Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*


With the writers strike under way, Fox is switching up its 2008 schedule.

The major moves include indefinitely postponing the premiere of “24,” moving up the launch of “Hell’s Kitchen” into spring and setting premiere dates for several new shows.

Overall, Fox plans a mix of reality and repeats, along with running off its remaining stock of scripted originals.

Even with an ongoing strike expected to dry up scripted episodes, a few freshman projects are being dropped into airless Friday nights.

Fox originally scheduled “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” and “24.” With only a modest number of “24” episodes reportedly complete, the season-seven premiere is being postponed “to ensure that ‘Day 7’ can air uninterrupted, in its entirety,” Fox says. Now “Prison Break” will launch the night, followed by “Connor” starting Jan. 14 (“Connor” will have a special premiere on Sunday, Jan. 13)

View New FOX TV Scehdule: TVWeek.com

I want my 24 ! :(
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Lorelai said:

I want my 24 ! :(

I'm with you Lorelai :( I want Jack back! :D

As fans of the show, we wait twice as long as others shows just so we can see our Hero return. :(

Oh well....I shall wait patiently and if Season 7 comes out next year, so be it! :D

Happy New Year "24" Fans!

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Great, just great.. :(

Question: Any news on the return of 24? — MB
Ausiello: Well, although Fox hasn't confirmed it, I'll go out on a limb and say Jack Bauer isn't returning this season. Even if the strike ends tomorrow, the earliest the show could get back on the air is this summer — and there's no way in hell Fox is dumping 24 onto the summer season. That leaves the network with several options, none of them ideal. One solution is to just kick off Season 7 next January, but by then Jack will have been in hiding for nearly two years. Another, and much more controversial, scenario being bandied about involves taking the eight episodes currently in the can and creating a 10- to 14-episode mini-season to air in the fall. That would be followed by another 10- to 14-episode mini-season — featuring a completely different plot — during the second half of the season. Opponents of that idea have argued, and rightly so, that by splitting the season, you're essentially compromising the show's unique, 24-hour conceit. Proponents, however, argue that these are desperate times. And sometimes desperate times require throwing out the rulebook. I can see that point as well. What do you guys think? Would you rather wait until January and get a traditional uninterrupted 24-episode season? Or would you prefer getting the show back in the fall, even if that meant splitting the season up into two shorter, self-contained chunks? Or do you have another solution?

Source: TV Guide

I don't like this. I never thought I would say this, but I'd rather wait than see the mini-seasons for 24. As much as I miss this show, I think 2 mini-seasons is not gonna work. How are they gonna do this, dropping the real time factor or just having a shorter day? And if only they will make a shorter season 7 but a shorter season 8 too? This is so wrong! :( Me sad now. :(
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Question: Is 24 still planning on bringing Tony back as a villain next season? — Kayla
Ausiello: Unless Fox completely scraps the eight episodes they have in the can — and that's extremely unlikely given how much those episodes cost to produce — Tony will still be the Big Bad when the show returns. Whenever the show returns.

Source: TV Guide

Errr... This is 24. Isn't that's what they do all the time? Re-write and re-shoot. :lol: But, no, I don't think they'll just change everything they did with this 8 episodes. Just some of it. :p

And 2 brand new pics of Kiefer:

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*


Jon Voight Cast as 24's Even Bigger Baddie

It would appear that so-and-so, who to date has been touted as Jack Bauer's (and thus America's) next big nemesis, is merely doing someone else's bidding. Oscar winner Jon Voight has been cast on 24 as the person behind Season 7's terrorist threat, says the Reporter. Voight's character will be introduced during the two-hour prequel movie airing Nov. 23, and then be featured heavily during the back half of Jack's next bad day.

For more on this, see In Touch Weekly's cover story: "Angelina's Heartbreak! Dad Chooses TV Role Over Attending Twin Grandchildren's Birth!" — Matt Mitovich
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

June 20, 2008 -- JACK Bauer will be turning 52 when the popular Fox drama returns next year.
At least, he should be.
When "24" comes back next January, four years will have passed on the series, Fox officials confirmed yesterday.
To emphasize the passage of time, Jack's sidekick, Chloe (Mary-Lynn Rajskub), who was revealed to be pregnant in last year's season finale, will suddenly have a 4-year-old kid to deal with.
For those keeping score at home, that means that 17 TV years have passed since Season 1, when Bauer first took on the Eastern European bad guys bent on revenge and destruction - and he was said to be 35 years old.

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Got some more 24 news here.

Originally obtained from speedystokesgirl:

Exclusive: 24 gets up to Speed with Rory Cochrane.

And this ain't no hallucination, either, Speedle fans.

Rory Cochranewhose dearly departed CSI: Miami character managed to resurface last season (as an ethereal vision of Delko's), has joined the ensemble of Fox's 24for this coming season, sources tell me exclusively. Cochrane will be filling the recurring role of Greg Seaton, a crony of Jon Voight's big very baddie.

(Source: TVGuide.com)

Hopefully this is true. :lol:
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Well, folks, we're finally at the premiere day! How are you celebrating? Doing some 24shots every time Jack says damn? Or are you going to wear a special 24 shirt?

Anyway, for those who are interested in seeing who is in 24 this season, there's this nice HUGE banner with all the castmembers we know of so far. Click

Anyway, happy 24 viewing and don't forget, it starts at 8pm tonight and 8pm tomorrow!
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Thanks for sharing that, Shane, I spent quite a bit of time looking at it :lol: I'm looking forward to tonight's premier :)
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Nice one Shane :D

It starts here tomorrow night so I should have time to watch Redemption again - need to see Mr Carlyle once more. I'd forgotten how much I missed this last year until Redemption came on and I saw some trailers in the last week for Jack's next day.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I wasn't a big fan of Season 6, but I still enjoyed it. Redemption really brought back the great feeling of the series that it had in Seasons 1-5. Season 5 has always been my favorite though. I love the Logans. :D
So what did everyone think? I thought the first two episodes back were the best since Season 5!

Things I Thought While Watching :
* Agent Walker. I like her personality and she goes good with Jack.
* Cubby Boy! He's back from the dead, but how? :eek:
* Latham, it's the guy from Star Trek! :lol:
* Janis... annoying. She's worse than Chloe, and I like Chloe!
* I really like Cherry Jones as the new President.
* Jack's definitely back. :devil:
Where are the 24 viewers this season? :confused:

This past episode didn't quite catch my attention as the four hour premiere. It was slow and predictable in some spots. The only thing that didn't quite get me from the get go was
Jack shooting Walker and the silent clock at the end. Now, we know that a silent clock usually means that someone dies, but I really don't think they'd kill of Agent Walker this soon -- or would they?
24 has been great this season so far, It wa ssuch a relief to fing out that Tony isn't a bad guy after all.

Having a female President I thought was a bad idea but, I actually like President Taylor.

I like Agent Walker, and after last week I hope she is in the show for a while yet.

Jack is awesome as usual, but I still think there is a hint of doubt with Jack concerning this undercover story that Bill, Chloe and Tony are involved in. I personally think there is more to reveal in the weeks to come and I can't wait to find out.