Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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The badguy clip is awesome!!! :D

Imaginary interview with AJ
Lady> So this is the end of our interview, thanks for being so sweet, and find the time to do it.
AJ> Ah, always a pleasure!
AJ> Ah, it's over, that lady was a *censored*! F**k! And those *censored* questions? *censored*

LOL!!! Sorry AJ, I know you're not this rude...maybe :p
Nim, that was too funny!

Interviewer: So what do you think of your on-screen coworker's huge fan base? Does it bother you that Carmine always takes the limelight?
AJ: No, not at all. I mean, he's a great guy, and -- you know what, **** this! ****ing guy, always prancing around like 'everybody wants me, check me out, i'm so sexy!' ( storms off cursing )

Awww, I'm kidding. I love Carmine, too.

Speaking of interviews, here's one from way back in 2002 I found: Extreme Days Interview. Check it out! He's a producer and I think he's done some direction, too, but this is about his role in the movie "Extreme Days."
^Great interview! Thanks for the link!
And lovely pics ladies, keep up the good work :lol: We're gonna get him a title credit if it kills us!
It might, but at least they can process the bodies on-site, right?

Hey, I love pics of our boy AJ. There's definitely more where that came from, thanks to Rutta, who has a great gallery on her website!


Dunno about you, but I love the outfit.
I just clicked on his official that him singing??? He's got a sexy voice! :eek: :D

Guys, just a few rule things to remember...don't post twice or more in a row, and also, please keep pics to no bigger than 500 or 600 mpx...otherwise they tend to stretch the page and make things really slow for users on dial up! Thanks! :)
detectdevotion said:
Interviewer: So what do you think of your on-screen coworker's huge fan base? Does it bother you that Carmine always takes the limelight?
AJ: No, not at all. I mean, he's a great guy, and -- you know what, **** this! ****ing guy, always prancing around like 'everybody wants me, check me out, i'm so sexy!' ( storms off cursing )

I could see him saying that. I'm sure he wouldn't really mean it but I could see him wanting to really say it sometimes.

Finally got to see this reel thing at his website. I had to click on it a few times before it would pop-up. Hope that doesn't happen to other people. ;)
It's actually not him singing -- that's Ray LaMontagne -- and it's an amazing album, I highly suggest it. There's also a Citizen Cope song playing at the beginning and end of the movie reel...I gotta admit, if it's AJ picking the music, I like his taste.

Aww, I was joking, CSI_Watcher_8, but you're right. I bet it gets hard sometimes. See, this is why I don't want to be an actress ( well, that and an extreme lack of talent )! But I'm VERY glad our boy AJ doesn't mind.

Another pic from Rutta's website:

Guys, did you notice the hole in his shirt? Here's another, you can't see the hole, but it's hot:
Uh...ah...what's on his head?! I have the same bandana here!!! :D but I LOVE the Henry III shirt!!! :)
I love his bandana, and I totally agree -- what an awesome Henry III shirt! I gotta see if I can get my hands on one, it's sweet.

Those are great pics, niam! He does have the sweetest smile. For example:

detectdevotion knew you were joking. Could see an interviewer asking that question. I like when actors give honest frank answers to questions. Means they are being themselves. And sometimes that the difference between liking one actor and another. At least for me.

And that one shirt with the hole in it must be a favorite shirt or something to him. ;)
And that is a horrible suit!
He seems like a pretty straightforward kinda guy in his interview. I can appreciate that.

I really want him to have more interaction with everybody -- he gets a lot of face time with Mac, Hawkes and Danny, and he's had some with Stella, but I don't think he's ever been face-to-face with Lindsay except in Bad Beat -- and they didn't talk. They did argue over the phone once, but we only heard Lindsay's end. Or Flack, although Flack isn't at the labs much.
Thanks, niam! I got a couple, too:



AJ's in the next episode of CSI:NY, which makes me pretty happy. I hope he and Danny have more of those little snarky battles of wit.
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