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  1. S

    CSI: LV Crossover - What Would You Like To See?

    Hey Mods, if you don't want this thread, that's cool with me. I thought with all the discussion of Crossovers going on in the Spoiler thread, I thought maybe we should create a thread and let everyone go wild with their fantasy crossover. :lol::lol: Who knows, if tptb check this board out...
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    CSI & USA Network

    For those that have forgotten or don't know, CSI will no longer be aired on Spike staring next year! USA Network has exclusive rights to CSI as of this month. On Friday, January 14th, 2011 USA will start airing CSI with a 24-hour launch starting at 6 am. :eek: Wow 24-hours of non-stop CSI...
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    CSI: LV Lifespan

    I saw this on and thought it was hilarious. I thought I'd share it because I believe I've heard a lot of this here regarding CSI:LV Lifespan Of Every TV Show If you can't read it, click here ( So does this sound like CSI:LV? Thoughts? I think it's true. The...
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    CSI Honored for 'Coup De Grace'

    Since I can't figure out how to submit news, I thought I'd pass this along, because us George Eads fans were all over it. :thumbsup: (Thanks to Blackflag for bringing it to George's fans attention) CSI was honored last night, Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at the 3rd Annual Academy of Television Arts...
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    Carol Mendelsohn To Create New TV Series

    This is from Entertainment Weekly: Jim Belushi Nabs CBS Drama PilotTV Guide - February 22, 2010 11:59 PM PST Jim Belushi | Photo Credits: Duffy-Marie Arnoult/WireImage.comTV Guide Jim Belushi is handing in his comedy card. The According to Jim star has been cast as the lead in the CBS...
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    Spike Marathon

    Ok, I couldn't find the thread that was created for Spike marathons or it was just a figment of my imagination. In any case, for those of you that say Spike never shows the two-parters of CSI (which, of course, the rarely do), they are showing them today. So if you don't watch the super bowl...
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    Deadlines and Extensions

    Meg and Kat, delete this thread, rename, or whatever, but I noticed some frustation over deadline extensions and I thought maybe we should have an open discussion about it? This is not to hurt anyone's feelings or to fight, just to see how everyone feels about it and the reasons for the...
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    Have a Pic & Go Create Thread ~ August

    What is this thread, you ask? Well, this idea was inspired by the 1vs1 icon challenge. One of things I like about that challenge is two people are using one cap and then designing an icon for it. I find it really interesting to see how these two different people design the icon, so I thought...
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    Discuss CSI: LV DVD/Blu-Ray 'Extras' - Seasons 1-9

    I was watching some of the extras on the Season 9 blu-rays and I thought, hey, this could be something we can discuss and talk about. So, I'm starting this thread so we can talk about the extras, featurettes, commentaries, deleted scenes, etc. Maybe even what you want to see. Obviously, the...
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    Dear Nick

    ***If you haven't seen 'For Warrick' this story might contain spoilers*** It has always bothered me that Grissom won't tell Nick how he feels. He has always rode Nick hard as a CSI, but I'm still waiting for Grissom to say something nice to Nick. Like telling Warrick, he's the rock. Anyways...
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    US Residents: Let your voices be heard

    Want to tell your senators to do something about our financial crisis, the state of our health care system and unsafe foods? Read this, I got this from Consumers Union that prints Consumer Reports. Take the time to fill out the form. They'll automatically send to your representative.
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    Add a line Vegas Style

    Ok, I looked and I think this thread is gone, so how about we start another one. I really like this idea. *thinks* *thinks* Nick arrives back at the lab and notices something strange.
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    Edit Your Post CSI Style

    So, I saw this on another board where you "Delete your post CSI style". I thought that maybe some of you might find this fun. Being a CSI LV fan I was going to start this thread there, but then I thought all CSI fans might like it. Since we can't go back and "delete" our posts, I thought...
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    What Does Your User Name Mean?

    I saw this on another board and thought that maybe everyone, or most of everyone on this board might like it. So, tell us what your user name means or tell us why you chose it. Though some user names are probably obvious, I've seen a lot of not so obvious ones. stokesgirl - Pretty obvious...
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    Writer' Strike

    Ok, I don't know if I can post this here, but I'm so excited I can't contain myself. THE STRIKE IS OVER! The writers are going back to work and our CSI shows, we may get 4-8 shows to air March/April/May. Nothing's definite yet, but keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!