Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Happy Feet is way too cute -- ladies, you should definitely go see it. And Hugh Jackman's in it, who knew?

Also, I'm really going to miss Adam over the next two weeks. Great caps from Mrs. Azrael though! I really did love the phone scene. And I can't wait to rip up the RoMe thread! :lol:

Also, AJ's gonna be filming another movie this December. I don't know anything other than that, really, but I'm excited for him. And The Last Sin Eater looks really good. It's actually a great novel, so I'm really looking forward to the film -- and that's why Adam was so fuzzy in the season opener -- he was still filming for Sin Eater and didn't get to shave until after. :D
Hey, I've been away for a while from this thread!!! :eek:

AJ has a Myspace account??? o_O
Ok, I'm already among his friends... :lol:

I found an article about Happy Feet in an Italian magazine, but I'm sooo sad because here the movie will be doubled :(
Yup, he's on myspace. He totally reminds me of my friend Andrew. And Nim, I saw your comment to him and you're really pretty!

Back on topic: I really felt like the episode needed a bit of humor from Adam and maybe some better stuff from hammerback. I very much missed him this week. I know next week is going to be an intense Hawkes episode and I'll be glad for the continuation from "Hung Out To Dry," but this episode could only have benefitted from a visit from our favorite tech.

Also, Rutta put up some ADORABLE pictures of AJ at the Nintendo Wii release party:



...Anyboy else wanna play with AJ's Wii? :devil: :lol:
:eek: oh dear! I'm a pure girl, I don't understand this evil things... :rolleyes: Muhahahaha!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: sure!!! If I'm pure, AJ has no tattos... :D

*looking at the pics*
Mmm, the mustache... there's more hair on the right (left for AJ). Needs us to shave his face?
Ok, let's plan the day: morning, shave AJ. Night, play with Wii :cool:
In the middle? Food and naptime. We're gonna need energy if we're gonna play with AJ's Wii all night. :devil:

I can't believe he's not in "Raising Shane." If he's not in the episode after that I might have to get really upset. Adam just lights up his scenes, and AJ does a really great job of portraying nervous genius.
Yeah, I was looking at the cast for the next episode, and when I didn't read his name I was "owww, no... no funny scenes with Adam&Danny :(".

You're right, detectdevotion, he lights up the lab scenes with his humor :D
and AJ does a really great job of portraying nervous genius
Hahahahaha!!! Nervous genius :lol:
Definitely my favorite Lab Geek.... :) He always seems so energetic and happy to be working out stuff! Good for him; we're missing that energy alot now. I'm always happy to see Adam!
The phone licking thing cracked me up! :lol: Who does that? I think Adam has a man crush on Danny. :lol: And yes, I definitely think Danny expected Adam to fix his phone. :lol:

No Adam in the next ep either? That sucks. :( Hopefully he'll become the Greg of NY. I like him. :cool:
I don't know much, other than this is one busy dude. He's been running around LA to all kinds of parties, ect.

He kind of offhandedly mentioned in an interview that Adam's going to have a stalker...which I think would be seriously funny. I would absolutely love to see how they handle that.

But I also think that Adam needs a serious storyline. Maybe nothing major, but something that reveals that other side of him -- we've seen him get kind of short with Danny. And I still think it would be really interesting to have him involved somehow with one of the cases. IE, knowing the suspect, being a witness, wrong place wrong time kind of thing...there are a lot of possibilities.
Adam having a stalker, hope it's a girl. Can't have him getting hurt.

DD would love to see Adam out and about in a case. Either him being apart of it like you suggested or just helping out. (he only got to help mac that one time when the building was about to be torn down) Lab geeks on the other CSI's have gotten involved outside the lab before even more than once so why not Adam. ;)
I do like that he's been in most of the episodes. I really missed him over the last two ( particularly "Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael" ), but I have to admit this is a big season for the tech. I hope he makes the same jump that Greg and Natalia made on CSI and Miami...I would really love to see him on the show full time. He's never had an un-fun scene, and could you see him on his first crime scene.

Adam: But if I taste it, I'll know for sure that it's cranberry lip gloss!
Mac: Adam, you can't eat the evidence.


I hope he's in Silent Night. I can't find cast listings for that ep. yet...
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