8x04 - In Plane Sight ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

This is the first time since the show started that I've been so bored with an episode that I started doing other things while watching. Jesse's presence is starting to get on my nerves, to the point that I'm beginning to have the feeling that I'll stop watching if things don't change soon. I always try to be a loyal fan to the shows I've been watching for a long time, so I know that I won't give up easily, but this season is starting to remind me of CSI's 9th season, where I had to -reluctantly- stop watching. This season is getting worse with every episode, but I'm still hoping this is just some kind of transition and it'll be back to normal soon. *fingers crossed*

I liked:
- Cynthia is back.
- Calleigh rocked some serious high heels. She almost tripped when she had to run in them. :lol:

I didn't like:
- Extremely boring episode, boring plot. Grade C, only because I'm feeling generous.

- Too many reused jokes, awkward humor.

- So the new guy Walter is funny, therefore he gets all the funny scenes. How original and understated. I didn't find him funny the first time and last episode was even worse. Talk about subtlety. :rolleyes:

- Too much Jesse. He's hot, he knows/does a lot of things, he's perfect, charming, caring, everybody loves him, has a heart of gold and has some sort of secret that -I bet- will be make him even more loved. How Mary Sue of him :rolleyes:. I have the feeling that the writers are blurring the lines between character and actor and that's distracting. IMO Eddie is a pretty face with average acting skills, and the fact that the character is attracting so many people makes me think that it was designed to be that way: ratings-oriented. I prefer flawed characters, they made things more interesting and create good conflict. I don't see Jesse being interesting at all, what's he gonna do to make the audience react to him in a less positive way, steal Ryan's aftershave? :p A character that's always positive and perfect is grating after a while.

- New ME was less distracting this time, but he still feels a little bit forced, as if the writers are trying to come up with a mix of NY's Sid Hammerback and LV's Al Robbins.

- So now this is Walter&Jesse show with a little bit of H&Calleigh and some Ryan for the funny moments? Whatever. :rolleyes:

- I'm having the same problem I had with CSI last season: they are showing that the new team is like a family, everybody loves each other, they have a lot of bonding moments and they interact a lot, so the fans are obviously happy. And my reaction is the same: it feels like an insult to the old team and old fans.

- If you don't want to include Natalia fine, but please, let the actress go. What's the point of having her in the credits if she's going to appear for like 2 minutes once in a while?

- So you have Travers and Dave, two characters that apparently worked and the audience kind of loved, and instead of giving them more screentime, a new character is added. Anybody care to explain it to me?

- Eric's not my favorite character, but it feels like they are not making an effort to create a decent exit for him: if he's not going to appear in every episode until he's gone, it would've been better not to wrap so quickly and easily his investigation and wait until later to see if he was cleared, so his absence would be justified.

I'm extremely frustrated and sad. I hope this isn't the last season I watch because I really love the show. :(

I think the feeling is mutual when it comes to the frustration. I have to agree with a lot you've said. To me, this week's episode was a lot of Jesse and Walter. They focused solely on Jesse's character on a number of occasions, and really hanging the rest of the main characters out to dry. I didn't even see Natalia in this episode, which isn't fair. Ryan was involved, but his scenes were not complete to me. Him joking around with Jesse made me think of his Eric and Ryan days. I, for one, loved Eric's character and missed him a lot in this episode. Eric was a lot more serious than these guys and sort of brought some depth to the team. He kept Ryan on his toes and its obvious there's a void there. I also agree that if he is going to stay for 7 more episodes after episode 5, they should've given his story a little length..similar to Ryan's gambling addiction and reinstatement. Ryan had to work odd jobs until he was cleared and I'm sure they could've thought of something for Eric...

Walter is funny but I honestly think that's all he has going for him. I also think he's best working in the lab. I don't see him ready or good for field work yet, but maybe that's just me.

-Calleigh looked amazing this week. I wish they would put her in more of this type of wardrobe.
-Liked seeing Cynthia back, also :), but where's Valera???

