Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I thought 24 was great this week.
I think Audrey is brainwashed, and I also blame Doyle for Cheng gettin away.
I don't like Doyle.
And OMG the Bill/Karen thing is like woahhh.
Politics. Gotta hate 'em.
If I was Karen, I woulda stepped down.
But, I think she may have made a good choice, because I think Daniels was just trying to get her out of his way because she disagrees with alot of the things he wants to do.
So, it was a good choice in the longrun, but Bill's pissed.

I can't wait until Jack saves Audrey.
Gunna be friggin great.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

So, how many episodes are left? There's still a lot of ground to cover in a short time. But, then again we are talking about Jack.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

----- Season 6: 1:00am - 2:00am -----

Ok, according to FOX, they are 3 more eps left. Are we talking 3 hours? :eek:
Hmmm I thought the day started out at 6am, am I missing an hour or what? :eek:

Anyway......can you believe they're blaming Jack for Cheng's escape? :mad: Sheesh...Doyle even said it was his fault. Damn CTU! :mad:

Oh pleeease Chloe crying over her breakup with Morris. Tell me it's over? I'm sorry but Chloe this season sucks. :(

YAY, Doyle did something good for a change even though it was stage. Nah, I didn't think Nadia would have gone with Mike's excuse.
Dammit, Jack should have knock the Doc out. What an ass? Thank God Nadia finally stood up to him. :D

Haha Noah does his best to butter up Karen, and now he's in a mess with Lisa. You knew this was coming, right? Fooling around with two men, I don't feel sorry for the gal one bit. Yeah, I'm mean. :devil:

So we finally see Mr. Heller, but, he sure wasn't happy to see Jack? Now why would he blame Jack? It was Audrey's choice right? Oh well. :rolleyes:

Seriously, do you think Jack is cursed?? Nearly everyone close to him has died.

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Oh pleeease Chloe crying over her breakup with Morris. Tell me it's over? I'm sorry but Chloe this season sucks.
I miss the geeky frowny look Chole.

I thought Heller was a bit out of line. That was just too cruel.

Lisa is a slut! I knew it.

I miss Bill.

I think the final episode will be 2 hours.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Yep, the finale is usually 2 hours long. :D

-----Season 6: 2:00am - 3:00am -----

What a second half? :D
I totally forgot about Marilyn and Josh at CTU.

Boooo....Nadia wouldn't let Jack go boooo.
Since Nadia is being replaced, you think Bill will be back? Considering Daniels is having his own personal problem and wants to keep it a secret, a deal could be made to bring Bill back. Right? I want Bill back in command. :D

These last few weeks I've been asking about Papa Bauer, well, he finally showed up. Ooooh he's soooo evil. :devil:
Was anyone surprised Cheng and his men got into CTU? They made it look so easy. :lol: All that trouble just to take Josh. For a second I thought they had the wrong Bauer. I thought they were after Jack. :rolleyes:
It really surprised me when they shot and killed Milo? :eek: Wow, Just think....that could have been Bill? :eek: :eek:

Dangit, I was hoping Jack would get away. Hey, at least he killed 5 bad guys. :D Not bad. I'm sure there will be plenty more in the next 3 hours. :lol:

I could careless what's happening at the White House, just give me more Jack time and I'm a happy camper.

I wanna see Jack and Papa Bauer go face-to-face once again.

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

They killed Milo! I didn't see that coming.

Jack needs to kick some major butt in the next three hours. Somehow, I think he will.

Chole and Morris... shut up, will ya? There's something up there, me thinks. I just don't see Chole acting all bent out of shape like she is.

Papa Bauer is pure evil.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I don't understand why Papa Bauer wants his grandson so badly?
Hmmmm, what does he have up his sleeves? :devil:

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

----- Season 6: 3:00am - 4:00am -----

Whoohoo, way to go Nadia and Morris! :D Giving Jack a hand and fighting back. And Doyle & Co. came just in time too.

