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  1. Imperfect

    The ressurection of Duckman (Sara/Cath Slash fic)

    ya, i'm ready!!!!!! post another chapter soon!!!
  2. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Re: Up and downs of the day, etc. etc Down: NCIS and House are both on at the same time on Tuesdays...why must I choose? Up: I feel happy! Down:
  3. Imperfect

    The Big Secret another chapter soon... please :D :D :D :D
  4. Imperfect

    The ressurection of Duckman (Sara/Cath Slash fic)

    that is so good. i'm really excited...i really liked the first one, and i really like this one so far. good job :D
  5. Imperfect

    ~ GSR~ Without them - We'd Crumble

    what a great story. i love it!!!!
  6. Imperfect

    I'm Sorry That You Love Me- GSR fic

    that is so awesome!!!!!! great story...hurry up and continue it...i really like it :)
  7. Imperfect

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    ^^Awe so harsh! I can't believe what disgusting thoughts Levon just put in my head! Ewww....
  8. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: Going to a movie with Levon! :D Up: We had a tea party in one of my classes today! (The teacher's really nice! The course has NOTHING to do with tea) Down: Levon just filled my head with disgusting thoughts :lol: Down: It's windy outside
  9. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    Okay, I am seriously SO stupid...I thought this was a different thread 3 times and Levon had to keep screaming the title before I understood :lol: I haven't really told anybody so I really haven't "come out of the closet yet" Even though I don't live in a can ask Levon about living...
  10. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    The first (and only) guy i kissed was in grade 2. :lol: i haven't ever been in a serious relationship before this one. Although one time when i was 5 i chased a boy under a table to kiss him...the next time i saw him was 5 years later and my mom totally embarrassed me. any way as you can tell...
  11. Imperfect

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    to guy at school: stop making fun of cutting, people who cut themselves and me. you are so stupid. you're not funny. i don't appreciate you jumping in front of me in hallways to say "cut my wrists and die, cut your wrists and die" i would say something again if it wasn't that you are over a foot...
  12. Imperfect

    I'm Sorry That You Love Me- GSR fic

    ya! grissom lived!!! that makes me happy :) . i joined the fan club too!!!!!!!!!! :p
  13. Imperfect

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To my mom: teeheehee, I make a good detective...I know your secret To guy at school: get this through your skull...cutting is real, no I do not cut myself and emos don't all cut themselves. You think you're funny ding imitations of people who cut themselves, people die from that every day. You...
  14. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    Wouldn't it be weird if gay people were heterophobic?????????????????? tehteh.....random :p
  15. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: With the lovley Levon :) Up:finally got an avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up:doing a CSI thing in shcool today:D
  16. Imperfect

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    Hey CSI_Mania, snagged number 98, will credit :)
  17. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    One time i was in a class and the teacher was explaining the definition of 'dyke' (meaning a pile of dirt to help drain marshy farm land) and that 'dike' spelt with a 'i' meant a masculine the guy in front of me turned around and said "She's a dike" pointing to me. all the people...
  18. Imperfect

    Weird Dreams

    i had a dream once that i woudn't let Levon kill this popular girl because the popular girl had aids and levon would get her boold in her eyes and get aids was pretty weird, i think i had just watched the CSI episode like that.
  19. Imperfect

    Have you ever... ?

    yes. i found them when i shook my head and they fell off!!! have you ever wrapped something in a napkin at a restauraunt and had it thrown out? i have, i wrapped up my old retainer and it got thrown out like 5 times:D