Honestly, they are focusing too much on Jesse and making him out to be a saint. He may very well be, but its not long until they give him some problem like they have with all the casts in the past. As far as that "girl" he's probably back for - it most certainly has to be a daughter, by the way he responded to Calleigh...

Anyway, the show rated #1 this Monday, but lets see what happens in the coming weeks, because I'm getting a little bored with the same old stuff and especially miss Eric.
Him joking around with Jesse made me think of his Eric and Ryan days. I, for one, loved Eric's character and missed him a lot in this episode. Eric was a lot more serious than these guys and sort of brought some depth to the team. He kept Ryan on his toes and its obvious there's a void there.
I agree that Eric was a lot more serious so he bought something different to the team.
I thought back to Eric and Ryan too,how there was tension under the surface way too often.That got old fast and I don't miss that or the mistrust. I for one enjoyed seeing more laughter with Jesse and Walter.
It drives me crazy that H continues to do that to Ryan. I've always wondered why, I don't think he's ever called him Ryan. I used to notice the same with Eric, sometimes he's called Eric other times they call him by his last name Delko.
I remember Horatio calling Ryan by is first name once.That was in the episode that Ryan was fired for gambling in season 5. I always wondered if there was some significance to the fact that Horatio has only called Ryan by his first name when he was in trouble. Wasn't there a spoiler that stated Horatio would call Ryan by his first name this season?

While I wish H would call Ryan by his first name, I am wondering if it is just a force of habit. H calls Natalia "Miss Boa Vista" and what does he call Calleigh? I love it when he calls Frank "Francis":lol:

Now, will someone give Ryan a match to burn that damn sweater vest, then we can all give it a proper burial. :lol: He has been on the show too long for the writers to treat the fans as if they don't know Ryan and how he has evolved over the years. He is not that same kid. He is smart, sexy, and has not worn a sweater vest since what s4.

The sweater vest has never been his best look. Hopefully, this is the last we will see of it.

Again, too much Jessie and not enough Ryan, and where the heck was Natalia. :(

This is the first time since the show started that I've been so bored with an episode that I started doing other things while watching. Jesse's presence is starting to get on my nerves, to the point that I'm beginning to have the feeling that I'll stop watching if things don't change soon. I always try to be a loyal fan to the shows I've been watching for a long time, so I know that I won't give up easily, but this season is starting to remind me of CSI's 9th season, where I had to -reluctantly- stop watching. This season is getting worse with every episode, but I'm still hoping this is just some kind of transition and it'll be back to normal soon. *fingers crossed*

- Too much Jesse. He's hot, he knows/does a lot of things, he's perfect, charming, caring, everybody loves him, has a heart of gold and has some sort of secret that -I bet- will be make him even more loved. How Mary Sue of him :rolleyes:. I have the feeling that the writers are blurring the lines between character and actor and that's distracting. IMO Eddie is a pretty face with average acting skills, and the fact that the character is attracting so many people makes me think that it was designed to be that way: ratings-oriented. I prefer flawed characters, they made things more interesting and create good conflict. I don't see Jesse being interesting at all, what's he gonna do to make the audience react to him in a less positive way, steal Ryan's aftershave? :p A character that's always positive and perfect is grating after a while.

Honestly, they are focusing too much on Jesse and making him out to be a saint. He may very well be, but its not long until they give him some problem like they have with all the casts in the past. As far as that "girl" he's probably back for - it most certainly has to be a daughter, by the way he responded to Calleigh...

I am glad others besides me are feeling that way. I almost feel by putting him on screen so much they are trying too hard for us to like him. I don't mind him but I would like him more if they would tone back not only his screen time but making him seem so flawless. I think that is why I am so hyper-sensitive when it comes to Ryan's scenes this year; at times I feel he being watered down to make Jesse look even better. Probably not true but at times it seems that way to me.

- If you don't want to include Natalia fine, but please, let the actress go. What's the point of having her in the credits if she's going to appear for like 2 minutes once in a while?

