Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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uuuaaaaaa ... I'll tear all my hair out ...

sorry guys :) just too anxious to see the episode ... :D

btw thanks for info about myspace and for the pics (that beard, ugh!)
It's a great episode. has the epsode up on Innertube, can you watch the episode that way? This was a really great episode, lots of fun for Adam and an great angsty episode for Flack.

And there are moon rocks. And Adam makes a "The Price Is Right" reference. :D
All the hail the greatness that is Adam's screentime!

I swear I giggle so much whenever he's on. I thought it was nice to see Danny and Adam actually get along without any huffiness (at moment I can't think of what else to call it).

But I love how Adam's always excited when he's found something. I enjoyed watching Danny and Adam banter between the 'rust stuff' and 'trace' and I thought the boy was such an adorable dork for saying, "Sha-ZAM!" Who says that? :lol:

Danny and Adam geeking out over the moon rock was cute too. I could totally see Adam having been so excited once he figured out it was a genuine moonrock. He was probably desperate to tell someone -- anyone. I mean, he knows they sell fake ones on ebay. :lol:

What a guy. Dated a Suicide Girl, inhabits night clubs, geeks out over moonrocks, says Sha-ZAM.... :rolleyes:

But I come with a gift...

^^That picture, SimplyBlue, makes me all kinds of happy. :lol:

He and Danny have such awesome chemistry together -- and, Fay, I thought of you when Danny put his arm around Adam.

My ovaries went 'splodey! :lol:

I thought it was nice to see Danny and Adam actually get along without any huffiness (at moment I can't think of what else to call it).
Well, you know, I don't want to get shippy in here or anything, so I'll stay away from that one...

*shifty eyes*

huffy = lots of sexual tension
not-huffy = they've relieved that tension somehow. :devil:

But that's all I'm saying. ;)

But I love how Adam's always excited when he's found something.
I know, he's so into his job, I love it. :lol: I also love how thorough he is. It makes you wonder how that brain works sometimes. :lol:

I enjoyed watching Danny and Adam banter between the 'rust stuff' and 'trace' and I thought the boy was such an adorable dork for saying, "Sha-ZAM!" Who says that?
Adam's great, and Danny and Adam together are even better. :lol: I love that Danny gave him a hard time about the 'rust stuff' but then actually said it himself later on in the scene. :lol: The "Sha-zam" thing was so hilarious, but could we have expected anything less from Adam? He's such a gem. :D

Danny and Adam geeking out over the moon rock was cute too.
Yeah, I definitely loved the geekiness. Those two are such dorks, but it just works. :lol:

Let's revist a nice slice of hawt. ;)
Faylinn said:
Well, you know, I don't want to get shippy in here or anything, so I'll stay away from that one...

*shifty eyes*

huffy = lots of sexual tension
not-huffy = they've relieved that tension somehow.

But that's all I'm saying.
Apparently they worked out their issues before work? ;)

Yeah, I definitely loved the geekiness. Those two are such dorks, but it just works. :lol:
For as much of a tough guy as Danny comes off as, Adam sure knows what buttons to push to bring out the inner dork. It as if Danny can't help it. :lol:
For as much of a tough guy as Danny comes off as, Adam sure knows what buttons to push to bring out the inner dork. It as if Danny can't help it.
I think he brings out the dork in everyone. Such a lovable dork. Could you see danny and adam bowling together? :lol:
Yes, and I can see Eddie special ordering shirts for the new NYPD Bowling League, because I can see him and Hawkes joining in on the fun.

Great caps from the episode!

I really loved the "shaZAM!" bit as well, and I really liked the little, "you're welcome!" send-off to Danny as he and Stella headed out.

He's on next week's ep, too! :D I'm a happy, happy girl. I also made AJ a friend on myspace. God, I am one cool kid. I think Adam brings out MY inner dork, too. :lol:
So again we were given more time with Adam.

Poor guy gets shoulder punched in the heat of Hawkes' enthusiasm and what does he say? "...Ouch." Despite his geeky exterior, I thought he'd be a little tougher that. :lol:

But it was cute that he was eager to let Hawkes look at his finding. He always seems to be. :rolleyes:

Oh. Anyone have any idea on what Adam was babbling about to Hawkes and Danny? All I got from it was something about a girl and Somalia. As much as I enjoy his random, nervous, and totally off-topic babbles...I wish there was some kind of warning on when they're about to occur. Then I would at least be prepared to start dissecting his words and formatting it into a coherent story.
I think he was talking about Danny's phone. Then when into talking about Somalia and the girls there. I don't know if he was trying to say that was a good place to meet woman. I like he babbles but I think tonight was the worst in trying to understand exactly what he was saying period.
My understanding of the scene was this:

Danny is a klutz and drowned his phone. Adam was checking it out to see if he could salvage it. He tasted the liquid and realized it was house blend coffee, and the rambling had something to do with him working (?) in a coffee shop...I dunno. I'll watch it again and see if I can clairfy.

Also, that had to be the most amazing scene in the world. Broody, sexy Hawkes, shirtless Danny, and sweet Adam... All we needed was a bit of Flack and it would have been perfect. :D
I mentioned the coffee thing over in the grading thread, but I'll copy and paste it here just in case:

So let's see if I understood the locker room scene correctly: Danny had managed to spill the 'house blend' coffee on himself and presumably his cellphone as well. He went in there to change and talked to Hawkes. Adam came looking for them (how did he know where to find Danny, I wonder? ;)), because Danny didn't answer his phone. Danny threw the phone to Adam, who proceeded to sniff and lick it, pronouncing that he knew it was the 'house blend' coffee based on some vaguely-scientific mumbo-jumbo and the fact that he was a 'coffee sommelier' in college to pick up chicks. :p (I thought sommelier was a term that was used to refer to wine, but whatever.) Adam, darling, why in the world would you lick and sniff the phone? What if Danny hadn't told you that the phone 'drowned' in the toilet until you'd gotten a good taste first? :rolleyes

But I wonder if Danny expected Adam to fix it for him? Hehe, slash! ;)

Anyway, just thought I'd post that since it was mentioned in here. ;)

Speaking of my uber-slashiness, there is officially a Danny/Adam thread over in SC. (Clicky!) So anybody who likes it can join in the slashiness over there. Hehe. :devil:

Anyway, I don't see AJ listed as a recurring cast member for either of the next two episodes. :( I'm not sure if that means he's not there, but if he isn't I'll be sad. But then again, I know he can't be there all the time. *sigh*

So here's a hot picture to hold us over. ;)

Geeky Adam

OMG-Totally-Not-Geeky AJ :eek:

Hehe. ;)
Lmao. Thanks for the picture of Adam licking the phone, Watcher. I loved that moment. I remember watching and thinking, "Dude. What are you doing? Danny needs to put that up against his ear." Adam so come's off as a hands-on learner. He couldn't just accept the fact that it was coffee...had to taste it for himself. Though I kept waiting for Danny to say something about it, but apparently he didn't mind. Maybe he's use to the tongue... :lol:

But awww, no Adam for two weeks. That's depressing. At least we know the next time he's on, it'll be worth it. The wait will make his screen time that much greater. :D
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