Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Derrick is Eric's evil twin brother. You may recognize him because of his evil stubble.



By the way, the title of our next thread needs to be "At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot"
Oh, was he like super mad and mean in an episode, or does he seriously have an evil twin...Im gulable :lol:
That is an awesome title for our next thread, dont forget it :)
Because he came into season 4 with a stubble and was acting all weird, we came up with a theory that maybe he has an evil twin brohter. We baptized him Derrick. Derrick is evil, but super sexy and the ladies can't resists him. Derrick was the one who bought the pot and slept with Natalia, and blamed it all on Eric. He's hateful, but no one can say no to him. The stubble makes him irresistible.

Spelling lesson: gullible.
midnight_tiptoes, thanks for that link... I'll probably go and browse a bit. I joined this a little too late to be involved with the funny, older posts but that's okay.

I'm sure there's still some funny people here :)
LOL @ Derrick

Like that title idea too :)

I wonder though why if he mentioned and forgot Marisol was dead, he didn't mention Speedy. *sniffle*
I think he mentioned Marisol and not Speed b/c Marisol just happened and with head wounds like his recent memories more often than are the ones that are forgotten. It seems he has short term memory loss and not a total or long term memory loss.
Derrick? Eric has a evil twin? *throws hands up* I'll just leave that one alone.

I just came by here to post this picture.


Either that's 'evil Derricks' hair, or we got a Horatio Caine mimicker. :lol: Just thought you ladies would like that. Well, i'm out. *guns Hummer*
I love the idea of Derrick :devil:

I think Eric mentioned Marisol, because Speed was a co-worker, a friend at the most. Marisol was his sister. They were close. She's the one he would want at the hospital with him. The full extent of his memory problems are yet to be seen.
Oh god that happens to me all the time.

The night after you watch a new episode then go to bed you can't sleep because you're constantly thinking about that episode and the the next day your a zombified bat out of hell! IT PAINS ME....
Then I cant concentrate on anything the next day.

midnight_tiptoes: grace me with your humble words of wisdom. Derrick is so fucking real!
I had a semi-weird, semi-cool dream last night...
I was in this like apartment place but with Eric. I was helping him get better, I was kind of like his assistant. Then this like bad guy tricked Eric into coming into this room where he was going to shoot him. Then I did some Karate moves to save Eric :lol: and I made the guy pass out- I might have even killed him! I kicked him right in the Adams-apple, then I had to go to court but I was innocent so I went back to helping Eric recover. He seems really different in my dream-he was almost like a little kid.
Weird... :D
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