Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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My pleasure! I'm definitely looking forward to those sequels. Give me a few days, and I should have at least some of my D/F and/or D/A fics done -- I'll definitely be sure to send those your way! I'm not as experienced at writing slash as I am at reading it, so maybe you can help me out!

Oh, I'm right with you on the insanely cute/hot thing. Sometimes I just want to hug him, and other times...well, it might start with hugging... :lol: :devil: Mmmmmm...nirty talk. :lol:

Absolutely! I always pay a bit more attention when Hammerback or Hawkes or Flack show up on screen, because I know something funny/cute is going to happen. And I glue myself to the screen during the rare times Adam is on screen, because he always, always makes the episode for me. :p It's love, I think. :lol:

I'm so glad to see that he's been in/will be in four of the first six episodes. I hope we keep seeing him this often throughout season three! :D
I'm new to this Adam love-fest, but I have to say, he's the one character I can honestly see in a real-life crime lab. He just fits the geeky/nerd profile to a tee, :lol: and that's "teh hotness" to me. :devil: ;)
I guess it really is an Adam love-fest. I should make T-shirts.

...Oh goodness, I really want to make shirts. Or else I should just embroider "Bummfluff Love Forever!" on some labcoats and send 'em out. :lol:

You're right, he does look the most natural in the crime lab, and yet when he's not playing Adam, AJ can be just gorgeous. Of course, the thread title implies that I'm slightly biased. :p
Ooh, I want a picture of AJ in a "Bummfluff Love Forever!" labcoat...and nothing else. :devil:

Oh, my mind is doing naughty things. :lol: It must be all the nirty talk. :p

I rewatched "Oedipus Hex" today, can I even say how much I loved him swooping in to save the day and tell Danny what 'SG' stood for? :lol: How does he always know when to be there? ;) But talking about the girl breaking his heart was so adorkable. *pinches his cheeks* :lol:

Yes, the title says it all: lab geeks can definitely be hot. :lol: But I could see Adam in a crime lab, yeah--AJ isn't quite as dorky as Adam is when he's not in the labcoat. :lol:
Oh.My.Goodness. I can't even tell you what I would give to see that ( I.E.: My Soul ).

Oh, my mind always does naughty things when it comes to AJ ---particularly because I PMed you my Adam/Danny fic, Fay. I hope you like it!

I really, really love when he just swoops in, and I am soooooooo sad that there wasn't any follow up on that. I really would have liked Danny to give Adam a hard time after he met/interrogated the Suicide Girls, or maybe Adam tell Danny he just can't handle it. :lol: I love our labgeek! Poor guy, I just don't understand how she left him...

Yeah, AJ really isn't as dorky -- more sexy. I like both versions: Geek!hot Adam and Sexy!hot AJ. Mmmmmmmm :devil:
Oh, my darling, how could I not love Danny and Adam being naughty in the locker room? :devil: But yes, I read the story and loved it, and I sent you a PM back about it. ;) You simply must write more, unless you want me to spork you into submission. :lol:

As for that SG that broke Adam's heart--her loss is our gain. I think I need to run to LA and audition for the part of Adam's girlfriend. Make me totally stupid, I don't care, just let me get a good look under the labcoat. :lol:

You know, though, Danny kept looking over to his right in that last scene. It's entirely possible that he was making sure Adam didn't walk by and see him turning Nixon down. Adam, you know, couldn't resist tormenting him. :lol:

When I rewatched "Oedipus Hex" today, I noticed how adorkable he was when he got to the end of the line of green shoes and there was an empty space where Al's shoes should have been. He was like 'hmm, an enigma to be sure, there is an empty space...I must investigate!' :lol: Not sure where the cheesy superhero-esque line came from, though. :lol:

I can just see him like 'uh, Danny, one of the pairs of shoes is MIA, did you lose it? Or maybe you wanted to keep them for playing dress up later.' :lol: So very wicked, how I loves him. :p

As for the different versions, can I get a Geek!hot Adam for here and a Sexy!hot AJ to go, please? On second thought, better double my order so I have left-overs to enjoy later. :devil:
Fay, maybe we could convince the writers to give Adam TWO girlfriends -- after the SG thing that shouldn't be too much of a stretch, right? I say we get him in the shower -- Danny can't have all the fun.

I would hate to be sporked to death, so watch out for more soon!

I think you're right -- Danny must have been watching his back. Because Adam would not resist that opening. Come to think of it, neither would I. I'm still kinda shocked he didn't take her up on it.

