Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Yea white suit+cane=pimp! Yea that's what he would pretty much look like. Or how about that white suit that he had in 'Born to Kill'?
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hehe in that pic his face looks so funny and you can see some of his muscles! :devil:
Oh my god! He's so
! Sorry that smiley is bad, but I needed to find something to express my feelings! :D
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He could've gotten a cane with flames painted on it, like House, and walked into the lab in slow motion wearing a purple coat and a purple hat with a feather pinned to it.

Eric couldn't out-pimp House, but he'd look pretty hot with a cane.

cane =/= cake
HAHA!!! yeah can't forget the cup!!! lol!!!! but anyways back to our sexy cuban of a man. *hugs Eric* i so can't wait to see what Eric will be like in the new season!! i hope he doesn't have anymore memory problems that affect his job.
^^^That would be AWESOME Midnight!!!!!!!

I know what you mean Need4Speed but the writers will most likely put that in the new season though to coincide with the bullet fragments. Not necessarily about him having memory problems that would effect his work but him in general. If you ask me something seems to always happen to our sexy cuban,examples:season3 - loses best;season4 -accused of being on drugs and loses his sister;season5 - shot in the head and almost killed not to mention the memory loss. Oh yeah and being emotionally hurt by Calleigh. I mean damn can he get a break for once!!! But where is a show without drama?!
Wow, his life sucks as much as Horatio's! That's what you get when you become his brother in law? Poor Eric. Hell, being Horatio's brother in law should be one of his biggest problems.
I thought so too!!! at least it sounded like him!!! oh and yes Eric's life does suck as much as H's. he needs some love!! Eric hug line!!!!! *hugs Eric and brings him into a room and locks the door* *peeks out* if you guys want him you'll have to wait and get in line!! lol!! *shuts door*
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