I was kind of wondering with the over exposure (at this point) of Jesse if her screen time was going to suffer the most.

- So you have Travers and Dave, two characters that apparently worked and the audience kind of loved, and instead of giving them more screentime, a new character is added. Anybody care to explain it to me?

Makes one wonder if tptb know what they are doing.
Well, all I can say is, please keep the Jesse scenes coming! I simply adore the dude! For once this show's got a normal decent good guy instead of people with incredibly complicated pasts that you wonder why they could ever be cops with some of the things they've gotten into.

It's not that I don't want to see interesting flawed people, but there is a limit for me at least on how much dramatic personal pasts or problems I can take in and Jesse is just a breath of fresh air, he's as normal as they come, reminds me of my sweet next door neighbor.

I can't say enough how it was all Jesse Cardoza's presence in Miami that finally made me a fan of this show instead of just someone who mocks it all the time.

I understand some people's frustrations with his many scenes in each episode, and if I was more interested in the other characters I probably would have been rather upset about it too, but I guess for me it's just not that much of a issue for me since I enjoy Jesse very much.

I think they're still working out the kinks in his character storylines and trying to establish him hence the many scenes, and maybe they're trying too hard to show him as a good guy, but I still think they handled Jesse's integration ALOT better than it could have happened, just look at what CSI did with Ray.......it's like the Ray-Hour show over there! At least with Jesse's character, you see him interacting alot with other characters, AND it's still Horatio Caine who saves the day! :p

Having new characters is never an easy thing, but I think Miami did it pretty well, and I have faith that the screentime thing will be worked out, it's already so much better than it used to be.
For once this show's got a normal decent good guy instead of people with incredibly complicated pasts that you wonder why they could ever be cops with some of the things they've gotten into.

It's not that I don't want to see interesting flawed people, but there is a limit for me at least on how much dramatic personal pasts or problems I can take in and Jesse is just a breath of fresh air, he's as normal as they come, reminds me of my sweet next door neighbor.

Well said, Bauer Almeida. While nobody's perfect, some of these characters have more skeletons than a cemetary, although I guess they're eventually going to tell us what they mean about the "girl" he was talking about with Calleigh.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't sit there and keep score about who's with who in which scene and how many times they appear on the screen. If the story's good and the team's interacting, and there's some balance with the drama and the team itself, I really don't care.
For once this show's got a normal decent good guy instead of people with incredibly complicated pasts that you wonder why they could ever be cops with some of the things they've gotten into.

It's not that I don't want to see interesting flawed people, but there is a limit for me at least on how much dramatic personal pasts or problems I can take in and Jesse is just a breath of fresh air, he's as normal as they come, reminds me of my sweet next door neighbor.

Well said, Bauer Almeida. While nobody's perfect, some of these characters have more skeletons than a cemetary, although I guess they're eventually going to tell us what they mean about the "girl" he was talking about with Calleigh.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't sit there and keep score about who's with who in which scene and how many times they appear on the screen. If the story's good and the team's interacting, and there's some balance with the drama and the team itself, I really don't care.

I agree with you guys. Any time I watched Miami, I felt as if I was getting the same story lines and I was getting bored. Adding a new character, even if it wasn't Jesse, because I don't want to seem biased, spices things up. I think it was mentioned before about how everyone was wary of Ryan in the beginning and now a lot of people love Ryan. It's just going to take some viewers some time getting used to Jesse.

