Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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You're right, Nim, I really like his beard.

I love that video! He cracks me up, perhaps because he reminds me so much of my friend Michele and I when we're together. Only he's got that energy all in one person. :p

They kinda passed by each other in the lab -- Adam was on his way out of Mac's office and Flack was on his way in -- but they didn't even glance at each other. Which makes me curious. I think they could have a great time making fun of Danny, at the very least. :lol: I'm kidding...mostly.
WTF! Aj's thread as far on the page 2? Bad, really bad!! :)

I was just searching for some new pics ... and actually I found some new (for me) heeere (I LOVE! that page!)
Did you guys say earlier that he would be in this episode this week or was that next week? Would be a nice birthday if he was in this week's. ;)
*sniff* Oh, AJ, I'm so sorry I let your page fall to page two. Here, let Mama make it up to you... :devil:

Love those pictures, niam. :D

I'm pretty sure he's going to be in this week's episode, CSI_Watcher_8. ;)
:( I'm gonna see this week's episode as far as at the the end of next week ... well, hopefully, grrr ... and the next week's one even more after :( ... I waaaant AJ on Wednesday!!! :whimper: I will suffer so much! ...

That really sucks, Niam! But I'm sure we'll have a full report for you as soon as the episode's over. :lol: Fay and I can't resist.
^ Nope, sure can't! :lol: But why would we want to? ;)

I found this searching the net (don't know if we've seen it already or not). OMG, it's the fat beard!! :lol:


If he were my baby-daddy, our children would be doomed to a life of pastiness. :lol: Believe it or not, I think I'm paler than he is. :lol:

But what's kind of squicking me out just now is that he kind of reminds me of my brother in that picture. :eek: OMG, Noes! *runs away to sob*
You're not kidding. I'm English and Scottish and I'm just doomed to burn -- if we had kids, they would have to wear SPF 1,000,000. :D

Also, AJ has a myspace: AJ's MySpace

And, for your viewing pleasure:


And no, I have no idea who those people are. Lucky bas -- buttheads. And the second pic is from Walking Tall 2.
Man the beard in Faylinn's pic is wild. It's almost eating his face. And I really like the candid shot detectdevotion. Looks like they were having fun. ;)
Yeah, I think the beard was for his role in "Sin Eaters."

Also, I've been reading through myspace comments he's left based off of ones left on his myspace, and he is way too funny. Very normal and down to earth. And, yes, a dork. But aren't we all?

I really like the candid shot, too! I wanna party with those guys, looks like good times. :lol:
He does seem really cool and down to earth from his myspace. But there seems to be an abnormal amount of tan mostly naked girls on there too.... which I find extremely humorous.
But doesn't every boy on myspace have a bunch of tan almost-naked girls on their pages? Especially boys in Southern California?

...okay, so I laughed about it too.

I'm excited to see Adam again tonight! :D
This was an AWESOME episode for him! I really liked how Danny gave him a hard time about the "rust stuff" and I really liked the "Sha-ZAM!" And of course the "stick with bowling" comment. The "you're welcome!" as Danny and Stella left was great -- but my favorite was that he and Danny kind of geeked out over the moon rock.

Adam: It's a moonrock! From the moon!
Danny: Say wah?
Adam: Yeah, outer space!

He and Danny have such awesome chemistry together -- and, Fay, I thought of you when Danny put his arm around Adam. :lol: :devil:
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