Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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actually i think he has a girlfriend. I'm not quite sure. I know that Jon and Rory deffinatly have girlfriends but I don't know if Adam has one or not.
lol..i cant believe you girls came up with that...that is so funny...i will be the first one to buy one of those...
that_girl1 said:
Dont mess with him!
hope there not too big:(

edited by mod as pics were wider than 480 px

They were a bit big--we request that pictures not be wider than 480 px to help those with slower internet connections be able to load the pages in a timely manner as well as prevent the screen from stretching for those that have lower screen resolutions. No worries though, I've edited them for you. :)
what was he doing in those pics?!? it looked like he was throwing something at someone!!! i wouldn't want to mess with him when he's angry. and he still manages to look sexy
i was wondering whre the pics were from because it is rare you see him like that...i figured he must have been really angry and then i thought of the rio epi ...and then i read what you just wrote....Dah!!!!

*seems a little more tired than i originally thought*
in the episode 'Kill Switch' Eric has to go to court because that stupid pool boy's lawyer said that Delko doesnt remember much stuff and the judge says that the case will continue later on
does anyone else think that they will show it in the episode 'Burned' because that episode is mostly based on Ryan and i would like to see what the judge says
I thought he was reinstated once they found the evidence against the pool boy. He said he was back to work towards the end of the episode.
he was back to work, but i dont think it is the last time people go aftre him becuase of his accident...but he is a tough man...he'll show them he's got what he's got..
yeah i know!!! where's the love!?! and That_girl1!!! wow!!! that pic was OMG!!!! he's just so sexy!!! and we reallt need to pick up the pace!!! Adam needs love too!!!
I just saw an Extra segment with Adam. I guess they asked him about the perfect woman. He was saying he'd enjoy someone who makes him laugh. I didn't catch anything after that cause someone changed the channel. He looked yum, though. Lollipop yum. Not grape, though. We won't stand for grape around here.
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