You're right, the SG's loss is our bummfluff!love gain! I'll happily step in and fill her shoes. :lol: Not to worry, Adam, not to worry. :devil:

I really had to laugh at the utterly confused look on his face -- like it was the first time he'd noticed Al's shoes were missing. Didn't he line them up in the first place? :rolleyes: He's a geek, but I love him. :p

Definitely double up that order -- and throw in some of those shoes. If Danny doesn't wanna play dress up, I will. I'm sure he and I would have plenty of fun. :devil:
Yes, gotta love the geek. :lol:

Adam could handle multiple girlfriends, yes, :devil: Can you see him like 'yeah, I have two girlfriends, Messer--I am teh pimp. And you? How many girlfriends do you have? Zero, I believe. That makes you the pimple, I think.' *giggle*

Can you imagine AJ's initial response after seeing this thread? "What the hell is bummfluff[/b]?" :lol:
After what you just said I don't think that would be his first response:
Can you see him like 'yeah, I have two girlfriends, Messer--I am teh pimp. And you? How many girlfriends do you have? Zero, I believe. That makes you the pimple, I think.' *giggle*

Man, I laughed so hard. :lol:
Faylinn said:
Adam could handle multiple girlfriends, yes, :devil: Can you see him like 'yeah, I have two girlfriends, Messer--I am teh pimp. And you? How many girlfriends do you have? Zero, I believe. That makes you the pimple, I think.' *giggle*

Oh, I'm sure he'd definitely be rubbing it in. That, the Suicide Girl -- it's all about geeks in labcoats.

Adam: That's right, can't handle it, can ya? Huh? Don't worry, Messer, it's not you. Ladies love the degree.
Danny: Know what ladies don't love? Black eyes.
Adam: Go ahead, hit me. I'm the cute one -- they'll be flocking over to see if I'm okay, and you'll be the big, fat lab bully.


Can you imagine AJ's initial response after seeing this thread? "What the hell is bummfluff?" :lol:

I think that I would pay money to be there the first time he read through it. And then I would proclaim innocence -- kind of. Boy is fine -- even he can't blame me for my occasional ( read: far too frequent ) outbursts.

So I know he's in this next one, and I'm kind of hoping he's on Stella's case...I really like the way he and Stella interact, and it'd be nice if he'd bring some levity into what looks like an episode that deals with some very tough stuff for Stell.
Man, I laughed so hard. :lol:
Oh, I hope you weren't drinking anything at the time. Or eating. Shooting macaroni noodles out your nose all over your computer screen isn't pleasant, I'm sure.

Adam: Go ahead, hit me. I'm the cute one -- they'll be flocking over to see if I'm okay, and you'll be the big, fat lab bully.
*giggle* So very true. :lol: He'd just put on the cute, boyish expression and the girls would want to fawn all over him. He's such a playa. :lol:

I think that I would pay money to be there the first time he read through it. And then I would proclaim innocence -- kind of. Boy is fine -- even he can't blame me for my occasional ( read: far too frequent ) outbursts.
Drat, I can't pretend I wasn't the one who opened it, or who called his beard in "People with Money" the fat-beard, and said that he looks like a fat little boy without facial hair, and then I humped him, and then I wrote a porny slash fanfic with Adam and Danny, and then I talked about him being nekkid except for a labcoat...Oh dear, I think he might be frightened of me. :eek:

But then, you never know who might like slash. ;)

As for Adam being in some scenes with Stella in this next episode, I'm not even going to get into my sudden desire to ship him with everybody and how an older woman might be good for our favorite lab geek. :eek: Nope, I'm not going there... :p
Darn Lucky for me I wasn't eating or drinking anything. I would have choked or had it go out the wrong pipe. Glad I had gotten it out of my system because what detectdevotion
said also got me laughing.
Faylinn go ahead and ship him with everyone. You know you can't really stop now that you told us of your plan. :lol:
While I've always enjoyed Adam's scenes, I think I've officially decided that I absolutely adore the guy after tonight's episode. I loved it when he perked up and basically hollered, "I love Mandy (Whatever Her Last Name Was)!" Such an adorable dork! :lol:

I did, however, feel bad for him when Mac put him on rail detail. It looked like he had quite a bit to identify...and he wasn't even sure what he was looking for.
I felt bad for him working on the railing but it was worth it to see him wearing the belly ring belt to try out the theory. When I saw it I was like that is too funny. Then I thought ouch that could hurt.
Of course now we need pics of that. Did he put it on himself or did Mac help I can't remember clearly?
Oh Adam is back! :D
Of course now we need pics of that.
I'm here :cool:

I loved it when he perked up and basically hollered, "I love Mandy (Whatever Her Last Name Was)!"



I did, however, feel bad for him when Mac put him on rail detail.

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