^^ I agree with the last paragraph

Anyways, president Taylor.. yay, a woman but party she reminds me of Stephanie Forrester :lol: :lol:

I have to give points to writing that this time terrorists are not from middle-east
This week's episode was much better. However I felt the scenes where the Secret Service Agent Gedge was trying to kill the First Gentleman was a replica of Season 5 where the Secret Service Agent tried killing Aaron Pierce and then Martha ended up killing him, just like what the FG did.
This week's episode was much better. However I felt the scenes where the Secret Service Agent Gedge was trying to kill the First Gentleman was a replica of Season 5 where the Secret Service Agent tried killing Aaron Pierce and then Martha ended up killing him, just like what the FG did.

I thought so too but hey it's 24!. This weeks episode was fantastic, Jack, Bill and Chloe are going to see the President to tell her what's going on. Tony is staying behind because of the bad things he's done in the past and the first Gentlemen got away from Agent Gedge (who's now dead).

Can't wait for next weeks episode.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I have just started watching this season but I really like the show so far. I'm still waiting on Rory to make his grand appearance on the set. Does anybody know when he may appear on the scene?

I hope sence he is playing a villan that he is one bad ass dude and gives Jack a run for his money before I have to cry over his dead body again! Lol! I just hope he cleans his gun this time!!!! Lol!!!
I don't think Rory will be in the show for a few weeks yet at least until Jon Voight makes his appearence. I can't wait to see Rory giving Jack a run for his money, it's gonna be great.
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I have to admit, I really don't think this season can beat Season 5. Season 5 was just amazing on every level and aspect. This season lacks something--I'm not sure what. I thought last week's episode was good, and tonight looks to reveal some things about the mole and a past-recurring character is returning, but I honestly don't feel the old 24-style that the show had before.
Hey guys! :)

In the past I've given you my two-cents of each ep but this year I just thought I'd sit back and totally enjoy the ride. :thumbsup:
No comments made...just watch my Hero Jack Bauer in action.
God, its soooo damn sweet to see my Cubby boy back too! :drool:

Seeing Jack and Tony to me is like winning the Lottery! :lol:

I'm loving President Taylor! :) It's sweet to see Chloe and I gonna miss Bill. :( We know he's not coming back. :)

My favorite new character besides the President would have to be Walker.

That said, I'm gonna watch tonight's ep again!

Enjoy the rest of the season "24 fans!!!"

You're Cubby boy?.. I'll fight you for him.. he's my bad ass hottie :drool:

I really hope he's one of the good guys, and doesn't play trippel agent, then I'll kick his ass =P

and the fact that rory is on the show, oh my god, three of the hottes guys alive in the same frame:eek:!!!! =)
I love seeing Rory on the show :D I think it's the only reason I've been keeping up with it :lol: I was so thrilled when Tony came back, and even more thrilled when he was working with the good guys. Then I saw this weeks episode :( Oh Tony, what are you doing? I just can't decide which side he's really on.
No I know, I can't decide either.. but I really hope he's on the good side and that Larry's uncontious.. I hope that's the case but I'm not sure...

My bf's roommate watched the first ep of s7 when I was in my bf's room and I as soon as I heard a fimiliar voise I sat straight up and said "Tony's back".. and I haven't watch 24 sinse halfway thru s5 when he supposedly died..
Okay-.. why oh why they had to kill Larry? :(

That show surely is getting rid of lots of people - even Tony wasn't dead... :p
Bill too.. I miss him.. I had a crush on him in the earlier seasons cause he looked so hot in a suite and he was the boss =)
I have to admit, I didn't like Larry at first, but I think his character got better in the later episodes. I think it was a mistake to kill him and I can'r believe that Tony is bad after all noooooooooooo!!!!!.

Also I am sorry for those who like Kim but I really wish they didn't bring back her character back. The show has been excellent without her so writers please get rid of her!!!!:scream: