08 Presidential Elections

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Personally I don't like either of them, but it doesn't matter because I'm not old enough to vote.

As to who I think will win, I watched a part of the Convention, and a little bit of the debate on Friday. I seriously don't think Obama will lose.

Side note, my school did a mock election and Obama won 201 to 70. No, our school isn't that small. Most of us (myself included) didn't vote.
It's totally news related being I'm a Obama supporter, and that is news for here, on ELECTIONS who cares? I care, and maybe other Obama suporters as well & I got big kudos from the head of our campaign and congratulations as well, and I was proud as they were too! and your contributions to this campaign are?... and it was the local mall not the post offce, thank's anyway:thumbsup:

What you do in your spare time is not news related in anyway. Yippee to you for getting people to vote Obama. That's great! I wish I could say that I do that. But what you are doing has nothing to do with the elections. The polls and links you are posting are totally relavent. Your free time isn't.

Tciddaisc even though you can't vote, at least you are concerned with what is going on in the world. I wish all of the youth your age was as concerned as you are.

Quick queston? How do you guys think the "no go" to the $700 Billion bail out is going to play out in the election?
One more time, I got 8 people signed up to vote for Obama on Nov. 4 in the election, and am campaigning for him, and have done so for months, I was a delegate in Nevada as well, for the election, so this is relevant beings this is the ELECTION thread.. and more news about this Thursday's debate!


One more time, that's great. Post it somewhere else.:thumbsup:

I'm sick of everyone saying the Biden should tip-toe around Palin so that he doesn't come off as a "bully". If she can't handle a debate then the American people should know exactly how she is going to act if McCain is elected. Biden just needs to do what he needs to do to help win the election. Forget about Palin and her sheeplike ways. If she can't take it, she can't it. Enough said.
Okay. First it's great to have Misc a thread where is real debate and discussion.

Then to my points. Me and Jacquie are mods in Misc. We do follow the thread and if we see something that is off topic, we'll tell you. Don't start to judge each other's post and tell what is about the elections and what is not and you don't start to tell people to go elsewhere if they have some election related stuff.

What can be included, examples

-Talking about every aspect of the politics of the candidates or their choises as possible vice president
-Talking about campange itself, how it goes in different states, polls, newspapers
-Also non-American talk, related to elections (e.g how country sees this or how it's in the news) is ok. You don't have to be American to be in this thread. And yes, I don't see anything bad if you compare American system/politics/elections to your own
-When you write your comments, remember to avoid words that can be taken as insult. So don't attack on other posters. Make your point in a good way and whoever response to that - make your point as well and not just "you are wrong, boohoo"

I still study International Relations in university, along with other Political Science stuff so don't think I cannot follow. I am also a member of party here in my country and try to be active in every sector (main party, youth and students) and believe me, Ordinary people are part of campagnes and it is related to elections.
I'm fully aware of who the mods are, I just don't see how her registering people has anything to do about the election.:confused: I mean it's great, but is it really election related? Just wondering.;)
I'm fully aware of who the mods are, I just don't see how her registering people has anything to do about the election.:confused: I mean it's great, but is it really election related? Just wondering.;)

I explained it in last paragraph ;) Ordinary people work on local level, tries to make ordinary people aware of the candidates and trying to get them vote for _Your_Guy_ It has direct effect to results. It is part of any campagne.

If there's sentence "OMG!GOT A BUMPERSTICKER TODAY!" along with other posts... erm what's the big deal?
I was not directing this to anyone special. Everyone should take note from it.
You're right. I just get so heated!:scream: I'll be better:p! desertwind sorry for the attack. I'll refrain from freaking out next time.
Okay. First it's great to have Misc a thread where is real debate and discussion.

Then to my points. Me and Jacquie are mods in Misc. We do follow the thread and if we see something that is off topic, we'll tell you. Don't start to judge each other's post and tell what is about the elections and what is not and you don't start to tell people to go elsewhere if they have some election related stuff.

