Modern Day Romeo and Juliet- RP

Catherine sighed. "I'll try to get back soon okay sweetie? There's some leftover mac and cheese in the fridge, you can heat that up if I'm not back by then, love you sweetie." Cath said before planting a kiss on her beloved daughter's forehead.
"Ok mommy." Lindsey said watching her mom go. Then she walked over to the couch and hit the button to turn on the TV, curling up in a little ball on the couch.
"I love you." Cath said before she finally left, and then practically ran to her father's house. Even though she technically lived there, she was never there. She walked into the living room where she found her father. She coursied like she should and then came back up. "You called?" she asked sweetly.

Sam Braun was starting to get an idea. After looking through his address book, and his calendar, he determined that he was long over due for a Bellagio ball.
With a few phone calls, he determined this would be the perfect time to introduce Catherine to some of his buddies' sons. They were very rich and he could use some extra financial security for his daughter.

He looked up to see his daughter in the doorway.
"Oh, yes. I was thinking about a few things. Specifically how you're never around." He gave her a stern look.
"I'm throwing a huge party at the Belagio tomorrow night, and I expect you to come. I have plenty of moguls who have had their eye on you, so start picking out an outfit now. You can thank me for this later, I have a few people to call."
With that, he got up and walked to his office.
Catherine simply rolled her eyes, sighed and walked out the door. She had plenty of outfits at the house, although she planned on ditching that party really quick.
Lindsey was hungry. Climbing off the couch she wandered into the kitchen, opening the fridge to pull out the container of mac and cheese. She squinted at it, poking it with her finger. It didn't look safe. So she set it back in the fridge, looking around for something else she could eat.

She pulled out the bread and some peanut butter. But she couldn't find any jelly. So Lindsey made herself a peanut butter sandwhich, and then went back to sit on the couch. Soon she had sticky peanut butter all over her face, including in her hair.

:)lol: hehe I can see that happening ^ anyways is it ok with everyone if I play secret, hidden Lindsey a little younger? or should i change the way I am writing?)
(No it would probably actually be better for her to be a little younger, then Cath wouldn't have to be as old lol)

Cath returned home to see a peanut buttered Lindsey. "Linds! What did you do?" she said as she walked into the door.
Lindsey grinned,
"Mommy!" She yelled running across the room and hugging her mom, "I thought you would never come back. I mean it's been weeks!" She called her eyes wide.

(ok good, I like younger Lindsey! lol)
Nick hurried up to finish his case, to get home to his two favorite girls, but it seems like everytime he tried, people stopped him.
Catherine sighed and looked at her daughter. "Come on, get in the tub, we need to get you cleaned up Lindsey." Cath said. She had been given enough stress and then had to come home to her a peanut butter flavored daughter. Not the best day of her life.