Police Officer
You're right, Nim, I really like his beard.
I love that video! He cracks me up, perhaps because he reminds me so much of my friend Michele and I when we're together. Only he's got that energy all in one person.
They kinda passed by each other in the lab -- Adam was on his way out of Mac's office and Flack was on his way in -- but they didn't even glance at each other. Which makes me curious. I think they could have a great time making fun of Danny, at the very least. :lol: I'm kidding...mostly.
I love that video! He cracks me up, perhaps because he reminds me so much of my friend Michele and I when we're together. Only he's got that energy all in one person.
They kinda passed by each other in the lab -- Adam was on his way out of Mac's office and Flack was on his way in -- but they didn't even glance at each other. Which makes me curious. I think they could have a great time making fun of Danny, at the very least. :lol: I'm kidding...mostly.