Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

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welcom welcome Sagemint

Adam's scene with Stella and Danny in "Consequences" was indeed hilarious - as is any scene where he's rocking out while listening to his iPod and seems to forget that he works in a lab with glass walls. :p

yes i love that to he is best when he does that

sorry for posting 2 time but i have to it right
Hey Jamea, and welcome, it's always great to have new Adam fans. :adore: You can call me Steph by the way. :D Hehe, like you I love it when he says "What up?" That is sooo cute, I love the little voice he does when he's saying it... :lol: But as Fay and Eva have been talking about, I'd love to hear his irish accent... Being from Ireland myself, I think it would be rther cute hearing my favourite actor talk with his native accent... :adore:

Thanks also for the interview's Daquein, the first one I had never seen before, it was cute as always... The second one I had, but like you, I'd love the pic from it if anyone has the original... :adore:
Thank you all for the welcomes! I feel really welcome here! -takes a muffin-
Hey Faylinn I've seen your username someplace else before...Maybe fanfiction...?
I would love to hear his accent too. I think Irish accents are pretty cool. :3
^I've written some fanfiction, yeah. (My name is Faylinn_Drake on and LJ.)

So, mentioning something from later in the season:

Adam gets to play the hero in 5.17, rescuing a man from the wreckage after a building explodes in Brooklyn. He apparently also gets hurt, but I assume it won't be too bad - injuries are never terribly serious or long-lasting on this show. :p

Adam lives in Brooklyn, which was mentioned in the spoilers for 5.08 but wasn't actually mentioned in the episode itself. So my guess is that Adam will be at home (or on the way home or to work, etc) when the explosion happens and runs in to save the day.

I'm crossing my fingers for concerned colleagues and perhaps some manhugs. :p
Adam gets to play the hero in 5.17, rescuing a man from the wreckage after a building explodes in Brooklyn. He apparently also gets hurt, but I assume it won't be too bad - injuries are never terribly serious or long-lasting on this show. :p

Adam lives in Brooklyn, which was mentioned in the spoilers for 5.08 but wasn't actually mentioned in the episode itself. So my guess is that Adam will be at home (or on the way home or to work, etc) when the explosion happens and runs in to save the day.

I'm crossing my fingers for concerned colleagues and perhaps some manhugs. :p

I'm extremely excited for Adam saving the day :) And I too am hoping for some concerned CSIs...we did get a nice moment at the end of Page Turner when Sid was in the hospital, and it would be nice to see the CSIs checking up on Adam during the day to make sure he was alright (assuming that is that his injuries don't land him in the hospital). It's always nice to see those moments (and I wouldn't mind a manhug either;)).

I'm curious to see though how it plays out through the episode. Will it be a brief shining moment for him, or will it play a part in the rest of the ep?

Gracias por los scans Daquien!!!!!!!! :D

Welcome SageMint! :D Adam is completely adorkable, isn't he? :D

i want this episode just because of Adam. The storyline made me remember Snow Day:thumbsup: I want to know Mac and Stella's reaction to this baby in danger:bolian: Also, will DL call off the wedding if they find out Adam is in danger?.

Maybe the matter about his job will be solved then. Nobody will want to get rid of a hero:bolian:

Oh I had heard Adam was going to be playing a hero in 5.17, but I hadn't heard how... So thanks for the info Fay. Aww, I hope my poor baby doesn't get hurt when he's playing the hero... *Snuggles him* If he does, he's got a nurse right here willing to nurse him back to full health. ;) I hope this will be an Adam centric ep... We really need one of those...
Adam gets to play the hero in 5.17, rescuing a man from the wreckage after a building explodes in Brooklyn. He apparently also gets hurt, but I assume it won't be too bad - injuries are never terribly serious or long-lasting on this show. :p

Adam lives in Brooklyn, which was mentioned in the spoilers for 5.08 but wasn't actually mentioned in the episode itself. So my guess is that Adam will be at home (or on the way home or to work, etc) when the explosion happens and runs in to save the day.

I'm crossing my fingers for concerned colleagues and perhaps some manhugs. :p

I'm extremely excited for Adam saving the day :) And I too am hoping for some concerned CSIs...we did get a nice moment at the end of Page Turner when Sid was in the hospital, and it would be nice to see the CSIs checking up on Adam during the day to make sure he was alright (assuming that is that his injuries don't land him in the hospital). It's always nice to see those moments (and I wouldn't mind a manhug either;)).

I'm curious to see though how it plays out through the episode. Will it be a brief shining moment for him, or will it play a part in the rest of the ep?


Whoa! I can't wait for that episode! I'm really excited now.I wonder who he's going to save? Like if the man is going to be important to the show later..:eek:

I know I'm looking foward to anyone if possible paying a bit more attention to him..:thumbsup:
I *heart* Adam

Adam is such a dork. :lol:

However - poor baby, his dad was a total douche. :( I'd like to meet Papa I can beat him up. *narrows eyes*
I loved Adam in the episode, actually I love him in all the episodes ;)

I was on flickr today doing random searches because I was bored and came across This...
Adam, as always, was great in last night's episode.

And yay for continuity! Nice to hear mention of his dad again. I wonder if we'll ever get to see him on the show? Cause I'd so wanna kick his ass :p No wonder he gets nervous around Mac :(
I loved the scene with him and Danny- "Thank you Suze Orman" :lol: I hope that they continue to follow up with Adam's dad- I'm glad they havent forgotten about it. I'm real curious about that possible story line...
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