*:·.CatNip.·:* #8: So Close, Can You Feel The Heat?

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Everything I do is wrong now. Okay, let me rephrase my previous post. Cath and Nick have been mattress dancing since day one. No flippin' joke. Happy Twinny? :lol: I hvae a lot of bruises from being in this thread. Maybe I should just lurk for a while.
LOL!! Cath and Nick are so totally hot. I just wish that TPPB would wake up and smell the roses. They are torturing all of us with this are they or aren't they crap! Just get it out into the open already!!
You go back to lurking and you'll get a harder book. Your choice.

michelle, I agree. I wish they'd quit teasing us. I may love all the teasing but I want my ship canon already damnit!
CathStokes said:
You go back to lurking and you'll get a harder book. Your choice.

michelle, I agree. I wish they'd quit teasing us. I may love all the teasing but I want my ship canon already damnit!
Yeah, but we all know that TPTB are soooo into GSR (sorry multishippers), that they won't even consider another canon relationship.

I want my CatNip and I want it now!!
Aud nah wub...you know I won't hurt you if you don't give us the ficcie...I just really want it, cuz it looks SO good babes...pwease! ;)

Lol, of course Lynny stole Nicky...doesn't she always! ;) (by the way Lynny Cath's looking for you both...so I'd run...again, if I were you babes! ;) )

Lol, Rad niece, don't lurk hon :D It's not worth the whacking! :lol: Plus we likes ya around here...just make sure you show the CatNip love and it's all good! ;)

Lol, Liffy we glued them together face to face...no worries! :devil:
Why are you running from Cath? Did you steal Nicky again?
Lynny always steals Nicky, or at least tries to :p Hehehe...can't do much with Cath prowling the hallways! :lol:

Everything I do is wrong now. Okay, let me rephrase my previous post. Cath and Nick have been mattress dancing since day one. No flippin' joke.
Oooh...yay! Much better :D

I just wish that TPPB would wake up and smell the roses. They are torturing all of us with this are they or aren't they crap! Just get it out into the open already!!
TPTB are being cheeky. The the bag of beans will spill soon. We'll see somewhere a scene where grissom walks in on them. :devil: And we'll see Lynny perched on the window with a vidcam - taking the sight in hungrily :lol:

Liffy we glued them together face to face...no worries!
Or you could glue them in....other places....like between their....FINGERS! :rolleyes: I had a dirty thought...but them modie and her meter appeared in my head and the thought scurried into a hole. Dang it.
Okay, for the sake of my current condition I wont lurk. I do like this thread though. It's certainly I happy place... :devil:.

I had a dirty thought...but them modie and her meter appeared in my head and the thought scurried into a hole. Dang it.

Liff that has happened to me many a time. It's very frusturating indeed.
Lol, Cath doesn't even have to prowl the hallways...it's just the fear of her prowling that will do it most times! :lol:

Lol, I can just picture Griss walking in on them...that would be freakin' hilarious!! There they are gettin' busy and Griss would be like "Um...I need you two at a 419 in..." :lol: And of course we'd be taping it...we always do! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Lol, I'm pretty sure we had the same thought about where to glue them hon :devil: Oh the naughtiness...love it! ;)

Yup Rad, CatNip's always happy...heehee, they're too hot to be anything else!! :D I like your banner by the way hon! ;)
Rad sweetie, your banner is rockin', even if I don't ship GSR :p

CatNip is definately always happy, unless Nicky/Cath did something naughty in which case they're in utter bliss :devil:

Haha, Ya know, I can just see Cath leaning at the end of the hallway and simply saying "I'm coming down the hallway!" And you'll see Mo and Lynny scurry off back and forth, until they appear, lugging a gagged nicky behind them ( :devil: ) and then you'll hear the unmistakable clicking of Cath's heels as she chases after them.

Ahh...the amusement. I'll be sitting there, chuckling to myself as Nicky glares at me :p

My dirty thoughts don't like to be disturbed, otherwise they retreat back to gutterville and refuse to come out until either I'm asleep, or it's accepted :p

Smutty CatNip dreams are interesting :devil:
Liffy you're not a GSR fan? I think this might be the first thing we don't agree on! :lol: Wow! ;)

Lol, yeah it's either happy or utterly blissful...or on their way to utterly blissful...so yeah basically haaaaappppy! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Cute Liffy very cute...you just watch yourself there mister...cuz Lynny and I are experts at kidnapping people...and we've been needing a new "target" for Cath to whomp on while we steal Nicky...(although now that I think about you'd probably like it if she did that! :devil: :lol: ) Hmmmm, well technically Lynny and I know how to evade Cath anyway...it's all about the weaving while running...ain't it Lynny! ;) Hey by the way...where's Kels??

