Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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They should do an episode where they look into tattoos. Then Adam can be like yeah I may know alittle bit about that. We get to see them and it works for the show too.
Oh yessss!!! We talked about this ideal episode, with Danny and Adam discussing about tattos, and then Mac enters the lab and finds the two half naked :lol:
He's not in episode 7, which is the next one, but he IS in episode 8: "Consequences." Which makes me one heck of a happy girl. :D

That truly would be the ideal episode -- especially if Flack and Hawkes revealed some hiddin goodies? My my, that does sound naughty, doesn't it? :devil: :lol:

Mac: Is this leave your shirt at home day?
Stella: Amen.
Danny: * pointing accusingly * Adam says he has better tattoos than me!
Flack: That's cuz he does, but it's not cooller than mine.
Adam: It is so!
Hawkes: I've got all of you beat.
Mac: Stella, you should show them the one on your as--
Stella: MAC!
Adam: Heyyyy, Stella, that's pretty salacious.
Danny: What the hell does that even mean?!
Hawkes: Look it up!
for those of you who like the Very young is a lil treat ;)

i totally love the idea of the tattoo chat hehe ;) if only TPTB would listen ;) hehe
Just running in to share in the AJ love. :lol: I haven't be by much lately, have I? *hugs the thread* I'm glad AJ is getting a lot of attention here, Adam is turning out to be one of my favorite characters on the show. :D

Adam definitely needs to be like 'what's that squiggly thing on your arm, Danny? I've got a f***ing coat of arms. Touch it, b****, it's got colors and everything.' *Pwns* :lol:

I'm glad to hear Adam will be in the next episode, but I'm sad he won't be there this week. :( Ah well, it looks to be a good Hawkes episode, so that'll hold me over. ;)
Oh Fay, how I've missed you! I'm sorry the fic is taking longer than I thought, but I should be done soon, and then onto the Danny/Adam RoMe sequel!

I know, I'm going to miss him in "Murder Sings the Blues" too...but I am excited for Hill and I know that it won't be long before Adam is back! :D

So, seriously, why do you folks really think Adam is always so snappy with Danny?
Actually I think its the other way around. I think it's Danny that gets snappy with Adam. Adam can't help that he is smarter and cooler than him. The man did date a SG Girl, Danny wouldn't even go out to have drinks with them. ;)
Hey, that's an interesting twist. I guess I always thought that Adam was usually the one less inclined to be taken in by Danny's antics, but ya know, he IS the smarter one. :D And any man who can use the words "gratelupia turuturu" in a sentence has GOT to be cool. :lol:
detectdevotion said:
And any man who can use the words "gratelupia turuturu" in a sentence has GOT to be cool. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

*looks at the pic*
Oh, a young AJ! :eek:
No hurry, DD, no hurry. ;) The fic will be awesome when it happens. :p Besides, I haven't written the sequel for the angry!sex either, so who am I to demand fics from you? :lol:

I think Adam gets testy with Danny because Danny doesn't always respect his total smartness and general awesomeness. :lol: Consider when Adam has been snarky with Danny--two that immediately come to mind were when he suggested that Adam iron his pants and when he questioned the 'Saharan fungal spores' demo on the computer. :p

I love how Adam can be a total dork, and kind of shy, but at the same time he'll tell you what's-what. And, of course, he's very confident. I love that he always knows what he's talking about. Much, much bummfluff love! :lol:
There's a lot of love to catch up on, huh kasmith? I'm happy bummfluff love is spreading. Good news is that AJ will be on Episodes 8 & 9, and 9 sounds like another VERY good episode for Hawkes.

Nim, I think he's so cute in his younger days, too! Like here, in this picture from Warnings:

Fay, you're right! He does tend to get snippish when there's a challenge to his authority. Danny Messer is definitely a talented guy, but Adam is our go-to guy for oddball lab stuff. I like that Adam asserts himself with Danny and ( over the phone, at any rate ) Lindsay, but he defers to Mac and Hawkes, and is completely comfortable with Stella. I'd like to see him have a scene or two with Flack for curiosity's sake, but that would probably have to take place outside of the lab -- so he'd either have to be in the field again or else he'd have to be involved somehow in a case as a bystander, witness, or even suspect ( and wouldn't that last one be interesting? Hmm...our SG-dating tech might have a dark side after all... ).

Also, Fay, did you check out the awesome video Nim shared with us? Pretty sweet... :D
detectdevotion said:
I'd like to see him have a scene or two with Flack for curiosity's sake
Oh it would be soooo funny! :lol:

Young AJ but with beard: better! :D

That clip is killing me... can't stop watching it! :rolleyes: but can't find caps/pics of it anywhere :(
You know, I started watching that video and never finished it for some reason. I definitely need to head over and watch the whole thing...not that I'll be able to concentrate on what he says, though. ;)

I'd be curious to see Adam interact with Flack as well. :) And the idea that he might be a suspect is interesting but could potentially give me a heart attack. :lol: I could see him more as being a witness or something. I don't think they'd ever view him as a suspect even if he had a connection to the victim, etc...if that makes sense. :p

Anyway, he could have a scene with Flack if he brought Mac results while Flack was there, or if Flack accompanied a CSI into the lab or something...
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