Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

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Thanks Faylinn, I thought they were already on winter break.

The reason I can't picture Adam/Stella happening is because I see Stella more like a maternal figure: Mac and Stella are like dad and mom, Sid is like the eccentric uncle and the rest are their teenager kids. Hawkes is the well-behaved, good student one and Adam is the geek, social awkward one that never gets much attention. So I see the Adam/Stella scenes like mom giving some quality time to the poor kid.
The relationship as it is now between Adam and Stella is totally sweet and tender. we don't need to have anything else. But i wouldn't like having Adam stalking any women in the lab (I'm being selfish. I like too much his crush on Stella and i don't want to share him. He is too adorable :D

Previous spoilers mentioned (since it never happened i guess i don't need to use spoiler boxes) Sam was going to affect Stella and Adam.
My take is writers planned to pùt Adam and Stella in a real relationship and then Sam as the third wheel affecting them.

we have enough of a bad soap opera nowadays so we won't need that and i'm pleased that idea was erased from writers' mind (a personal guessing. Nothing it can't be proved ;)

Debbie :D
I always just kind of assumed that Adam being 'affected' by Sam was because he withheld information from Mac at Flack's request in the premiere and then had to own up to it later on. It's possible that they had something else in mind (or have something else in store), but that was my thought anyway. I'm not sure how or why they'd work in some kind of relationship with Adam when her main story as a recurring character is that she's an alcoholic, and I'm thinking they plan to have most of her interaction and development with relation to her brother. (Which is as it should be IMO. :))
I always just kind of assumed that Adam being 'affected' by Sam was because he withheld information from Mac at Flack's request in the premiere and then had to own up to it later on. It's possible that they had something else in mind (or have something else in store), but that was my thought anyway. I'm not sure how or why they'd work in some kind of relationship with Adam when her main story as a recurring character is that she's an alcoholic, and I'm thinking they plan to have most of her interaction and development with relation to her brother. (Which is as it should be IMO. :))

Yep, I thought the same as you. I don't imagine we'll see any interaction between Sam and Adam. But hey, you never know. :)

I prefer Adam being his geeky, lab tech self. That's the Adam I love, and the one that works so perfectly on the show. Of course I'm glad for any increased screentime for him, and I love his interaction with everyone on the team, but him being in a relationship isn't necessary, in my opinion.
I agree, I love him best being his usual dorky self in the lab, dancing around with his iPod and finding the evidence to break the case - I would love to see him trying to hang out with the guys, though. He'd be the dorky one at the bar, but he'd be so thrilled that he was invited. Or maybe they should do as he implied in "Consequences" and go bowling. :p (The mental image of Sheldon and Sid in bowling shoes kills me, for some reason.)
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I don't remember if this was already posted.

Nuvo Magazine winter 2008.

Anyone got this original pic?

Btw, Katie Holmes? Srsly? And 60 kids !!! :eek:
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*strokes the beard* :p Thanks for the pictures - I think I've seen the second one, but not the first one.

For me, since NY is the first thing I saw him in, it's weird to see him as the bad guy - and as he said, that's usually who he plays. :lol: I'm not sure why - he doesn't look evil or anything. :p

Also - Fay wants to hear that Irish accent. :devil:
Hello guys!! I'm pretty new here(to the site and thread), but a frequent lurker of the thread.I finally got my lazy behind to make an account and enjoy this site better. So I'll just introduce myself then hit the hay.

I'm Jamea, or you could call me SageMint. One of my favorite character's is Adam of course, Hawkes, Don,...just about every character there so you might find me posting in a lot of the threads here(including the CSI and CSI Miami threads).

So anyway I enjoy the adorable(rather adorkable) Adam on CSI NY, and I felt the need to post why: I believe he's resourceful, funny, smart, and very sweet. As for the interviews I've seen of AJ I refer those traits back to him, as well as him being very talented.

So hello again ladies!! =D
Hi, Sagemint!
It took me a while to set up my profile too (I was a constant lurker for months!)

AJ is so awesome!
Adam is so awesome too!

"Stick to bowling!" :guffaw:(I love "Consequences")
Thank you I appreciate the love! (haha I was a lurker for months too.Especially in the Hill Harper thread.-growl-)

I don't think I saw that episode...Hopefully I'll find it somewhere. I love when Adam says
"What up?" xD
Welcome to the Dork Side, Sagemint - we have muffins. :p

Adam's scene with Stella and Danny in "Consequences" was indeed hilarious - as is any scene where he's rocking out while listening to his iPod and seems to forget that he works in a lab with glass walls. :p
welcome welcome Sagemint

Adam's scene with Stella and Danny in "Consequences" was indeed hilarious - as is any scene where he's rocking out while listening to his iPod and seems to forget that he works in a lab with glass walls. :p[/quote]

yes I love that to is best when he does that
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