I also don't care whos in how many scenes. Yes, perhaps there were a lot of scenes with Jesse (not that I minded :)) but they were spread out over the episode and he was with different cast members. I just think the writers are trying to fit him in and see who he works best with and how the viewers react. I don't understand why everyone is worked up about some people not being in a lot of scenes because every episode focuses on different people and every cast member gets a chance to be in a major or a supporting role. That's just how it goes.
I don't understand why everyone is worked up about some people not being in a lot of scenes because every episode focuses on different people and every cast member gets a chance to be in a major or a supporting role. That's just how it goes.
My only suggestion is to put yourself in other fans' shoes for a moment. I don't know how long you've been watching Miami, but in the last few years there hasn't been much of anyone other than Horatio & Eric/Calleigh (or one or the other) -- the focus was never on anyone else. As you are a Jessie fan, if his screentime & development went to nothing here in the next 3 months, would you be a happy fan? Probably not, you'd want to see more of your favorite character, just like anyone else does. The reason fans started getting uptight & nitpicking over screentime & who's scene is with who, is because for several years now, as I said before, the focus was on only 3 of the main characters, & it became a pattern with who was in every scene with who -- it didn't do any justice to the team vibe, it gave off a feeling of seperation, & not all the fans were happy with that. Lack of screentime/storylines/development for Ryan, Natalia, & Frank has been a heavy issue on the board for well over a year now -- we may sound like an unhappy bunch at times, but some of our faves have been on the backburner for quite some time now so it get's a bit frustrating -- I hope you can understand that, & also understand that it isn't always that we totally & utterly dispise the newbie(s), we just don't want another season (as we've put up with it for long enough) of tptb focusing on only a few main characters.
Jag Lady said:
Well said, Bauer Almeida. While nobody's perfect, some of these characters have more skeletons than a cemetary, although I guess they're eventually going to tell us what they mean about the "girl" he was talking about with Calleigh.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't sit there and keep score about who's with who in which scene and how many times they appear on the screen. If the story's good and the team's interacting, and there's some balance with the drama and the team itself, I really don't care.
There wouldn't be any scene counting if there were team interacting.The same characters being seen over and over again does not equal team interaction,it does not equal balance with the drama and the team itself.How could it when half the team is left out?
Sometimes the story itself may have been better if there had been use of other characters.
It really doesn't matter how many skeletons some of the other characters have,what has been done with that knowledge that they have skeletons? For some of them nothing at all.We may get info on the "girl" Jesse spoke of,or the writers may follow true to form and this "girl" will become a skeleton with no answers forthcoming.
My only suggestion is to put yourself in other fans' shoes for a moment.
Always an excellent idea.There are fans that have had little satisfaction for several seasons,how satisfied would you be if you where that fan.
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mjszud, great zombie. THANK YOU!!! I couldn't have explained it better. :) I am not opposed to these characters per say, but not to the point that others are forgotten. Miami needs to take a page from the producers of NCIS.
I've watched Miami for a long time and I've been in those shoes. I know this isn't the shipper board but I'm not a fan of Eric/Calleigh. It's a bit tiring after a while. I too would like to see more of Frank and Ryan and the rest. But from what I've seen this season so far, everyone has had screen time, maybe not as much as some people want but they've at least had scenes.

And I'm not trying to come off rude and a fangirl so please don't read it like this but it's really not Cibrian's fault that he's getting scenes, lol. That's what the writers are writing. And that is very aggravating, I totally agree because it happens on every show. It depends on who is writing which episode. The writers have faves too and write some characters better than others so that may be another reason why some are getting less screen time than others.
But from what I've seen this season so far, everyone has had screen time, maybe not as much as some people want but they've at least had scenes.
It is better this season.
And I'm not trying to come off rude and a fangirl so please don't read it like this but it's really not Cibrian's fault that he's getting scenes, lol. That's what the writers are writing. And that is very aggravating, I totally agree because it happens on every show. It depends on who is writing which episode. The writers have faves too and write some characters better than others so that may be another reason why some are getting less screen time than others.
I'm sure everyone knows it's not the actors fault.The writers shouldn't have favorites,if that is true,it needs to change.
As I stated earlier,I actually enjoy that there seems to be a little more interaction and Ryan is laughing and smiling more,there's less tension.
I actually only have problems when other fans say "so what",as long as their fav character gets time.
Show writers should be like parents and love all the characters/children the same. :)

I agree!

I wonder, however. Is is just easier for them to write for the new characters? The new characters are fresh with no background. The canvas is there for the writers to paint with Jesse, Walter, Tom...

