Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Fay made me bring this here. :p




And download the caps zip I made for 405. Lots of Adam HR caps. ;)
You can tell I obviously loved the banners, Lorelai. ;) *chuckles fondly at the one I'm using* :p

I might have to download the screencaps, too. :D

Hormiga said:
Was it a 2 parts ep? So Adam will be playing SL for another ep, maybe?
There will be a continuation, but no idea whether Adam will play a big role again. :p
Those banners are really great Lorelai. I love them! And thanks for always making and showing all those caps - (although I haven't downloaded any of them yet)
*Waves* Hello everyone my first post in the Adam/AJ thread ! I love Adam he is friggin amazing :D even more so in 'Down the Rabbit Hole'.

And it helps that he's totally hot too :p
AJ did a wonderful job in the last episode, he really owned it. it is always fun to watch him but this last week was just, well, perfect :)
It's funny how Adam has become my favourite lab-tech among all the lab-techs spread on the CSI franchise. There was a time in which I had a thing for Greg Sanders, but then Adam appeared and what can I say? He just took the first place!!

So, yes, we DEFINITELY need more Adam-Down the rabbit hole moments!!



"I'm glad you satyed"
Personally I love the geekness and the hotness and the brilliance of Adam/AJ. His character is obviously meant to be a little geeky, but he is very good looking. Then he usually comes up with some brilliant observation or information that plays a huge part in solving the case. I have vowed to go back and watch older episodes to gain a new perspective on my new love!
^^I actually didn't really think he was all that attractive to begin with. I'm not sure why, though. Obviously, he grew on me. :p

I definitely love when the team is like 'what the hell is this?...*sends it to Adam*' :lol:

LeanneUK said:
Faylinn I love your banner and the lil gangsta walk Adam does at the end
It's hard out here for a pimp--er, for a geek. :p
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