Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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I'm writing a fanfic, actually. It starts out with Adam on a gasp!date, and the bar he and the girl are at gets shot up. If anyone's interested, I can post a link.

I would love writing dialogue for the show! I couldn't do the science stuff, but I could definitely handle the dialogue. :lol: Anthony should just call me in whenever Danny and Adam have a scene together.

Danny: You look like hell, Adam.
Adam: Thanks?
Danny: Those bacteria colonies give ya a time of it, or what?
Adam: Actually, Danny, I was at a Breaking Benjamin concert.
Danny: Wah?
Adam: They're a band.
Danny: Yeah, got that. Thanks for the clarification. What's your point?
Adam: I have more of a night life than you. Here are those results, I'm going to go call the number that girl wrote on my abdomen. I knew having a sharpie would come in handy.

:lol: Just kidding! Mostly...

Aw, Fay, Bumfluff love is eternal -- we don't mind! AJ's going to be in next week's episode, too. Hopefully he gets a little more screentime. I like that he's always so encouraging. Remember in "Stealing Home" when he told Mac he knew he was gonna get DJ Pratt? Or in "Not What It Looks Like" when he told Mac he was born for this work? In fact, seems like the only person he's got a problem with is Danny. :devil: I'm gonna have to do a slashy Adam/Danny piece, methinks. But who would wear the pants in that relationship? Mmm...power struggle... :devil:
:lol: If it's below PG-13, link it, and if it's over PG-13, PM me with the link. :lol: I get the feeling you've got Adam's character down pat. :D

Danny/Adam is an interesting pairing, no doubt about that, and trying to figure them out is part of the reason why I haven't finished the short series of fics I have planned. I don't think I'm writing Adam very well, though...

Um, er, getting too shippy in here... :eek:

He's going to be there next week? Sweet, this week he didn't get much. :p I love whatever they give him, but it's never enough. :lol: Adam's scenes are always some of the best moments in the episodes, so if they'd just give him more to work with... :lol:
So far, so good -- it's still lingering. There's some language, that's all. It's not Danny/Adam, but it does feature Adam quite heavily:
A Day Late

:lol: Adam is definitely not easy to write. I think it's a combination of not seeing too much of him on screen and his different personalities with the different characters. For instance, Adam and Hawkes make science-y jokes, and Adam usually refers to him as "Dr. Hawkes," not just "Hawkes" like the rest of the team. He and Lindsay almost never see each other face-to-face, but she's usually hounding him for results -- it's not all bad, she does apparently find him funny in "Risk." He obviously likes Stella -- they work well and he kids with her. And he has something of a hero-worship thing going with Mac. He and Danny are defintiely the most explosive pairing, but that's what's fun.

Whew, rant much?

Anyway, let me know what you think about Adam's characterization in my fic! I hope I got him down pat. Actually, I hope I got everyone down pat. I went with a D/L angle since the show turned the way it did in "Love Run Cold" -- but it's actually one of my least favorite ships. I've been trying to keep everything based off of Season Three so far though, and that's what they've given me to work with.

If you guys like this, I may try my hand at Danny/Adam and/or Danny/Flack. And I'd be curious to write Flack and Adam scenes, too, since they never see each other on the show...

I totally agree that he usually has some of the best scenes in the show. He always has those one or two lines that just make the show. The whole kryptonite thing in "Supermen" was a great scene for him. I agree with Fay for sure -- when they put Adam in a show or a scene, they definitely do it right. I think we should all send AJ a duct-taped crime scene to ease his mind! :lol:

...okay, now that I see how long this is, I'm done, I promise! :D :p
Ugh, D/L? *sobs* Why must you do that to me? *sporks you* :lol:

But I'll read it and let you know. ;) And if you ever wrote Danny/Adam or Danny/Flack, I'd love you forever and ever. :lol:

That kryptonite scene was awesome. :lol: I read a nice little fic with Danny/Adam friendship where Danny remembered them geeking out over it when he found out there was krypton in the glass. :lol:

Yes, TPTB, listen to us--GIVE US MORE ADAM, HE'S TEH AWESOMENESS! :lol: And if he happens to have duct tape at the time, all the better. :p
:lol: Oh God, I've been sporked -- the inhumanity!