Aaahhh....Jack involved in a gunfight. My kind of episode. :) Dang! Jack didn't shoot Cheng. Leave it to Uncle Jack to save his nephew. :D
ITA with Josh, Papa Bauer is out of his mind. :eek:

I love Jack's quote: "I'll ask him when I find him." :lol: Referring to his dad. I'm looking forward to that moment. Of course it has to occur during the Finale.
What do you think? Would Jack kill his father? Yes or no? :rolleyes:

Hmmm I actually like Noah is this ep. I'm glad he told Karen about everything. And she didn't even judge him which was cool. :)

With Josh's escape, Cheng's threat to Phillip was funny. Oh please? Cheng thought he was getting back the circuit board. What a fool? My money is on Papa Bauer and his threat. :devil:

Morris comforting Nadia was very sweet. :)

I loved when Josh says to his Mom "Uncle Jack saved my life." Aaawwwww! Uncle Jack.

Whoa, the Russian President outsmarts Vice President Daniels? What a nice surprise? Very nice. :lol:

Now that Cheng is out of Papa Bauer's picture, he negotiates with the Vice Pres. How interesting? He really wants his grandson so badly. :eek:

Well, my "24" friends, the end of this season is finally upon us. Don't forget next Monday is the Finale. Yay!! 2 hours of Jackness!!!

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

That was a pretty good episode.

Man, I am so not liking Papa Bauer.

I hope Jack gets Cheng really good in the next two hours.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

This is it folks. Two hours tonight to finish up what has basically been a blah season for me. I hope they finish up with a bang.

I'm hearing somebody is coming back from the dead. Hmm, now I wonder who it could be?

I'm hoping Tony.
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

----- Season 6: 4:00am - 6:00am -----

My "24" fans the time has come and gone. Our hero survived yet another hectic day. :D
You think after 6 years they would know Jack is always right? Always. :D

No, the finale did not disappoint me. I was glued to the TV enjoying every second. Because we all know another day of Jackness shall come next year. :p

Soooo.....here goes....

Kudos to Karen for putting her career on the line knowing she would pay the consequences and go to prison. Yes, arresting her was all worth it. :D
It felt so damn good to see Bill. I miss that man.
Teaming up with Jack, felt like the good old days at CTU. Right?

Doyle's injury looks kinda bad. Hmmm guess this means he's not returning next season. If he's blind. And that's a big "IF" now. :eek:

Bless Tom's heart for talking Daniels out of pressing charges against Karen and Bill. Even though I love Tom's idea of Karen and Bill retiring together. I would love for Bill to come back to CTU. :D

So Phillip was still working with Cheng? I guess the submarine change Papa Bauer's mind about working with the Chinese. Smart man. :devil:

The best part of the 2 hour finale came when Bill and Jack hijack the helicopter in order to rescue Josh. Wasn't that sweet? I couldn't see Jack sitting on his ass while his nephew's life was in danger. Not Uncle Jack. :D

The biggest surprise of the night, the Russian knew about the submarine, can you believe that? :eek: Isn't that a scary thought, that the US didn't even know about the submarine? :eek:

For a minute I didn't think Josh had a backbone, until he shot his own crazy grandpa. I was slightly disappointed Jack didn't pull the trigger. The man was just evil. :mad: Not seeing Papa Bauer's body makes me wonder, is he really gone? :eek:

Well, well.....Chloe is pregnant? If she doesn't return next season that's fine with me. I didn't enjoy her this season. Working with your Ex is not a good thing. And it showed. I could have done with a lot less Morris and Chloe.

So Heller knew all along that it wasn't Jack's fault Audrey ended the way she did? :( Yet he puts all the blame on Jack. Do ya blame Jack for being so pissed off?
Just seeing Audrey lying there so lifeless was very sad. :( Knowing how much Jack loved her, he had to let her go.

Which brings me to the ending.....the sound of silence. :eek:

A premonition of what's to come? For Jack maybe? :eek: Sadly, I think so. :( Sure he saved another day, but, there's gonna come a day when we have to let him go. :(


Now my two-cents worth on Season 6, I didn't think they could top last year and I didn't expect them too. :rolleyes:
Like past season, we have seen some familiar faces die, and met new ones. Of course, it took time for me to open up to these new characters. I just couldn't get past another Palmer in charge of the United States. Not to mention the fighting between the President and Vice President. :mad:
The season started off with a bang and ended with a bang. That, I liked very much. :lol:
But.....as long as Kiefer plays the hero, I shall root him on. :D

Thanks Kiefer & Company for entertaining me this season! I look forward to another crazy day.

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

I love your weekly breakdowns of 24 WP I think I might miss those as much I will miss 24...actually I have to be honest SEVEN MONTHS without 24 I actually am going to die and its only been one day.