For the established characters it is much harder. They have bio and backgrounds that the writers must remain true to (and they aren't very good at that, to be honest).

So, is it that the new characters are favorites, that the writers are excited because they can be more creative and free with the new characters or are the writers being lazy because it's harder to remain true to the long-time characters?

I think it's probably a little of all of the above.

And I really do enjoy Jesse, Walter and Tom. I think they've brought a freshness to the show that was sorely needed.

That said, they could pull it back a little with Jesse. I love his character and I think Cibrian is doing an amazing job. But the acceptance of a majority of the fanbase could start to waiver if long-time fans feel that their favorite character is still taking a backseat and reduced screen time due to the promotion of Cibiran's character. There could be a backlash against the new characters - and I DON'T want to see that happen.

So far TPTB have done an amazing job introducing the new characters. Fans, for the most part, like and accept them. I hope hope TPTB don't screw that up by forgetting that the other characters have devoted fans as well who are truly missing them - NATALIA????? Where is my Natalia?:scream:

Changing lanes here for a moment, out of curiosity, has anyone read the review posted by Kristine Huntley? Comments are always closed for those reviews now, but after reading it I found myself wondering in some instances if I was watching the same show.

Ms. Huntley has never really been a fan of Horatio and seems to relish the opportunity to stomp on him. So I'm learning to look past her swipes at that character. But she appears to now be campaiging for Jesse over Horatio in her desire to point out that Jesse was right about Carlos while Horatio was wrong about the son. I don't know it's that she pointed it out so much as the relish she seems to take in making the point.

She presents Jesse with a halo while Ryan is presented in a less than positive light in the Rock, Paper, Scissors scene. She found Ryan to be territorial and showing attitude and Jesse "bristling" at Ryan's approach. She equates this territoriality with Ryan making sure Jesse "knows his place."

My problem with this is, as I said, I really like Jesse. I think he in fits perfectly with the team. I think Ryan and Jesse can have the friendship that was never possible with Ryan and Eric. I saw the Rock, Paper, Scissors scene as completely endearing of all three characters involved and saw it as three guys messing around and giving each other friendly grief on the job. Happens all the time where I work. I saw nothing negative about it and found it quite funny.

For how long have a significant number of us complained about perfect Super-H always being right? We are beginning to see a return to the Horatio of years past. The more compassionate, involved, connected and human character. So when he makes a human error and, in a rare moment for Horatio, chooses to give someone he's questionning the benefit of the doubt (I'm not sure he completely believed the son.), rather than seeing Horatio as human, a judgemental finger is pointed at him with the indictment, "You were WRONG! Shame on you! And Jesse was right! Na-na-na-na-na-na!"

I'm left feeling that she is trying to insinuate that Jesse is a better judge of people than Horatio (which has always been a strong character trait with Horatio) and that Ryan is a petty, territorial slacker. As I said, Horatio is always a target, so that will never change.

But that is just not how I see Ryan and I think he's been portrayed in a negative light for long enough. It's time to give that character a break and I was really hoping with the postive, friendly interaction I was seeing between him and Jesse he was going to get one this season.

We are finally beginning to see a TEAM on this show. Can't we just enjoy it for a while before we try to destroy it? I really hope that Ms. Huntley's impressions/interpretations/opinions are only shared by the minority of viewers.
Delynn,funny that you should mention the review.I did post something about the reviewer's glowing accolades of Jesse and her seemingling negative bias toward Ryan.

We are finally beginning to see a TEAM on this show. Can't we just enjoy it for a while before we try to destroy it? I really hope that Ms. Huntley's impressions/interpretations/opinions are only shared by the minority of viewers.
I've only seen positive reactions pretty much on several message boards to Jesse and Ryan's interactions.There are other negative aspects bought up,but nothing that deals with that particular relationship.Most have talked about less tension,more laughter,etc.The reviewer's impressions really are the first I've seen that were negative.
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