Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

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Hey just curious, are they ever going to revisit the whole thing about Adam being fired? To my knowledge the team giving up their vacations for him only bought him a little bit of time...and while I don't want Adam to go anywhere, continuity insists that the issue come up sooner or later in the season (although we all know how well CSINY does with continuity...:rolleyes:).

^I loved that Scarlet movie trailer thing, too! AJ was adorable through the whole thing...I'd love to see him on the big screen in something soon. And was I the only one who bought into it and thought it was a real movie...? :p
Oh no, you're not the only one - I was going to watch the show or whatever just because he was in it. I was a bit peeved to learn we'd all been had. :p

As for Adam getting fired - I'm sure it'll be under the radar until it's a main part of the plot again. The scene with Adam and Stella at the end of "My Name is Mac Taylor" hinted at it a bit, but I don't expect anything more major than that until it's the Big Story again. I'm not sure when it will come back up, but we'll see. Possibly during February sweeps (which I think are in March this year because of the digital transition or something)?
On the Scarlett thing, we all took the bait, oh well. :p

I don't remember if this pic has been posted. Isn't he cute with the toy guitar? It would be funny if Mac caught him playing guitar hero...:lol:

Adam would so get caught playing Guitar Hero in the lab. :lol: Bonus points if he's caught playing it with Danny or Hawkes or something. :p
:lol: I can totally see Adam and Danny playing Guitar Hero in the lab. I'm not sure who'd win in a battle, but they'd both be pretty good. :lol:
:lol: I can totally see Adam and Danny playing Guitar Hero in the lab. I'm not sure who'd win in a battle, but they'd both be pretty good. :lol:

Adam hands down!
Danny's awesome but he'd never beat the geeky gamer on his turf!
Go Adam!
Adam would whoop him and then be like, 'Who's your daddy?' :lol:

Danny would probably be pretty good, but I'd have to put my money on Adam. Definitely with the whooping.
Hehe, I'm also thinking that Adam would be the winner, and I bet he'd say "What up!?" in that cute little voice he does... :lol: Aww, it would be so cute. :adore: He'd be so scared if Mac found out and told him off though... *Snuggles him.*
Mac would just give him that stern father look.
And Adam would clear his throat and say "Yes, well um, boss, I uh, I reassembled all 600 broken glass bottles and found..."
And Mac wouldn't be mad any more!
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