Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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I haven't seen the yesterday's episode yet, but I know that AJ wasn't there ... I WAAAAANT ADAAAAM!!! :lol: So!, that means I can't wait until next week, ah I'm so impatient ... oh gosh, I need more Adam/AJ

btw thanks for great photos detectdevotion
I know how you feel, Niam! It was a really great episode ( not for the weak or heart or stomach, that's for sure ), but I kept hoping for Adam to pop up even though I knew he wouldn't be.

He's definitely in the next one, though! I can't wait to see him in action again, and I'm glad you like the picture! He's such a happy guy, too. Here's one from

and one more just for fun:
How possible that I do not know the first pic!!? :D :D That's great! SO GORGEOUS! Thank you very much!!
Our lab geek is back!!! :)

But the thread was at page 2 :(
This is why I missed all these new pics...
I thought it so cute when he was telling Danny what SG stood for. You know Danny was jealous that Adam was hooking up with Suicide Girls. But was sad to hear she broke his heart.
Serious! I really thought that they'd get into Adam's connection to the group a bit more, maybe used him to at least get an idea of what the Suicide Girls were all about. I was also pretty surprised that they didn't have any follow up between Adam and Danny. What happened to stuff like in "Wasted," where Adam's giving Danny a hard time? I really would have liked to see some comments from Danny about the kinda kinks our lab geek is into, and maybe a few lines back about how Danny isn't man enough to date one of 'em. :lol:

That end scene would have been really funny if Adam had come out of nowhere to watch the girls leave with Danny, and then just kinda looked over and been like, "I think I still have her number somewhere..."

Aww, it is sad that she broke his heart...I like the little bit of character development there...who could possibly hurt him? He's so sweet! :p No way I could hurt him.
detectdevotion said:
That end scene would have been really funny if Adam had come out of nowhere to watch the girls leave with Danny, and then just kinda looked over and been like, "I think I still have her number somewhere..."
You're a genius :eek: it would have been perfect... :(

My question wasn't who could possibly hurt him?, but did he date a Suicide Girl?! :lol:
Aww, thanks! I have my genius moments. I was really surprised that Danny just let that whole "I dated a Suicide Girl" thing go, especially since Adam's

I dunno if I think it's a cute twist or not...It's hard to see Adam with a girl like that. :lol: But then again, I could picture it if I tried. He's so cute, tho! She probably really did break his heart. Poor guy...

I'll comfort him! :D :devil:
Yeah a follow up comment would have been nice or like you said something between him and danny :lol:. I was thinking wow you go Adam strong enough to date a suicide girl then he said she broke his heart. I was like awww its ok it just wasn't meant to be. Now I wonder what kind of girl would Adam date.
No kidding! The Suicide Girl thing was totally out of the blue for me as far as his character goes...I think it would be interesting to find out. Like he gets dragged out of bed or away from a date early by Mac or Danny for something, and he's all moody.

Danny: What's up with you?
Adam: You seriously couldn't function wihtout me for ONE NIGHT?
Danny: Wah, you missin' MASH reruns or somethin'?
Adam: For your information, Danny, I was on a date.
Danny: Cute. Is that like... a code name for playing video games online?

At which point Adam could launch on all of his girl's virtues while Danny waved evidence in front of his face to get him working.
detectdevotion said:
Danny: What's up with you?
Adam: You seriously couldn't function wihtout me for ONE NIGHT?
Danny: Wah, you missin' MASH reruns or somethin'?
Adam: For your information, Danny, I was on a date.
Danny: Cute. Is that like... a code name for playing video games online?
Lol! That totally made my afternoon. I thought it was great that Adam does something outside of his stereotypical role of an (adorable) lab geek. The fact he admitted to dating a Suicide Girl, makes me wonder what exactly he does with his free time.
You make a really good point -- it is outside his customary role, which is why I was totally thrilled at the little bit of info. You know he's a passionate guy -- he always fights with danny and he works hard when he's with Mac, and the fact that the SG broke his heart is another clue. But he knew of places like Wild Wild Wet from Risk, and now we know he dated an SG, too...

Boy's got a kinky side, methinks! :lol:
Dirrrrrrty Adam :lol: maybe he knows about Wild Wild Wet and SG because he went out a night with Sid... :lol: :lol: :lol:

detect, why don't you write the dialogues for Adam/Danny and send them to the show??? :D :D :D
*cough*fanfic*cough* :p I'd read it. :lol: Bonus points if it leads to slash, but I'm not picky. ;)

*needs to finish that Danny/Adam story* :p

I have been neglecting this thread. :eek: Sorry guys. I keep saying I'll look at that website someone linked to a while ago and then comment, but whenever I get on it seems like I don't have time to go through it so I keep putting it off. Oh, AJ, I still loves you! *snuggles him* :lol:

I adored him in "Oedipus Hex," but he's like Hammerback--what you get of him you love, but it's never enough. :lol: They should just make CSI:NY a two hour show and we'll all be happy I think. :lol:

By the way, his tattoo is totally hot. *drools*
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