon for Eric to be back at work. The man got shot in the head!
ok so i figured something out today and thought I'd share. Did anyone ever notice that when they show Adam's name in the credits that it evloves from a math equation and I finally figured it out: 3b+N=7bn1(6A)

I watch too much CSI:Miami
When has this show ever given us continuity? :lol:

Obviously it hasn't been like 2 or 3 weeks in the show since his shooting b/c the guy would still be in the hospital. I mean c'mon physical therapy anyone? He also got shot in the leg...that would take time to heal too.

Is it too much to ask from the writers to give us continuity? Or is there begging involved?
Yeah but since when has CSI Miami or any television show made sense like that? I really don't expect a lot of time to have passed because from what I've seen TV rpograms don't really show any after-effects of any injury, they just forget about it and play it like nothing's happened! And so that is what I will expect this Monday. Gosh this week went kinda fast compared to those long dreary weeks leading up to "No Man's Land" and "Man Down."
You know what guys? I am very pleased that it seems Eric and Ryan are becoming friends. They used to be so tense but after last week's episode it seemed like Ryan realized Eric was apart of the team and 'his friend'.
Like my icon then? lol anyways...
This isnt a spoiler-Im pretty sure...This is all just guessing
If Eric happens to come back to work in a short amount of time, he will probably not be working his full job. I saw him in the promo too, maybe he is just going along and observing? I dont know but that would dangerous to have him running around with a gun, considering his emotions at the moment-and memory loss.
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Like my icon then? lol anyways...
This isnt a spoiler-Im pretty sure...This is all just guessing
If Eric happens to come back to work in a short amount of time, he will probably not be working his full job. I saw him in the promo too, maybe he is just going along and observing? I dont know but that would dangerous to have him running around with a gun, considering his emotions at the moment-and memory loss.
I agree... I think it's quite possible that Adam could be observing. That's not a spoiler, is it?

Anyway, TV works wonders. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole episode is never brought back and the writers act like it never happened. But if Eric's observing in the next episode, (I doubt it, but possible), then maybe... maybe we can have some hope!
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