Smutty CatNip dreams are awesome...lucky you if you've been having them! ;)
Lol, of course Lynny stole Nicky...doesn't she always! (by the way Lynny Cath's looking for you both...so I'd run...again, if I were you babes! )

Yeah.. I've been hiding behind Flack and Mac for last 2 hrs. Kels has Nicky covered. *gives Kels a look* And NOT that Covered!

Lynny always steals Nicky, or at least tries to Hehehe...can't do much with Cath prowling the hallways!

Ain't that the truth?

And we'll see Lynny perched on the window with a vidcam - taking the sight in hungrily

*looks around* Did uh.. Flackie tell you about that?

but them modie and her meter appeared in my head and the thought scurried into a hole. Dang it.

Yeah that Modie is an evil one.. *looks around to make sure she's not looking* I can get the real whacks if she chooses to.

Haha, Ya know, I can just see Cath leaning at the end of the hallway and simply saying "I'm coming down the hallway!" And you'll see Mo and Lynny scurry off back and forth, until they appear, lugging a gagged nicky behind them ( ) and then you'll hear the unmistakable clicking of Cath's heels as she chases after them.

..I think we've done that before, haven't we Mo? :lol:

cuz Lynny and I are experts at kidnapping people...and we've been needing a new "target" for Cath to whomp on while we steal Nicky

Oh yes, we need a new target. I mean ..yeah I mean Target. We are experts though, we get Danny on occasion ;)

Hmmmm, well technically Lynny and I know how to evade Cath anyway...it's all about the weaving while running...ain't it Lynny! Hey by the way...where's Kels??

Don't forget the curves! Cath hates curves.. I haven't seen my Kels in awhile. I miss her :( KELS!
Lol, you're the one who told Kels to "cover" him babes, you can't whack her for doing her job well! :devil: :lol:

Yeah we've done that several times Lynny! We didn't get to be experts for nothing! ;) Heehee!

Yeah that's what I'm saying...it's all about the weaving while running and the curves...Cath can't navigate them in those mile high heels she wears! It's our saving grace! ;)

Kels come back!!
I didn't think she thought I meant literally cover him!

We completely rule, Mo :) We know these peeps really well.

I miss CatNip. I hope we get a spoiler soon, we deserve one! They can't just do what they did in the finale and NOT give us something.

Thank god for those curves!

Yes, Kels, Come back!
I'm here. Sorry I've not been around, I've not really been online much this week. I'm off work for the next two weeks so I should be around more. :)

Yeah.. I've been hiding behind Flack and Mac for last 2 hrs. Kels has Nicky covered. *gives Kels a look* And NOT that Covered!
Oh come on, you didn't actually expect me not to take that literally. We had to do something to pass the time. :p

We'll probably not get any new CatNip pics for a while, but I found a couple of new ones with Marg and George from the CSI:Experience.

Liffy you're not a GSR fan? I think this might be the first thing we don't agree on!
Ha, yeah I forgot you were a GSR fan Mo darling. Hey, can't be ALL alike now can we? :lol: Nah, I don't ship GSR, Im a sandle guy ;)

Lol, yeah it's either happy or utterly blissful...or on their way to utterly blissful...so yeah basically haaaaappppy!
There's a naughty scale too :devil: Can't forget about the naughty scale :D

Yeah.. I've been hiding behind Flack and Mac for last 2 hrs. Kels has Nicky covered. *gives Kels a look* And NOT that Covered!
Sore muscles Lynny? :lol: Hahaha, it's no wonder Kels is missing from the thread - she's way too busy with Nicky :devil: I think I'll go play with Cath for a while so Lynny can go chase Kels. :D

*looks around* Did uh.. Flackie tell you about that?
No - no, you're in the background of MY vidcam sweetheart. So ruining my background shot here! Climb higher up a bit will ya!?

Yeah that Modie is an evil one.. *looks around to make sure she's not looking* I can get the real whacks if she chooses to.
Aww...poor Lunny hehehe *runs away*

we've been needing a new "target" for Cath to whomp on while we steal Nicky...(although now that I think about you'd probably like it if she did that!
Oh yeah - she can womp me :devil:

I miss CatNip. I hope we get a spoiler soon, we deserve one! They can't just do what they did in the finale and NOT give us something.
I agree! I haven't even seen the finale yet - but I agree nonetheless! Come on TPTB!

Thank god for those curves!
Haha, you sly people :devil:

We'll probably not get any new CatNip pics for a while, but I found a couple of new ones with Marg and George from the CSI:Experience.
Why so negative? We WILL GEt CATNIP PHOTOS!! But those 2 are love :) You can see Nicky's DYING to run away with Cath. :devil: Go George n Marg! Luurrrve!
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