What can be included, examples

-Talking about every aspect of the politics of the candidates or their choises as possible vice president
-Talking about campange itself, how it goes in different states, polls, newspapers
-Also non-American talk, related to elections (e.g how country sees this or how it's in the news) is ok. You don't have to be American to be in this thread. And yes, I don't see anything bad if you compare American system/politics/elections to your own
-When you write your comments, remember to avoid words that can be taken as insult. So don't attack on other posters. Make your point in a good way and whoever response to that - make your point as well and not just "you are wrong, boohoo"

I still study International Relations in university, along with other Political Science stuff so don't think I cannot follow. I am also a member of party here in my country and try to be active in every sector (main party, youth and students) and believe me, Ordinary people are part of campagnes and it is related to elections.

Right on, thank's DaWacko and Jacquie un-necessary attacks just don't get anything accomplished, point made:thumbsup:moving on today the latest polls~

Thanks everyone for moving on :) Politics is always a difficult topic to discuss. Someone asked a while ago why we only seem to talk about the weather in the Canadian thread. We all came to the conclusion that it was the safest subject to talk about :) Politics can be a very heated topic and I admire you people for keeping your emotions under control :)
Edit: Just read the moderator posts...just posting my part of the debate, i don't think i am insulting or taking shots, so i think its ok and on topic.

There's poverty in the US, yeah, but the poorest person here is still doing way better than some of the people I've seen in Mexico.
But you are comparing a developing country to a 1st world nation, comparing to other 1st world nations, and considering how rich the US is, or was now, it is pretty bad.

Are you really going to bring up the argument about the metric system? Wow...
While it does seem very insignificant, this is an example ignorance/refusal to work with the rest of the global community (it is a pain in the ass, especially in business), and shows how far behind scientifically America is. Scientists love the metric system for a reason, it is superior to the imperial one. Even in CSI, I notice they sometimes use metric, because they are dealing with science. And Grissom even took a shot at the US when he said "And i thought the metric system would catch on"

I do believe in abstinence before marriage
While I don't believe in it (too late anyways :lol:), cause it is unrealistic, especially once you hit your 20s. And lets face it, the idea of finding that one perfect person and it will be all magical and rainbows happens occasionally, but not often. Love can be trail and error...anyways, it should be a personal choice, and it is insane to try to scare teens away from what is perfectly normal human behaviour. Even more insane is using those abstinence only programs which are riddled with mis-information and mistakes, when studies show how bad they are. Also, they are religion based, so they shouldn't be anywhere near politics.

About the Chinese: Look up how they teach their kids and make them study, and then tell me you would want that kind of education system.
No, but they are still not as developed as the US, so its kind of embarressing for America that they are ahead.

And the US puts plenty of money into college (or rather, students who qualify for government grants to go to college).
Every country has this, what i meant was the government putting money towards tuition. Canada isn't the best (Europe is WAY better for these programs), but the government pays for a portion of our tuition, essentially lowering the cost. If i lived in the US I would not have gone to University, the tuition is too much. Plus our schools have all the same price, so going to a good university isn't about being rich. And our degrees are considered better, because we do more work for an undergrad degree in Canada, they are more specific with more experience in the major. In fact American companies in the scientific field actively recruit from outside the US, because they know we have better education.

If we take away the guns, people are going to find other ways to kill people. The type of weapon has nothing to do with it. Look at how many stabbings Britain has had since they put in their gun control laws
While there are many issues with crime, there are a lot of crimes that wouldn't happen if guns were not as available. Domestic crimes, accidental shootings, not too mention gun owners are more likely to be shot themselves. It is actually more dangerous to have a gun than to be without one. And yeah, i find america's obsession with war and weapons kind of creepy.

Plus, guess where all the illegal guns which are used by criminals in Canada come from? Yeah...thanks. Funny how the US government threatened us when we wanted to make pot legal, cause they didn't want more drugs in their country, but we can't do anything about the guns. The US arms the world, especially the terrorists. This only makes your country a bigger target.

IMO, people shouldn't dabble in sorcery and all that, even if it's just reading a kid's book.
uhhh...i am 99.99% positive that sorcery isn't real.

