Head of the Day Shift
LLK: ... I hate you, lol.. I want catnip dream damnit!. Mine are full of smex. I dunno why. Okay so I write alot of catnip smex fics but damnit. I want just a kiss dream.
Michelle knows me well. I am very defensive over CatNip. and yeah, TPTBullshit screw with my CatNip, theres going to hell to pay, and I don't mean that pretty hell that Flackie thinks I'm going to push Tony into.
Your picky dangit, how am I supposed to give you a banner? I do have the original ship banner. Your not getting the one I had before this, its still MINE dangit. I'm so gonna whack you several times on several occasions.
Michelle knows me well. I am very defensive over CatNip. and yeah, TPTBullshit screw with my CatNip, theres going to hell to pay, and I don't mean that pretty hell that Flackie thinks I'm going to push Tony into.
Your picky dangit, how am I supposed to give you a banner? I do have the original ship banner. Your not getting the one I had before this, its still MINE dangit. I'm so gonna whack you several times on several occasions.