It's kind of all about jealousy -- or at least, it was supposed to be, and I got wrapped up in writing the case. I do need to get back to the jealousy angle...

I'll definitely get on Danny/Adam and Danny/Flack! I'm writing a storm these days.

The krypton bit was so cute. I like how Mac was sitting there like, "For serious?" and Stella was like, "Oh great, next he's gonna show us his comic book collection." Which, I bet he has, stashed in a closet somewhere. :rolleyes:

TPTB, Adam is the glue of his episodes, PLEASE USE HIM MORE OFTEN! Or, at the very least, let me use him more often? That duct tape might come in handy... :devil:
That scene in "Supermen" was pretty awesome.

Detectdevotion, being sporked by Teh Fay usually means she likes you. Kind of like the kid in your kindergarten class who expressed his love by pushing you down on the playground :)

More Adam, please! Maybe if the writers ship Adam and Danny together, along with some comic books and duct tape, Danny will realize that he doesn't need prozac to be happy.
Yes, I only spork the ones I love. :lol:

Well, my Danny/Adam story is basically just, you know, angry!sex at this point, but comic books were mentioned. :lol: I like the idea of Mac/Adam, but the reason I like Danny/Adam is the way they get along. With Mac, Adam is a bit nervous and dorky, but he'll give Danny a piece of his mind. :p (So, er, this paragraph wasn't all shippy, I made an actual comment on character interaction. *nods* Yes, absolutely. ;))

If you write Danny/Adam (and Danny/Flack), I'll forgive you for the D/L though. ;) I'm just kidding, you can write whatever you like. :p

Adam is awesome, he's a great source of information because, you know, he's brilliant like that (and has all the good connections). :lol:
In that case, Springmoon, I'll be relieved at the sporking! :lol:

Oh, comics. I'm kind of a comic book geek myself, I think Adam and I would get along just fine. I do like that Adam will stand up to Danny -- it's an interesting quirk, it makes me think that either Danny and Adam have been in competetion for something ( someone? ), or else that Adam's a little bit envious of Danny's easy way with people -- especially women.

I actually really want to write a bit of both. Danny/Flack is going to be a challenge I think...I don't want to get out of character with either guy. Maybe a power struggle there, too...

I don't see Adam passively taking it from Danny, either. Sounds like fun...I'll just write it as though I'm in the room. :devil:

I do like the fact that he's our weird-stuff go-to. I also really like his lame jokes. Like when he and Stella were trying to identify a hilt mark by stabbing the pig, and he goes, "Don't worry, no animals were harmed for this experiment." I like a guy that laughs at his own jokes. :lol:

Fay, I'd like to read your fic! Maybe you could PM it to me?
I really do like that Adam doesn't take crap from Danny, that's always fun. :p He's nervous around Mac, but Danny suggests that Adam iron his pants and Adam's like 'er, no, go away.' :lol:

His lame jokes are hilarious. And, you know, I'd laugh at them too. I would have a total geek-crush on Adam. :lol:

I'll PM you the story, which I haven't published yet, and you can let me know if it's totally out of character for Adam (since he's much less dorky and much more snarky with Danny). :p
I think it's great that apart from Mac, Adam's about the only one that doesn't take crap from Danny. It's nice to see someone be like, "stop acting like a kid," to him every once in a while. :lol:

They really are. I cracked up when he was like, "Whoa, Mac, you go to clubs?!" back in "Risk" and Mac was like, "Actually, no. Well, kind of." Hell, I do have a geek-crush on Adam. :rolleyes: :p

I'm definitely excited to read it! I like snarky Adam, anyway. If our boy dated a SG, he can definitely stand up to Danny. :lol:
Adam around Mac is adorkable. :lol: Remember that scene in "Heroes" where Mac demonstrates the fighting thingies (technical term, I know :p) on Danny? Can you imagine if he was like, "Adam, come here, I need to try something" and Adam just sort of looked alarmed the whole time? :lol: That would be hilarious.