As for what I thought of the finale, I loved it especially near the very end when Jack confronts Heller and is like "if you follow us I will kill you, pretty good at that too" it made me very happy, finally Jack gets some ranting time!

The whole "we're commandeering your helicopter, GET OUT" was amazing and Jack and Bill make a great team, of course Bill wasn't going to leave Jack behind on the oil platform. And I thought the scene after Jack has "fallen" off the helicopter when he is standing on the beach and just raises his hand and Bill understands was quite touching.

I'm assuming Bill and Karen's forced retirement means they probably wont be seen again but a girl can hope right?

As for Doyle, I really didn't like him in the beginning but he totally grew on me as the season progressed and he turned out to be a great character and a very effective counterbalance to the hell-raising awesomeness that is Agent Bauer. I hope he at least makes an appearance next season.

Another character that totally grew on me was Tom, he stood up for Karen and gave Daniels the incriminating recording back, shows he has class and plus he had some great scenes with Karen and the President throughout the season.

I wonder what they will do about Wayne Palmer, there are so many options, he could become a private citizen, return as president, die, remain in a coma...I actually have no idea where that story will go or if it will just end.

I too am disappointed that they didn't completely resolve the Papa Bauer issue....is he dead?? However the fact that Jack talk Josh out of shooting him again and then refraining from doing it himself showed a new side of Jack and then when he was telling Heller that he felt nothing was like revealing another layer of Jack's character.

My favourite scene, however, had to be the final one with Audrey. I so desperately wanted her eyes to open and for her to acknowledge Jack. Does this mean she won't be returning to the show. That makes me sad, even though it was probably for the best, still I loved those two together and will miss Audrey.

Wow, I do apologize for this long winded speal but this was quite the season with just enough explosions, suspense, near death experiences, the occasional appearance of the JackPack, and of course totally awesome Bauerness to keep me dreaming of what Season 7 has in store.

Okay I promise I'll stop now :D
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Why thank you Fingerprints! :D

You brought up some great points....

Bill & Karen: Will they be seen again? I think so but my guess is one or two episodes for just a couple of minutes. No more.

Doyle: Same here, I just didn't like him in the beginning, like most new people who join CTU, it takes time for me to accept them. He had his good points and bad ones. Again, another brief appearance of Mike would be nice to see.

Tom: I considered him a love/hate character. I didn't know if I trusted him or not. Was he a mole or not?
Honestly, I think of Peter M. from Numbers more than Tom. Strange, huh?

Palmer: I don't see him coming back as PoTUS. He just didn't impress me at all. I still think of his brother David. Now, that man was an awesome President. And I love watching Dennis H. in The Unit.

Papa Bauer: I still think they should have used Kiefer's real father Donald to play the evil role it was weird seeing James C. as Jack's father.

Audrey: Yes, I wanted her to open her eyes as well. I think this was her final episode. Such a sad moment too. :(

Charles L: Did he die? They left us hanging just like they did with Pres. Keeler didn't they?

Awwww....I forgot about the Jackpack. :lol:

Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

About Audrey, I read in yesterday's paper that she is starring in a new NBC show with Brooke Shields called Lipstick Jungle (kinda like Sex and the City I hear) so it would be interesting to see Kim Raver in a show that doesn't have her being kidnapped/threatened/and/or/totally devastated. I think I might have to check that out...

My plan for now is saving up enough to start my own 24 DVD boxset collection as of right now I have a pathetic zero of the DVDs so I gotta work on that. So far I've just been watching the daily reruns on A&E...gotta love digital recording.

I also think that would have been cool to have Donald S as Papa Bauer but maybe it would have been too weird, I just rewatched Pride and Prejudice where he is the father and he is so similar to Kiefer (obviously a lot older) but still its a bit freaky :p
Re: 24 ~ *Possible Spoilers*

Hey "24" fans!

This doean't sound good to my ears. :(

As the Hollywood writers' strike entered its fourth day, Fox announced it will not start the new season of its hit series "24" as planned in January, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

"24's" seventh season was scheduled to begin in January, but producers shot and finished only about one-third of its 24-episode season.

"It's not a decision we wanted to make, but it's one based on how we feel the viewers expect us to schedule the show," said Preston Beckman, Fox's scheduling chief, told the Hollywood Reporter.

Hmmmm...I'm wondering if will get "24" this season?? :eek:

What do ya think?
