Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Guys, back on topic please. This is the discussion about Adam/Delko, not temperatures and timezones. ;)
I'm really digging that almost faux-hawk he had going on in past seasons. Sehir posted new pics of his movie 'Cielito Lindo' where he's rocking in with blond highlights in the Yahoo group. It made me very nostalgic.

3 minutes to go till the new ep. Must go get comfy.
faux-hawk? I have got to see a picture! Ill check out his Yahoo Group. Enjoy the episode! I dont see it until another..
3 Hours, 56 Minutes. Its going to be quiet on the thread, every is watching the episode now, im all alone on here! lol
ILuvJonathanTogo- you're not alone! I'm all lonely here in LA, so we can be fellow-hot-weather buds. (or loners :) )
SPOILER SPACE- Possible Spoilers

I like him with the longer hair but I'm excited to see the new hairstyle. They gotta shave your head to get a bullet out, I guess. And just for all the hospital procedure stuff. He is the only team member who could pull off the shaved head look, so good thing someone like H didn't get shot...imagine anyone else with a shaved head!'s good to have someone else who still waits for the ep. And ILuvJonathanTogo, it airs most places at 10, so that is weird. Ah well. Off topic.

2 hours, 23 minutes!
cainesugar said:
ILuvJonathanTogo- you're not alone! I'm all lonely here in LA, so we can be fellow-hot-weather buds. (or loners :) )
..Loners :lol:
They gotta shave your head to get a bullet out, I guess. And just for all the hospital procedure stuff. He is the only team member who could pull off the shaved head look, so good thing someone like H didn't get shot...imagine anyone else with a shaved head!
Thats even funnier, and I bit creepy to think about, H with a shaved head? *shivers* I love his pumkin head!(referring to his orange hair) lol I only say that because I posted "I love his pumkin head" on a different thread and someone got offended...not sure why.. Anyways.. I think im going to like his hair cut, I have already seen pics of his shaved head, and I like what I see. But I like all pics of Eric so...'s good to have someone else who still waits for the ep. And ILuvJonathanTogo, it airs most places at 10, so that is weird. Ah well. Off topic.
I know! Im so happy that Im not on this huge message board-talking to myself while everyone else is watching the most excited episode ever! By the way...It airs at 10 most places? I thought it aired 9pm everywhere, now I get how the times are messed up. Thanks for telling me that :)

Im almost at the 3 Hour mark!
No problem. I'm at the 2 hr! And I'm here until it starts, then I'm sorry, but I must leave for an hour- I'll post afterwards and in between for you, but no spoilers...just to say hi. Also- if you don't want to clog up the messageboards you can just PM me- LOL no one is on, so it might just be the right thing.
Also- you near the ocean? I love Hawaii- so beautiful...which island?

On topic again...countdown :)
1 hr 55 minutes!
Yes please post or pm me,Ill be super lonely lol
Wow I sound like such a loner I guess I am :lol:
And real quick-before I get yelled at by the great Mods- Im not really near the ocean and Im on Oahu.
*tries to casually get back to a topic* Hmm. Are you totally excited about seeing shirtless Eric? Wow what a dumb question...I have seen the commercials for tonight's episode and Eric looks real bad, this is going to be a hard one to get through. :(
Countdown- 2 Hours, 53 Minutes!
You guys could not make me an exciteder(is that a word?)!! Im going to seriously pass out and miss the while episode! *Tries to tear herself away from these message boards* I cant!!! Im addicted..
Countdown: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes!
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