I also love that Adam is very thorough. Remember that presentation he did with the shark tooth in "Risk" and I think it was Mac and Lindsay on the other side of the table with 'wtf?' looks on their faces? :lol: And, of course, there's the offer to call all of the pharmacies looking for who had that particular prescription in "People With Money." :lol: And he apparently did call everyone, because they got the name. :p

When Mac talked to Adam about the club, I love that when Mac walked away Adam was like, "I like shrimp." ;)

Well, we'll know soon enough whether you liked the fic or if I totally killed you with the graphic-ness and the swearing. I used the f-word like, 50 times in there I think. :eek:
Now that would have been priceless. Adam definitely would have looked alarmed. Very, very alarmed. In fact, I might have enjoyed that scene about a million times more if it HAD been Adam.

That was a great scene! I like how he was like, "Yeah, uhm, my friend gratelupia taurutauru just proved you wrong, Mac Man." And I like how Lindsay kinda laughed. I would have laughed, too.

According to the synopsis at, Adam did call all those pharmacies. Makes me wonder if he'd be just as thorough during other activities... :devil:

Also, I like shrimp as well. And I like that he used the word "salacious." What a randomly geeky thing to say, right? I had to look it up. Salacious, by the way, is arousing. Oh yeah, baby, talk dirty ( I mean, nerdy ) to me!

Believe me, I am no stranger to slash fics or graphic material. That would be thanks entirely to my friend Anya, who, like me, has a geek!crush on Mr. AJ "Bummfluff" Buckley and is also a HUGE D/F fan. :D Also, I'm reading the fic now, so look for a PM back soon! ;)
Another D/F fan? *loves your friend* :lol:

Adam doesn't have to be a main cast member, but a memorable scene in every episode would make this girl happy and improve the quality of the show ten-fold. :lol:

Adam is totally thorough in all of his endeavors. :devil: Which makes the future fanfic writing all the more enjoyable. ;)

When he said 'salacious' I giggled. Who says that in general conversation? I'd probably make out with him if he started talking nerdy-dirty to me. :lol: Does that make it nirty, or derdy? :lol:

Glad to hear that I probably didn't kill you with the fic. :lol: *waits for a PM* ;)
Oh yeah. I kind of pimp off Danny with everyone! Well, that's not true. But almost. I like Danny/Aiden, Danny/Flack, Danny/Adam and Danny/Angell.

I agree with you there. I'd kind of like to see him the way we see Sid Hammerback -- in nearly every episode, and with either a decent scene or a couple short ones in each epsiode. They don't have to put him in the credits ( ALTHOUGH I WOULD REALLY LIKE THAT, TOO, IF TPTB ARE READING ), but I think he's got a decent enough fan-base and a fun enough character that this wouldn't be too hard for them to write. And it definitely wouldn't be hard to watch. :p

Mmm, I love a man who gets the job done, and done well. :devil: And oh yes, I have plans for dear Adam and fanfics.

I was seriously like, "Salacious?!" And then I hugged my friend Anya and we cracked up because he's such a teddy bear. And you'd probably have to wrestle me off of him if he started talking nirty/derdy out loud.

And I sent off the PM this morning! It would have gone out last night but I ended up getting wrapped up in my homework. It should be in your inbox now, though!
Yep, I got the PM. Thanks for the feedback! :D I sent one back to you as well. ;)

He really is such a teddy bear. :lol: He's one of those guys that's somewhere between being 'cute' and being 'hot.' :devil: But when he starts talking nirty, I'm thinking naughty. :p :lol:

Adam and Hammerback are both definitely characters that make the episode better just by being there, not unlike Flack, for instance. ;) You know if Adam is there, it's gonna be a good scene. :lol:
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