What Does Your User Name Mean?

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I saw this on another board and thought that maybe everyone, or most of everyone on this board might like it.

So, tell us what your user name means or tell us why you chose it.

Though some user names are probably obvious, I've seen a lot of not so obvious ones.

stokesgirl - Pretty obvious, CSI LV is my favorite show and Nick Stokes my favorite character, though I love them all. I'm a huge fan of George Eads. Man, that man is hot! :devil: So I took Nicky's last name and added girl, cause, well, I'm a girl and I wanted everyone to know who my favorite is. :)
I could be crazy in thinking we already have a thread like this, but I don't know. I'll participate anyways. :D

SpeedsDaughter - Awhile back, I created a character for an RP site who's name was Isabella Speedle. Sissi is a diminuitive form of Isabella, and since when I was designing Isabella she was intended to be Speed's daughter... yeah.

*headdesk* :lol:
For me, I live in Las Vegas, the hot, arid desert, and it's quite windy alot, brutal, sooo desertwind plus our cast films here on ocassion, but I didn't want some corney CSI/Vegas name.. I was going to be Desert_ Rose, but my son-in-law suggested this, and wa-la.. there ya' go!
Jacquie said:
My user name is my name :) or actually the shortened version of my name.

I did go back and find the the thread that was sitting unused since November

Where Did You Get Your User Name

^^ I did remember right - there was thread like this a while ago :p Go there and continue there. I still consider it as fresh one ;)
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