*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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LLK: ... I hate you, lol.. I want catnip dream damnit!. Mine are full of smex. I dunno why. Okay so I write alot of catnip smex fics but damnit. I want just a kiss dream.

Michelle knows me well. I am very defensive over CatNip. and yeah, TPTBullshit screw with my CatNip, theres going to hell to pay, and I don't mean that pretty hell that Flackie thinks I'm going to push Tony into.

Your picky dangit, how am I supposed to give you a banner? I do have the original ship banner. Your not getting the one I had before this, its still MINE dangit. I'm so gonna whack you several times on several occasions.
I am very defensive over CatNip
Uh-huh. And I'm uber protective of my D/L :D I should go angsty CatNip cos no one's angsty in here :devil: Mwahaha. I think I will. I can try and keep the fluffy (and somewhat) naughty thoughts to the minimum.

Tell Lynny to go fluffy DL again! :lol:

Your picky dangit, how am I supposed to give you a banner? I do have the original ship banner. Your not getting the one I had before this, its still MINE dangit. I'm so gonna whack you several times on several occasions.
Woah, violent much. I'm so glad we have no relation :lol: Though...I'm not exactly sure how that helps. *runs away*

Maybe CatNip can start off with a break up? And then they can slowly get together...with me stealing Cath away on multiple occasions whilst y'all play with Nicky. :D

mwaha :devil: I have to go plan my lessons now. I shall teach my kindergarteners the beauty of D/L and how angsty catnip is good for the soul *chuckles*

*runs off, dodging the multiple hardcover books being pelted at me*

Oh they are SOOOO totally dating! In fact forget dating...they are freakin' in love and I am almost positive they are just secretly married and have yet to decide to share that juicy tidbit with the rest of us!
You know, I never thought of that. I think I agree, they're totally married...and they have a cat :rolleyes:
Your picky dangit, how am I supposed to give you a banner?

You had some crazy good ones a while ago. I was jealous of them actually. Maybe I'll stick with this one to make you mad. I'm a huge multishipper, don't feel bad.
Hi all, now dont freak on me, remember im a CATNIP newbie, I have questions: How did you get the ship name? & did Catherine ever date/sleep w. any of the other boys like Warrick or Grissom, it seems like they are also big ships w/ her. My personal opinion: Warrick is a cutey, but I only see "friends", & Grissom?, I think Catherine would give him a stroke! Could you imagine them in bed? He'd be whispering shakespeare sweet nothings & she'd be trying to 'close the deal'. Its a rather horrifying thought to me. :eek: no offence to any multishippers! :p :p
I'm so not claiming Rad at the moment.

As far as I know she's never slept with either of the boys. Haha. You are definately loved MJS! *tackles you again* Have I told you I loved you lately?

oh.. liffy, you forgot something.. *throws book at you*
She's slept with Nicky.. it's just unspoken... :devil: just kidding. But really she might as well have, they act like they've been sleeping together since day 1. TPTB just don't want to make it canon yet. But hey, it's better under wraps.

scurries from Twinny
My avenging angel for CatNip Lynny babes decided:
I plan to push CatNip together and then put sticky glue in between them so they'll mesh together and then annoy them until they admit the truth. *brillant!....*
Ohhhhh, brilliant indeed my dear, brilliant indeed! *Mo grins and grabbing the super glue goes to help her bud get these two together!* :lol:

Fluffy wub Aud asked:
See the PTB at one time really liked the idea of CatNip or else they wouldn't have even filmed the kissing scene. What happened there?
Hi wub! *Snuggles!* Yeah they're just torturing us! :p Silly PTB, they want CatNip as much as us...but they know how much we hate waiting and so they've decided to torture us! It's just mean, dang it! *Mo stamps her foot and whines!* :p

Forever pwned by CatNip and happy about it Lynny wondered:
I'm curious to as who started the kiss, if it was him or her. Did she get up close to him and kissed him? or did he grab her and pull her to him and kissed her?
Ohhhhh, good question! I see it being either Cath who grabbed him and just started kissing him or one of those insanely heated moments where they can't take their eyes off eachother and then suddenly they are kissing as if there is no tomorrow! :devil: Ay Carumba!! :devil: :lol:

Angsty niece who's cute as she hides from the flying books Rad waved:
I'm off banner hunting. Wish me luck!
Awwww, I love the D/L one you have now honey! *Mo stares and squees and drools and sqeees some more!* Holy Hotness Batman...I LOVE that banner hon! Wowza...now if only we could get a CatNip scene like that too...wouldn't that freakin' rock y'all!! :D *Mo fans herself over just that thought!* :devil:

they act like they've been sleeping together since day 1.
That's cuz they actually have been! ;) They're just better at hiding it! (Dang them! :lol: )
What's this? Are my girls fightin'? Hmmmmmmm....Spread love. ;)

Mo, the PTB are so messing with our heads. They're totally into this ship. Why would they give us such great shippy scenes if they weren't into it? ;)

They stared into each other's eyes, and they knew...they knew that they could no longer resist the intense fire burning passionately in their souls.... Dude! :devil:
Hello again my wub! *Mo giggles and tackles her Fluffy Twin!* Spread love...yup and lots of smuffy-ness...(is that even a word? :lol: ) Smutty-fluffiness...heck it works! ;)

Thank you hon that is TOTALLY what I'm saying too! The PTB are CatNippers they just fear our "Told you So's" and so they're torturing us...it's really not fair! :p

Speaking of torturing... ;)
They stared into each other's eyes, and they knew...they knew that they could no longer resist the intense fire burning passionately in their souls....
This wouldn't happen to be an excerpt from that lovely smutty CatNip fic of yours that you keep dangling in front of us...would it Fluffy twin?!! If it is, you SOOO need to share...like NOW!! :D Pwease?!
I agree, SHARE IT ALREADY, dangit. You know, your so evil. I should push Linds off a cliff in the baby fic for all the meanass crap you put me through.

So Mo, since I'm scared of Cath at the moment, why don't you go get her and I go get Nicky and then we'll mess them together and annoy them?
Yeah Aud wub, pwease give us your ficcie?! We KNOW it'll be amazing! ;)

Lol, is Cath after you again Lynny? :lol: Not like I'm not scared of her either ya know...but I'll suck it up! ;) Okay you go get Nicky...I'll do something to get Cath *Mo braces herself already to get whacked by an annoyed Cath...* and then we'll super glue them together! :lol:

She's slept with Nicky.. it's just unspoken... :devil: just kidding.
What do you mean "just kidding"?? *picks up Lynny's book and throws it at Rad* They ARE doing it dang it! :lol:

But really she might as well have, they act like they've been sleeping together since day 1. TPTB just don't want to make it canon yet. But hey, it's better under wraps.
They are what we call "undercover" canon. TPTB wants us to guess before they show it :p THEY're together!!

The PTB are CatNippers they just fear our "Told you So's" and so they're torturing us...it's really not fair!
Maybe if we promise to play nice (figuritively speaking) they'll give us catnip? Purrrr....

So Mo, since I'm scared of Cath at the moment, why don't you go get her and I go get Nicky and then we'll mess them together and annoy them?
I'll hold the camera whilst you two are "manoevering" them :lol:

then we'll super glue them together!
Make sure you glue their fronts! Not their backs or all we'll get are a frustrated couple who can't reach each other properly :lol: :devil:

Hehehe...yes Aud! Ficcy! NOWie?!

Btw, is Cath now offcially from Vegas or is she still from Bozeman? PTB can't make up their minds... :rolleyes:

*pops tape into vidcam* We're ROLLING!
I agree, SHARE IT ALREADY, dangit. You know, your so evil. I should push Linds off a cliff in the baby fic for all the meanass crap you put me through.

Oops. :lol: Gosh, I never knew I tortured you so. :( Well, the only thing is that somehow my muse takes off and Nicky ends up flirting with Linds. So you'd just end up killing her anyway. Okay. I give up. If I don't get it out in less than two weeks then you can kick me or do what you want with the baby and Linds. I give. :eek:

Why are you running from Cath? Did you steal Nicky again?
*bribes Nicky to follow her* Just a little further, Nicky..

You actually give?? Wow. I never had you givebefore I dunno what to do with this new information.

*gasps* Did Rad say just kidding? how could you? catnip is so doing it.. well at least I don't have to throw the book, Liffy beat me to it.
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