Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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NIM! You are my SAVIOR, girl! I thought I was gonna have to wait to grab caps, and here you are with them!

Rant warning!:
If I haven't said it a million times before, I'll say it again: Adam NEEDS to be consistantly on this show. He always manages to make the episodes a little more fun, he can stay on topic and yet he even makes Mac crack a smile every time.

I love that he's got a little crush on the model -- I wouldn't have the heart to tell him that she's a total bitch, either. Let the guy have his dream, right? I laughed when I saw that he had labeled every last bit of trace on that rail -- in different colors! -- so he could help out. He's consistantly detail-oriented and thorough, I like that. That says he belongs in the crime labs to me.

THEY STRAPPED A BELLY BUTTON RING TO HIM! I gaped for a second when I realized that they were showing the reconstruction -- and how utterly silly it was. But silly in a way that worked for the case. He's a skinny boy! I mean, I knew he was trim, but I kinda wanted to feed the kid -- Dinner's on me, AJ! And seeing him bent over that railing was amazing. :lol: Is it bad that I had all sorts of other ideas about how that rail could be utilized? :devil: :devil: :devil:

SimplyBlue said:
While I've always enjoyed Adam's scenes, I think I've officially decided that I absolutely adore the guy after tonight's episode. I loved it when he perked up and basically hollered, "I love Mandy (Whatever Her Last Name Was)!" Such an adorable dork! :lol:

I did, however, feel bad for him when Mac put him on rail detail. It looked like he had quite a bit to identify...and he wasn't even sure what he was looking for.

I'm definitely with you, last night would have made me a fan even if I hadn't been already! And that's a record three Adam scenes in ONE episode. The way he hollared after Mac about loving Mandy was SO CUTE! I really enjoyed all of his scenes!

CSI_Watcher_8 said:
I felt bad for him working on the railing but it was worth it to see him wearing the belly ring belt to try out the theory. When I saw it I was like that is too funny. Then I thought ouch that could hurt.
Of course now we need pics of that. Did he put it on himself or did Mac help I can't remember clearly?

I think Mac helped him, which is way funny! :lol: And yeah, that had to have hurt a little -- but he did have that sweater to kind of help.

Anyway, I won't keep rambling, but he should definitely be on at least as often as Sid Hammerback for sure! I was happy to see him again -- too bad doesn't list what upcoming episodes he'll be on yet. :(

:p Now, enough me -- take it away, you guys!
Adam was adorkable last night! I love his enthusiasm. It cracked me up when Mac had him play Tess and recreate the murder, complete with belly button ring. :lol: :D
But Top41 the bigger question is how could he didn't have to wear the swimsuit too. To really make the experiment exact. Because that would have be :lol:.

That gave me the best mental image I've had all week. Well, that and the image of him bent over that rail. :devil:

You all do evil things to me. :lol:
detectdevotion said:
The way he hollared after Mac about loving Mandy was SO CUTE! I really enjoyed all of his scenes!
Lol I know, it was adorable. If there was ever a more obvious shout out for Mac to take Adam out in the field...I think that was it. I almost wished Mac did take the little guy out there to meet Mandy. Yeah he'd find out what a total bitch she was, but he could drool about her hotness until she opened her mouth.

But come on Mac, help make his dream come true. He's already had his heart broken by a Suicide Girl, what's the harm in ruining this crush? :lol:

THEY STRAPPED A BELLY BUTTON RING TO HIM! I gaped for a second when I realized that they were showing the reconstruction -- and how utterly silly it was. But silly in a way that worked for the case.
I laughed as soon as I noticed Mac was going to strap the 'belly button ring' onto him. I swear every time Mac needs someone to humiliate or bring out from the lab in potentially dangerous conditions (like the building that threatened to collapse), he'll pick Adam. But I find it cute that Adam always does what Mac wants without a fuss. I'm sure if it were Danny who told him to strap on the belly button ring, he'd give him all kinds of crap about it.

But was Adam really supposed to be that skinny? I mean Mac had an idea who the suspect was and only had to confirm it, but Tess was an awfully small girl, and I'm sure she didn't weigh a lot. You think it'd make more sense to try to reconstruct the ring markings with someone who's weight might have been closer to Tess's than Adam. The boy couldn't possibly be that light. :eek:

CSI_Watcher_8 said:
But Top41 the bigger question is how could he didn't have to wear the swimsuit too. To really make the experiment exact. Because that would have be :lol: .
Lmao. Sadly had Mac said, "Adam, I need you to put on this blue bikini." than the guy totally would. He'd want to be helpful and trot off to change...walking through the lab in his labcoat and the little two piece underneath.
I thought he should have gone out into the field, too. Maybe as more of a way to throw Mandy off than anything. He'd be all adoring and wanting to shake her hand while Flack and Mac snapped at her for info. I really hope he gets to go out into the field again. I know that he's techincally not supposed to, but it was really cool when they DID do it in "Not What It Looks Like." I really feel like Adam has a lot to offer to the team.

You're right, it was a little odd that they used Adam to reconstruct the belly ring thing, but I don't care -- I'm SO glad they did, because I wouldn't have missed that scene for the world. I laughed my butt off at the sight of him dangling all bent over the rail. :lol: :lol:

Oh man, the bikini and the lab coat...that's...I don't think my brain can handle that. :lol: :p
Don't remember if I wrote it, or you wrote it, if someone wrote it :confused:, but...there's a little video interview at TV Guide, with Adam at the Emmys.
He's soooo hot, I love his accent! :)
Nim is my official AJ thread hero -- that is an awesome clip, thank you so much for sharing it. You're right, he has a very, very sexy voice. And I think it's very cute that he's constantly moving and talks with his hands -- I always wondered if that was an AJ quirk or an Adam quirk. :lol:
detectdevotion said:
Nim is my official AJ thread hero
:eek: *blush*

I think he's a lot like Adam, and he said that. Expecially with women :lol: :lol:
He was stunning at the Emmys. I looked at the pics I have, but he looks better on video!
And he said he's a fat irish? :lol: he isn't fat, I'd love to squeeze his cheeks (ALL the cheeks :devil:) :D
Hope he didn't meet Sophia Bush :mad: she was at the party, so...

Hey AJ, aren't we enough for you??? :lol: :D
Ya know, I think you're right, I could see some similarities between AJ and Adam. But I do think AJ is probably a little smoother than his geeky counterpart.

He did look really great on video -- and full of energy. It made me laugh because he was ALWAYS moving.

Don't blame ya about the cheeks thing, but I think he was talking about the little Irish penguin he plays in "Happy Feet."

Is it bad that I don't want him to meet her, either? :lol: She is beautiful, I can't blame him, but if she steals him I'll have to be massively upset. :(

On the other hand, AJ and I seem to have the same taste in booze and babes -- I think I could be his, person. We'd have a great time, too, although I'd have to mad-dog any interested women because I wouldn't want to share -- except with you guys, my fellow AJ fans. :D :p
detectdevotion said:
Don't blame ya about the cheeks thing, but I think he was talking about the little Irish penguin he plays in "Happy Feet."
Uh right, the penguin!!! I-want-the-penguin, right now on my bed :lol: :lol: :lol:
Would it be asking too much to know if he is in this week's episode? I just rewatched 'Open & Shut' and had to laugh again at the interaction between Adam and Mac. ;)
I hope he'll be on the next episode :) he's the Greg Snaders of NY :lol: he's cute, sweet and so funny!
And I LOVE when he interacts with Mac :lol:
But this time Adam: no yellow sweater, please. Just a tank top, thanks. I wanna see the sexy tatoos :devil:
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