Lindsey giggled and nuzzled him with her nose.
"Wait daddy, I gotta give you an butterfly kiss!" Lindsey leaned in, fluttering her eye lashes on his cheek.
Lindsey smiled a little, "Well not really. I mean I don't understand why you can't. But I know that you can't. And I triust you and mommy." She whispered back to him.
Lindsey stood quietly on her bed, one of her dad's hands covering her mouth, the other wrapped around her supporting her. She was breathing slowly, listening carefully.
Lindsey was sleepy, her head resting on her mom's shoulder, her eyes closed. But she heard the door close and her head picked up quickly,
"Daddy?!" She called, looking towards him.
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written
Yeah I think that typically the age on here is from about 13-25 or something like that.
Not me, I am still sort of a newbie. Just joined this year!
Lindsey sighed, "Ok. But he better get home soon!" She pretended to pout, and then skipped away, looking for some other trouble she could get into.
((hehe, peanut butter flavored? love it.))
Lindsey giggled and climbed into the tub. Soon she was clean again, long blonde hair brushed and into her pajamas.
"I don't wanna sleep yet mommy. We got to wait till Daddy comes home first!"
I think it is McSteamy....
Scene quotes:
Cristina: McSexy?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: McYummy?
Meredith & Cristina: No.
Meredith: McSteamy.
Cristina: Ah, there it is.
Izzie: Yep.
George: Now...I'll just be choking back some McVomit
Lindsey grinned,
"Mommy!" She yelled running across the room and hugging her mom, "I thought you would never come back. I mean it's been weeks!" She called her eyes wide.
(ok good, I like younger Lindsey! lol)