Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Lol well, you could consider that Adam was there in spirit...

When Danny was telling the would-be killer about how the lab broke down the paint's chemical compotents, I immediately thought that he had gone to Adam for the job. For as impressed as the guy seemed to see paint changing colors (and he made quite a big deal out of it), I could picture him rushing off to Adam in order to show him. Then together, they would proceed to geek out and turn the little paint chips under the lab's lights and watch them change. :lol:
Exactly! :lol: And they'd be standing there, turning a little paint chip this way and that and using big words while they geeked out. Stella would just shake her head and walk away. :lol:

So yes, Adam was there in spirit. ;) (It might have been that he was originally supposed to explain the paint to Danny, but with so much going on in the episode it got cut out...I could've done without the long figure skating thing at the end in favor of a minute with Adam, but I'll survive. :p)
No joke! I thought of Adam immediately when Danny started to talk about how crazy-cool the color-changing paint was, and I was TOTALLY disappointed that AJ wasn't on screen. It was a great episode, but again, I think it could have done with some levity from Adam -- he's a great on-topic comic relief.

I think I need to rewatch his Season 2 eps, as well, to get a good grasp of him. Here's a list of his few S2 eps ( even in order! ):
Bad Beat
Fare Game
Super Men
Run Silent, Run Deep

and last but not least
Stealing Home

Time to bust out those DVDs...I'm having AJ withdrawls. :(
Is it bad that I already have a little piece of paper with his episodes from S2 written on it? :lol:

I agree with you about Adam being 'on-topic comic relief.' He can really brighten the scenes he's in, but it doesn't seem extraneous. He's telling you what you need to know, but the way he does it, and the way he interacts with the other characters, is just so much fun. :D
it would have been so great if danny would have gone to Adam about the color changing thing i would have like to c what crazy thing/jokes they would have said to each other.
i even thought of waht they would have said to each other lolo :)
Man, I need to get on buying my S2 DVDs so I can watch good ol' Adam whenever I want. But I have to agree, the humorous scenes with Adam never seem out of place or forced. They intergrate well with the flow of the episode and are hardly ever a disappointment for the viewers to watch.

On a random note, I didn't know AJ had already done an episode with CSI: LV. I was half-heartedly listening to the episode as it played on Spike until I heard the ever-so familiar voice. The guy turned out to be the killer, lol.
Yeah, the episode with the tent over the house and the dead guy inside when they did the extermination or whatever. I haven't seen that episode in forever, I should have watched for when it came on. :lol:
LMAO...AJ admitted that he could "do many things." I could "do many things" to AJ, but that's another topic... :devil:

Yeah, I agree with Fay -- it really isn't forced material, he has good chemistry with everyone on the show that he's worked with, and I'd love to find out more about his animosity with Danny and his kind-of hero worship for Mac. Interesting stuff.

Also, AJ can really pull off those creepy roles...the clip from "Walking Tall 2" on AJ and that last clip where he's in prison talking about young girls and physical love ( EW EW EW ) were very convincing.

But he'll always be cute, slightly over-enthusiastic Adam to me. :lol: ;)
I thought I'd bump this thread since poor AJ hasn't gotten any love for a while. *pets him* We still love you, AJ. :)

I really need to visit that website and check out that clip. I could see AJ in a role like that because, as much as I love him as Adam and his adorkable self, I'm very interested in seeing his range. And from what you say, he has one hell of a range. :lol:

I've been reading a bit of Adam (slash) fanfic recently and I just love this character. I hope he stays on NY for a long time, he's just such a gem on the show. :D I know he's going to be in at least one episode in the near future, and hopefully I'm forgetting some. Adam scenes never disappoint, and the info I've seen for a scene from ep 16 fits right in. :lol:

I'm thinking of changing to another just-AJ-picture avvie on here, since I've had this one for a while. ;)
Faylinn said:
I thought I'd bump this thread since poor AJ hasn't gotten any love for a while. *pets him* We still love you, AJ. :)
Don't we what ;) ;) :p

Just went over to look at the website. I had no idea AJ was in In Enemy Hands. :eek: Only watched that again the other night too. Sorry I didn't notice you AJ!!! (cringe) Just gives me a good excuse to go watch it again :lol:

Got a nice list of new dvd's to check out too, now.

Adam always makes me laugh. He's such a dorky delight. Particularly in the blokey scenes he shares with Danny. And I adore how he worships Mac ... how in awe he is of him, how nervous he is around him. Hope the writers continue to give us more (hint: every episode would be nice :) )
I thought I'd bump this thread since poor AJ hasn't gotten any love for a while. *pets him* We still love you, AJ.

AJ we are so sorry. We didn't mean for it to get this bad. I'm going to use the excuse of the holidays. ;)

I love how nervous he gets around Mac it's just so cute.

I've been reading a bit of Adam (slash) fanfic recently

If you talking about the ones I think you are. They are good! I didn't think I would get into them as must as I have. But its Adam how can you not? ;)
If you talking about the ones I think you are. They are good! I didn't think I would get into them as must as I have. But its Adam how can you not?
Well, I only know of a few writers, but I've really only read motioncity44's stories and one by another author whose name escapes me just now. motioncity44 has opened an Adam Ross LJ community, but it's just starting so I wouldn't expect much there just yet. I'm going to link to it on my LJ page though, so you can check it out when we get stuff up on there. ;) (There's also a Mac/Adam community on there as well. ;))

Adam is just so slashable. :lol:

Anyway, back to something less shippy. :p

I absolutely love the scenes with Mac and Adam, because Adam definitely is nervous around him. :lol: And the scenes with Danny never disappoint either. I hope they put him in scenes with other characters in upcoming episodes, because I'd love to see more of how they all interact. I believe we have at least one scene with Stella in store in the near future. :D
^Adam has the biggest mancrush on Danny this side of Flack. :lol: I love what a big geek Adam is...and yet somehow he dated a Suicide Girl. That cracks me up! I'm glad he's going to be in some upcoming episodes.
I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be in the next episode, 3.13 "Obsession," and I believe he's in 3.16 as well. :D Other than that, I'm not sure. ;)
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