*:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

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yeah, the caption I have would definately be getting me whacked hard. triple whacked by the time she's done.


Poll!Time :)
I suggested a thread title a while back. What happened to that?

Well I don't actually remember what it was so it can't have been that good :lol:

Anyway, I voted for the last one.
*scratches head* I'm sorry.. I didn't remember what it was when I did the poll. *gives you pouty face* Forgives me?


Now we sit and wait.... *sighs* This is going to be fun.


So, anyone think we'll see CatNip in the first ep?
I voted for the last one. It suits them both.

Hehe, I knew that pic would be hard to find a caption for! And Messermonroe, you did keep it clean. I'm proud of you!
*scratches head* I'm sorry.. I didn't remember what it was when I did the poll. *gives you pouty face* Forgives me?
How can I say no to that?
I'll try not to take it personally :)

And yay the last one is totally winning.
The last one is doing pretty good, kickass :)

yay, I'm glad c_l! *snugs*

Catey! You came back! Nice to see you here in CatNipville.
Nick: It's a simple flick of the wrist really...

That was all I could come up with right now. I guess with this thread, I don't know how you guys could twist it. I voted btw, Twinny reminded me to... :D
Yep, I'm back, Lynny. I just feel like I've failed you. Since last spring it's very hard to find good sources for what I've promised you. It's very hard to find any info at all. But I'm still trying! And I will keep it up until I can find anything out for you.
Please tell me your talking dirty?

Yeah, I reminded you alright :D .. We can solve any twisted thing you give us and we can twist anything you give us. :D We're just good like that.
Yea, that's what I figured. Everyone in here is pretty good at twisting, and I love you all for it. So you guys need like 2 more posts, so I'd figure I'd help ya all out. As for the premiere, I think I can see there being a CatNip scene, maybe Nick comforting Cath because she's so torn up about Sara being in danger, or the other way around even, neither of them wants to see thier friend Sara in danger.
aww Catey!Love, it'll be okay babes.

I agree, I'm hoping we'd at least see them interact with each other, it'll be great to see that. especially with everything going on with Sara.

ETA: New thread here
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