Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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Adam: But if I taste it, I'll know for sure that it's cranberry lip gloss!
Mac: Adam, you can't eat the evidence.

Too funny DD ! That would be classic. Can't wait until we get more.
He might be a party animal but if there was free stuff I would be there too. ;) I have no shame when it comes to free stuff (ok I have a little shame but that's it).
I just watched "In Enemy Hands" tonight, and I did not realize that AJ was in this movie! He was in it for about 2 minutes, but it was his adorkable self. He played a medic on the sub.
Springmoon said:
I just watched "In Enemy Hands" tonight, and I did not realize that AJ was in this movie! He was in it for about 2 minutes, but it was his adorkable self. He played a medic on the sub.
I watched that movie because Carmine is in it.
My attention was on him, but when I looked at the guy next to him I was "hey, what the hell...??? :eek: Is that AJ???"
AJ and Carmine in the same U-boat... mmm... :devil:
Hey everyone! Just noticed something I thought you'll would like.

I was checking something for the spoiler thread on TV and noticed they had a video of an interview at the Emmy after party with A.J.

Don't know if you've seen this already, but here's the link enjoy :)
It's a great interview, huh?

I can't seem to find any cast info for next week's I have no idea when Adam will be back. Maybe not until the new episodes start again in mid-Jan. I'd be a sad kid! :(
Don't worry, dd, I believe Adam is supposed to be in "Silent Night." :) I really hope so, he just lights up the scenes he's in. ;)

I haven't seen AJ in anything but NY, but I'd like to see "In Enemy Hands" (for him and Carmine ;)), and isn't he one of the extra voices in "Happy Feet?" :lol: How sad is it that I just want to hear him talk for a penguin? :lol: I want to see the movie anyway, but I'm thinking about going to the theater for it because I don't want to wait for the DVD. *is pathetic* :lol:

He stole the tie from Flack's wardrobe?! :lol:
But I like his style!!! :D

I wanted to see Happy Feet too! But I have to wait for the dvd, because here the movie is in Italian, so it's useless going to watch it just for listening to AJ's voice if his penguin is doubled... :(
Who knows? :rolleyes:
Maybe when Mac is busy, and Flack is out of the office waiting, Adam tries to entertain him :p
Mmm...I'm so down with Flack and Adam entertaining each other it's not funny -- it's too bad those two have never had any screentime together. I kinda miss snarky-Adam from S2 a little, tho.
Flack and Adam would be great in the same scenes. :p

I kinda miss snarky-Adam from S2 a little, tho.
You know, that's funny. Yesterday, I was thinking about Adam from S2 and how he's a bit different now. He's mostly the same, but in S2 he was more snarky, like you say, particularly toward Danny, whereas now he's more scatter-brained and adorkable. I love both versions, but I miss the snark too. ;)
I know...he used to tell Danny wot's wot, and I like that. Brains and a little backbone. It was sweet. :lol:

I think Flack might get a little jealous of all the RoMe luvin' if he's not invited soon...
:lol: Yes, he might. ;)

You know, I feel bad. I said I thought Adam was supposed to be in "Silent Night," but that spoiler was apparently outdated or else I'm dillusional. :lol: I missed him this week, and it'll be more than a month before there's another chance for him to shine in an episode. *sigh*

I think I'll take the break as a chance to watch the episodes of S2 that Adam was in, and then the ones from this season, to try to get a good grasp on his character. :p
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