08 Presidential Elections

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BTW Ducky that was a type-o on my part, sorry no offense intended~and I changed it~


From a reader in our local newspaper~

Upon reflection, I believe that the Nobel Peace Prize wasn't given to President Obama but to the country that elected him. Not since Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter had we elected a leader with the guts to lead us into the changing world. Instead of a "drill, baby, drill" energy policy, Obama has a policy based on renewable energy and fuel-efficent vehicles. Obama has a human rights policy of anti-torture. Obama has reached out to all religions including Islam, and he has renewed the push for Middle East peace. Obama has embraced the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons. He wants health care for all citizens. Obama united the black and white voters of our great democracy. Perhaps the committee was trying to tell us all something by recognizing that WE elected such a great leader. All Americans should stand tall and feel proud that WE were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize~:bolian:

name witheld
Lake Elsinore, CA.
A couple of letters from readers in our local newspaper~ on President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize~

We have heard many negative opinions concerning President Obama's peace prize such as "Nobel miscue" and "Prize puzzler" Why can we not accentuate the positive? Could it be possible that the Nobel committee saw what we Americans saw when we elected Obama for persident:a person who may change the wrong direction in which many countries, this one included, were going and brng about peace? The way I see it is, the prize could provide the president with a positive legacy~
name witheld
Riverside, CA.

What on earth has happened to American pride? Our president is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, one of the highest honors the world can bestow, and yet your main headline is about a possible Metrolink fare increase:confused: America is just one part of the whole world, and President Obama is gradually bringing back the respect that America enjoyed in the past. Regardless of political affiliation, we should be standing behind him and we should be proud of this prestigious recognition by the world~ AMEN:bolian:
name witheld
Corona, CA.

Riverside Press Enterprize
A positive letter from a reader in our local newspaper on our president~


Republicans and their pundits and columnists malevolently blame President Obama for the economy, which was in tatters and had already been in recession for 13 months when he took office. Miraculously, through the efforts of the Federal Reserve and the Obama administration, the stock market began it's 50% climb less than two months into his presidency. We are already out of the recession, according to many, despite $13 trillion in lost American wealth from the economic meltdown. The extra spending in the Obama stimulus, his only significant budgetary alteration to what he inherited, has been widely considered by economists to be an essential part of fixing the economy. Republicans and other naysayers are like people who borrow you car, crash it, then give it back and trash you for you free-spending ways when you pay to get it fixed:wtf: And now, the FOX news "people" blame Obama for defending himself against such utter nonsense~

Name witheld
Murrieta, CA.
If the House bill were to become law, changes in the way health insurance would work in the U.S. would result. Here's a look at what the bill does:

CREATES A government-run plan, or "public option" to offer insurance coverage. Would compete with the private sector~

SETS UP Health insurance "exchanges" or marketplaces, where consumers can easily compare coverage and rates~

REQUIRES Nearly everyone to obtain health insurance coverage starting in 2013, and allows young adults to remain on their parents policies till their 27th birthday~

PROVIDES Federal financial help for lower-and middle income consumers so they can obtain coverage~

BARS Insurers from denying or limiting coverage because of pre-existing conditions, and insurers from imposing lifetime limits on coverage~

EXPANDS Medicaid coverage to more people~

IMPOSES A 5.4 % surcharge on adjusted gross incomes of more than $500,000 for indivduals and $1 million for joint filers, and penalties on people and businesses who fail to comply with the new law~
Ducky and I have talked this over and we're going to close this thread. The 2008 elections have been over for a year now :)

Don't worry all you political people there will be a new Political thread starting soon :)
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