I don't know where you've been hearing this stuff about the evolution debate
news, web, www.fstdt.com ...I have heard it all. There isn't really a debate in the scientific community about the existance of evolution, just the specific details. Not to mention all those republicans trying to bring in 'intelligent design'.

But in the Bible it said God created man in his own image, so I highly doubt it was in monkey form.

But I think SEVERAL animals around today are the product of evolution. So I think it's true, but not the human part.

Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that Americans don't hear the word "evolution" and freak out. We DO have it in our science curriculum, so please don't talk about things you don't really know about, xfcanadian...
The Bible was written by man. It is not scientific, and it will never be fact. Only theology, which should never be applied to a scientific argument. Even if the bible is wrong, doesn't mean God doesn't exist and all that jazz.

Oh I know what I am talking about...like the 25 million dollar creationist 'museum', and the fact that about 50% of Americans refuse to 'believe' (you can't believe in scientific theories, but some people regard it as a religion). Not too mention how many posts and comments I see that lack even the basic concept of evolution. Apparently the science curriculum isn't working too well. You can't just pick and choose what science to acknowledge, and what to ignore. Humans are animals, we have DNA, and natural selection drives genetic shifts, which drives evolution over time. Anything with DNA undergoes evolution, and we are common ancestors with Ape-like species. This isn't a debate in the scientific community, this only exists from a religious stand point with no evidence, and I could drag out a boat load of genetic evidence to back this up.

It is really good that Obama brought up education, cause it never seems like a big issue in elections, but it should be.

Canadians are probably healthier than Americans because this is the fattest nation in the world. People are lazy and eat too much and that's the truth.
Obesity has more to do with education and poverty levels than laziness. Also psychological issues and access to food. But no, Canadians have better access to see doctors than Americans.

Besides raging liberals who don't realize how good we have it?
I know I am an evil commie! But nothing will improve unless you can see and admit to mistakes. There is nothing wrong with being critical, and it is silly and WILL be the US's downfall, if you guys continue to stick your heads in the sand and pretend nothing is going wrong. You can be a republican and still be critical...and you can still love your country as well. I make fun of Canada all the time!

How often have you been to America?
I have been, and I always seem to find the arrogent Americans in person. Not too mention all the Americans i interact with online...some good, some bad. I should count the number of times i have been told either that I will burn in hell/being evil for various reasons (supporting homosexuality, evolution, atheist, liberal...happens ALL the time) or mocked for being Canadian.

Did anyone see the second SNL skit, HILARIOUS :lol: And i just saw a CBS interview with Palin, gah, i am embarressed to be part of her gender. She was talking about how she wants to force rape victims to have their babies...ummm, yeah that isn't cruel. She wanted to counsel them on their 'less than ideal' situation to have the baby. She didn't seriously call being raped 'less than ideal', OMG. She makes Bush look like a genius.
:beer: Bravo! Agreed with it all! I was waiting for you to come back canadian! The second SNL skit was the best! Tina Fey is a genious!

Did you know that she also wants rape victims to pay for their own rape kit as well? :rolleyes: Pathetic really. Yet another reason why I will be sorely disappointed in the american people if we allow this tag team of morons win the election.
Okay... I have missed something out..but where did McCain find Palin? Did he chose her because Hillary is out and he tries to get women's votes? Wasn't there any better candidates? I mean - how that kind of people exist? I don't mean about her religious views but rather her... lack of knowledge.
Bush starts to seem smart when compared to Palin.

As for 2nd SNL bit.. ah so hilarious!
Pretty much exactly what you said. When Obama didn't pick Hilary, McCain saw a wide open grab for women voters by picking a woman that was cute. Seriously. We all know he didn't pick her for her brain! :)
Look at how many stabbings Britain has had since they put in their gun control laws...

I just noticed this statement and all I can say is what?? The rate of stabbings in Britain has not increased significantly at all, the only thing that has increase significantly is the way the media report them in their ongoing onslaught on young people. Also, here in Britain we have always had tight gun control laws, they were last tighten in 1997 as a result of the 1996 Dunblane Massacre, so you can hardly draw parallels beween our gun laws and recent stabbings.
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