Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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*Watches Delko on the very first eppie with Miami in it* Yumm he just came out of the water ;)

Yes i really loved the scene between him and Jolene too. It was great when he was like "I didnt want ti ask for help and stuff like that i was all like Awww *tear moment* It was just perfect because we dont get to see the sweet side of him very often, like its there but we more often see the tough Delko it was just a sweet change. He really put his emotions into words beautifly and how he knew exactly what she was going through. not to mention he looks Smexilicious in that jacket i was like Yumm *drool*
Eric was totally adorable in monday's eppi. i had a huge smile on my face when he was walking with Jolene. And it was sweet how he helped her out by telling a story about him that he hasn't told anyone else. and he did look very sexy!
Hello MrsEricDelko19 and welcome to the forum. :)

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Thanks! :)
im reading a play called "A Streetcar Named Desire"(anyone heard of it before?)
well anyways one of the characters named Blanche was married when she was young and when her husband committed suicide she started to have sex with random people
i was thinking that it was like with Eric in S3 that he was "toothing" after Speed's death
i dunno i thought it was interesting :eek:
Welcome, MrsEricDelko19, hope you enjoy the thread!!!!

anyways here's some sexy pics od Adam :D

Sexy Guy warning:
WARNING!!! these pics are extremely sexy!!! viewing these pics may cause heart problems because they are just so sexy!! so it is strongly advised that before viewing these pics that you have a medical team waiting to revive you should your heart stop from all the sexiness!!! Happy Viewing!!!

Love the smile!!!!! ooohhhh sexy runner!!!! Sexxy in a lab coat!!! Girls will pay to see sexy!!!!! Oh so sexy!!! Sexy in sunnies!!!! Can he get any sexier? Of course he can!!!! Just so sexy!!!!!!
omg Need4Speed i dont think that warning helps!!!
and you definatley need that medical team rite beside you!! they were about to stab me in the heart with that huge needle when i woke up from my temporary faintness!!:lol:
you mean the "intro-Cardiac epi" like they did to Eric in "Man Down"? i know!!! i really don't think it helps but it is funny!!! when i was posting them my heart seriously stopped for like 5 seconds!!! i was about to call 911!! :D :lol: haha can you imagine??

911 operator: 911. what's your emergency?
Me: help!!! my heart is giving out!!
911 operator: from what?
Me: looking at sexy pics of Adam Rodriguez....
911 operator: uhhhh.........
*dies from all the sexiness*
H:so Alexx, what killed this girl?
Alexx:uhhh. this is a new one Horatio.
H: what?
Alexx:she died from shock
H: and that's new how?
Alexx: she died from staring at sexy pictures of Adam Rodriguez.....the sexiness stopped her heart and sent her into shock..
H: well sexiness *puts on sunnies* sometimes has a price

We won't get fooled again!!!!!!
Don't get fooled again!!!!
NO NO!!!!!!!!

haha :lol: i can just picture it.....
Ah, need4speed those were truly beautiful! I felt my heart flutter, especially at the one in the white shirt. Thanks for risking the 911 call to post them. ;)
OMG i seriously almost passed out that warning is so not good enough you need to have 911 on speed dial before you look at those pictures..

And that little read out of your would be call to 911 was simply hilarious. i really can picture H sayin that :lol:

thanks for postin BTW
haha i'm gald you thought it was funny!!! oh that gives me an idea i should us it on the quotes you won't hear thread!!!!
haha i read the quote!!:lol:
hilarious!! seriously you cant put a warning on adam's pics!!
thhey will never help im just saying ya know!!
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