*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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Lynny, I come bearing gifts again! I hope you enjoy it. It's not much, but I know our utter fluffiness over at other places is getting on your nerves. I bring you this, in hopes that you can forgive us.

I'll see what else I can find, but I know that most anything I've seen, you've already posted around here. You're a fun ship, aren't you all? Thanks for luring me over here, Lynny. I'll try to repay you come spoiler time!
OOh! That pic is purdy Catey! See? I'm baaaaack Lynny! *goes back to hiding behind Mo*

What are the chances of CatNip comin out to NY for a conference? Can I do that? A little C/N fluff with D/L :devil: Oooh...I can soo do that. *steals C/N away from Lynny for an indefinite amount of time and runs away with Mo before being whacked*

Teeheehee. Cake? *leaves a slice of cake for lynny*[/b]

Look! I've got C/N in my avvie now :D Now you can wubs me too Lynny!
Lynny said this in the D/L thread with all the love in her heart:
"I hate you all."
Naturally. But mommy loves you anyway. :p

So I have CatNip ficcie questions: Who would be a better enemy in my ficcie: Marg's real life husband? Or Hodges? Armadillos? :lol:

Cake? Yummy. I bet Nicky likes cake. :D
Mother, why do you be mean to me?

oooh more cake!! *looks around for CatNip* now who stole my catnip this time????

aww you have catnip in your icon now. You get special luv for that. *snuggles*

my catey loves me. such a sweetheart you are.

omg was that cordy I saw posting TWICE in CatNip?? Nah.. it couldn't have been. She doesn't know where the catnip thread is..

oh Mo, lets add:

Cath knows about Nick's sperm. {{Boom}}!
Hey. Well you all know CatNip isn't my number one ship :lol: so, can someone answer this for me? I read somewhere that CatNip fans (well some of them I guess.. Can't say all.. Oh yeah, I'm starting to ramble.. haha) think Nick is Lindsey's father? :eek: Could someone possibly clear this up for me? I guess it's merely more so on opinion, but yeah. :D
That would probably be me going on about that, but if you've seen someone else do it, HELL YEAH!

I dunno, I always think she is, because I think she has alot of Nick in her. and if my calculations right, theres a really good chance that he could be, providing things all planned out like that, because we all know CN did have an affair, it just wasn't shown, so we dunno exactly when it started. so it could been before she got pregnant with Linds, could've been after, *shrugs* Who knows. I just like my theory she is Nick's.
Cath knows about Nick's sperm. {{Boom}}!
*Mo chokes on her water and then explodes laughing!* OMG! I love it hon! :devil: That is freaking hilarious and awesome! :lol:

Wow suddently people are posting in here like crazy...yay! :lol:

Liff babe, if you're stealing CatNip from Lynny you can't hide behind me, cuz she will most definitely whack you for that! Seriously! :lol:

And yup Nicky is Lindsey's father...it's true! It's the Encyclopedia under "CatNip kittens" It says..."The end result of procreation between the two consenting adults that make up CatNip...her name is Lindsey and she is the direct result of the first time her parents were together!" ;)

Okay off to sleep! :D
HeeHeeHee! Lynny wont whack me! She wubs me cos she's a fluffy catnipper! :D

I'm only taking CatNip on a short holiday in the big apple :) Maybe take them a ride through Central park on the carriages and lock them in there! :devil: We'll hear some moanin' and groanin' allright! :D

Cake? Yummy. I bet Nicky likes cake.
Heehee, there's more where THAT came from! :D I bake...alot :devil: Nicky merely needs to send in a order...

How bout 'essense of Nicky' for Cath :devil:
Liff, gets off, cause of catnip in avi :D

See, even Mo agrees with me that Nick is Lindsay's father. Booyah!

..Now, can I have my catnip back??
Lindsay's father or Lindsey's father?? Either way, what a lucky gal! Now all they need is a little Nicky running around. Wouldn't Cath love that! :D

Too bad Wiki isn't always accurate. But in our minds we'll pretend it is! :)

Lynny only whacks those that she loves. That's why she whacks Nicky and Danny often. :devil:
I call her Lindsay, and some call her Lindsey.

Because I pwn you. CatNip baby! .. I'm tellin' you she's his!

Don't forget Flackie. I whack him too, but we won't let him or Danny knows the "love" part.. they'll get all batty eyes at me.
Lol, Liff you're cute and all dude...but trust me, you mess with Lynny's CatNip and she'll most definitely whack you! ;)

Lol, of course I agree with you Lynny when do I not? Well okay, only sometimes...but that's all good! :lol: And yeah, Nicky is totally Linds' daddy! :D

Aud! For me, I think it's Lindsey with an "E"...cuz Lindsay from D/L is with an "A" and that's how I remember the difference! :D And yeah, a little Nickky running around would be SOOO adorable...he could have his Daddy's brown eyes and his Mama's reddish blonde hair...gah he'd be ADORABLE!!!

Lol, Danny can't go batty eyes on you babes, he's too busy making batty eyes at me! ;) Lol! :lol:
Thats nice, you keep him over there.. lol.

Aww a little Nicky running around would be so cute. Especially if he looks alot like Cath, Nick will be like, "He looks like his mommy, and Linds looks like her daddy, nice!"
My LJ is giving me fits! Arg! No posts! :mad:

So Lynny Honey, who made you sad? Ficcie make you feel better?

Y'all hear---Lynny said Lindsey (and 'say') is Nicky's father...no buts about it. No changy either. Let's dream. :)

Little Nicky running around. Gah, he would be so cute. I could just see him running around in a little cowboy hat and itsy bitsy boots. ;)

P.S. Talked to my aunt this weekend. She loves CSI too. She said if anyone should get together it should be the blonde and the Texas guy. Auntie is nice. :)
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