Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

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love adam in this episode

and his dad is big :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: but i like it for the story becouse it ads some more personal story to adam
Oh yeah!

I loved this episode!

I loved all of Adam's scenes! He's so psyched, and he and Danny always shine together.

Poor Adam. He is nervous around Mac. Maybe it does have something to do with his father. Mac is such a father figure to the whole team!

Why didn't Adam say "What's up!" ?
I like the subtle hints given about his father. Even though his father was a terrible person, I'm glad it isn't being given in large doses. Maybe in time they will be, but for now I like the pace of his background being unfolded.

I hope I made sense just now... xD
I've heard that in a future episode we're going to hear some more about Adam's past... I can't quite remember which one... I really hope it's true... I felt so sorry for Adam when he was talking about his Dad in the last ep, I really wanted to go and give him a huge hug. I think it's an awesome storyline, it really lets AJ show how much of an awesome actor he is...
I've heard that in a future episode we're going to hear some more about Adam's past... I can't quite remember which one... I really hope it's true...

Yep, 5.15 is called "The Party's Over" and it looks like it has some great Adam moments. We'll find out more about him, and I think he may feature quite prominently in the episode. I'm really excited about it. :)
I've heard that in a future episode we're going to hear some more about Adam's past... I can't quite remember which one... I really hope it's true...

Yep, 5.15 is called "The Party's Over" and it looks like it has some great Adam moments. We'll find out more about him, and I think he may feature quite prominently in the episode. I'm really excited about it. :)

I'm really excited to see AJ finally taking the lead in an episode. He's been featured in the credits all this season but doesn't get nearly as much screen time as he deserves-I cant wait to see how he tackles this storyline for Adam.
An episode devoted to Adam is long over due.
That last time Adam was the man was in the sequel to "Down the Rabbit Hole"
I cannot believe it! I saw AJ in a episode of CSI, it was titled "Crow's feet". I saw the episode before a long time ago but I did'nt know who AJ was back then. So I got the shock of my life when I saw him!
I really liked how he played that role too, and I'm not just saying that because he looked adorable playing a bad guy. :D
:lol: I did know that AJ was in that episode, but I haven't seen it since I found that out. I'll have to go back and watch it again sometime.
just dropping in to share this courtesy of crystal_line on livejournal. its so funny if you loved the ghostfacers stuff aj did for supernatural you have to watch this.
I was just coming to post that, but you beat to the punch fo_poozle. That's a hysterical vid! AJ's awesome as Ed Zeddmore.
:lol: Thanks for sharing that with us Ashley, it was hysterical. Can I have AJ in my stocking please? :devil: That just made my day. :adore: Thanks again. :D
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